Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 454 Force Her To Admit Her Love To Him

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Leila shivered. She almost forgot their sisters' relationship.

Mary put her arm around her shoulder and said, "It is a good idea as Zac said. Just rest assured. If you

are unwilling to break up with the Qin family and you can't show loyalty to the elders to dispel their

misgivings, you won't be able to marry into the Rong family even if your leg is broken kneeling here."

Leila lowered her head and said, "As long as I and Zac have a baby as soon as possible, and the

elders will have a great grandson, then they will accept me, right?" In her eyes, children were the best

token and guarantee.

Mary sighed, "There are so many kids of the Rong family. the grandfathers don't care about the one

you give birth to. And today, grandfather has said that the child you and Zac give birth to can't be the

next successor of the Rong family. If Zac doesn't want his nephew to take over the heritage, he will

have to find other women to have his baby. "

It was like a huge thunderstorm from the sky, cutting her into pieces.

"Why are you so cruel to me?" She embraced her arms, trembling all over, and her limbs were cold.

"All right. Didn't Zac give you a chance? As long as you make it, Zac and I can intercede with our

elders for you." Mary comforted. She didn't care about Leila's feeling at all. Her purpose was to take

advantage of her to get rid of Essie. Her son was really a good idea, and she had to persuade Leila to

accept it.

Leila bit her lips, "My mom told me that uncle has already gone to the Xu family to propose a marriage.

They are eager to have Alice in the family. It