Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 426 The People Who Shouldn't Have Appeared

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"What did my mommy do to your mommy?" Zac was deeply worried. Things seemed to be more

serious than he had expected.

"You won't believe me even if I tell you the truth. Why don't you go back and ask your mom? It would

be more real if she admits it herself." Finishing her words, she pushed him away and sat up, "I'm going

back to my room. I have a meeting in the afternoon."

She walked to the window, opened the curtains, looked outside and found no one was outside. Then

she quickly opened the door and sneaked out as if she was a thief.

Zac was at a loss whether to cry or to laugh. Since they hadn't divorced yet and they were now legally

married, what was she worried about?

Her room was next to his. When she stepped into it, she took a shower first. After changing into clean

clothes, she stood in front of the mirror and saw the clear hickeys on her neck. She was so upset.

Why did the demon always make trouble for her? When it was seen by others in the meeting later, they

must be thinking a lot.

She hurriedly pulled out some powder to cover it.

When she was about to go out to the dining hall for lunch, she opened the door and saw Zac. He had

just taken a shower and changed his clothes.

"Miss. Yi, let's go to have lunch." Zac said in a fake calm tone. But this was the best choice for her, and

she continued, "This way, Mr. Rong." She replied politely and went upstairs.

When they just arrived at the gate of the dormitory, they saw two familiar figures walking towards them

from not far away.

Zac recognized her at the first sight. He cursed at her, "Damn it! What are they doing here?" Finally, his

relationship with the muddleheaded woman had some hope, and he hoped to have a few quiet days

here. How could these two huge dark clouds keep blocking out the sun?

When Essie saw them, she was shocked and said, "Aren't they Leila and Hanson? What are they doing

here? "

"What do you think?" Zac's face darkened. Lightning flashed, and he seemed to have seen the God of


"Honey --" Leila called him affectionately and loudly, wishing that the whole island could hear it.

Essie got goose bumps all over the ground. She rubbed her arms and hurried to run towards Hanson.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Zac felt like he had been abandoned again. But this time, it was not his little fool's fault. It was two

unexpected visitors.

"Honey, I miss you so much." Leila grabbed his arm and leaned her head against his shoulder. Pulled

his arm out, Zac pushed her away almost subconsciously. "The construction work here is heavy, not

your home. Be careful."

Leila pouted, "What's the matter? I'm your wife, not an outsider. Only the outsiders need to be careful."

While saying that, she took a glance at Essie. She said that not only for Zac, but also for Essie.

"Well, I'm going to have lunch with Miss Yi, you can go with us," Zac said. He walked away.

When he walked past them, Hanson put his arm around Essie's shoulders unconsciously, as if to

announce his sovereignty.

A streak of fury filled in the eyes of Zac. If his eyes could turn into a sharp arrow, it would shoot through

Hanson Xia's hand. What pissed him off most was that Essie cooperated with him and didn't have any

signs to get rid of his arm and smiled to him.

"Hanson, why are you here?"

"I heard that the island is still in the development stage with imperfect facilities and poor living

condition. I was worried about you when you came here alone, so I rushed over, Hanson said. Of

course, the person he worried most was Zac. Luckily, when he was free, Alice called him and asked

him to come here in a hurry to take care of Essie, in order to prevent Zac took the chance to win

Essie's heart.

"Then why are you with Leila?" She raised her eyebrows slightly.

"I met her when I got off the plane. I didn't expect her to come as well," Hanson said in a plain tone.

"Okay." Hearing that, Essie nodded and said no more. She then took him to have lunch. She was so

hungry that she couldn't stop herself from starving. It was all the big demon's fault who exhausted her

yesterday. At the thought of that, she felt very sorry for Hanson. She was really a bad woman and didn't

deserve his care.

In the canteen, they each found a table and sat down.

Essie served a few more dishes that Hanson liked to eat. "The only advantage of staying here is that

we can have seafood at every meal." She giggled.

"You should eat more. You are too thin." As he said, Hanson gave her a piece of crab meat.

"You too." Essie picked up a piece of his favorite shrimp, and said.

Zac sat not far away and peeked at them. He was envy and jealous. He had a strong sense of

presence when Hanson was away. As soon as Hanson showed up, he was completely invisible and

was ignored.

"Honey, why don't you eat? Is the food here too bad for you? " Seeing that he didn't eat anything, Leila

quickly asked. In fact, she really didn't have appetite. She was spoiled from her childhood and got used

to the cook's food, so it was difficult for her to eat the food in this kind of public canteen.

Zac was stimulated by another table. He had no appetite and no mood.

"The food from the canteen is good and you can't be too picky about it." As he said, he picked up a

corn bun and took a big bite. He sneaked through his eyelashes and looked at the two who were eating

and serving each other at the other table. He chewed hard as if to release his anger.

Leila keenly noticed his abnormality, and a hint of jealousy was hidden in her eyes. She knew that she

couldn't let him have a chance to stay with Essie alone. The two of them were like the firewood and

fire, which was likely to kindle and burn at any time they met. Fortunately, she was smart enough to fly

there in time to guard against them gradually.

"Honey, do you think that Essie and Hanson are a perfect match?" she asked deliberately.

He didn't think so. Zac groaned in his mind. They were not for each other from head to toe, only he and

his little

fool were well matched, even the cells and pores were well matched. She was made of his ribs, and

born to fit in his embrace.

When Zac didn't respond, she added, "Next month, let's go to their engagement ceremony together,


"I don't have time," Zac said impatiently. If he went there, he would lose control and take her away.

"Honey, I think you should prepare a gift for them even if you don't want to go with me? She didn't

come to our wedding last time, but she asked her secretary to send us a gift. " Leila said purposely.

The more Zac didn't want to talk about it, the more she wanted to irritate him. Only in this way could he

accept the fact that Essie was going to be another man's wife.

Zac was surprised. "She sent me a gift. Why didn't I see it?"

"Her secretary was sent directly to the periodical office. I didn't think it was a big deal, so I didn't tell

you," Leila explained.

"What is it from her?" Zac asked in curiosity.

"A golden cuckoo," Leila said slowly, "Her secretary said that cuckoo means' love '. Is that the meaning

of blessing us?"

Blessing? Zac raised his beautiful eyebrows slightly. Last night, that woman said that she would curse

them and let God punish them. How could she send her wishes so kindly?

He touched his chin, and his eyes fell on the table not far away, a sharp look flashing across his eyes.

"In that case, you should prepare a gift too."

"Okay." Leila nodded. She wanted to bless them to be together forever, so that she wouldn't need to

worry that Essie and Zac would get back together.

After dinner, Essie and Hanson went for a walk on the beach. Zac and Leila were there as well. The

most beautiful part of the island was the natural beach that was not stained by human beings. It was

also the best place for couples.

"The air here is so fresh. Even my lungs are purified." Essie turned to the sea and took a deep breath.

"For me, wherever you are, the air is fresh." Hanson smiled. He looked at her with a pair of soft eyes.

The two dimples on her cheeks slightly swayed as she smiled. She naughtily kicked the sand under her

feet, and then squatted down and said, "Hanson, let's build a sand castle, shall we?"

"Okay." Hanson sat on the beach and began to make sand.

Zac was standing on a reef not far away and peeked them from the corner of his eyes from time to

time. He went crazy. He had made a lot of plans this morning. After the meeting, he took Essie to

the racing yacht to have a tour on the sea. Then they caught a few fishes. Later, they two had a

barbecue party. Besides, they would catch the crab at the crevice... However, it turned out that their

plan had been destroyed.

"Honey, what are you thinking about?" Seeing that he was silent for a long time, Leila asked in


"Let's go back tomorrow," Zac said in an indifferent tone.

"Really? We'll go back tomorrow?" Leila's eyes lit up with excitement. The food here was so terrible

that she could not stand it. If she knew it earlier, she would bring more snacks here.

Zac knew that she misunderstood him. He explained, "I want to stay here for a few more days. You can

go back tomorrow."

Leila was shocked. Her eyes became gloomy all of a sudden. "No! If you don't go, I won't go, either. I'll

stay with you. Wherever you are, I'll be there."

"I'm here for work, not for a vacation." Zac frowned.

"I won't disturb you." Leila pouted. She couldn't rest assured with Essie here. Even if he drove her out,

she wouldn't leave. She would keep an eye on him.

How could Zac not see what she was thinking about? He smiled with a sneer, "Leila, what I want is a

good wife, not a clingy and suspicious little woman."

"Brother Zac!" Leila lowered her head, putting on a pitiful look. She was going to use her 'suffering

scheme'. She apologized, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to piss you off. I'm just afraid that I can't see you

when I'm dying because of the sudden virus attack. "

"Then you'd better go back. This is not a good place for the medical treatment. It would be terrible if the

virus had attacked. I don't want you to be in danger," Zac said in a soothing tone.

"Brother Zac, I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid that I can't see you. As long as you are with me, I will

not be afraid of death. " Leila blinked her eyes and squeezed out a tear.


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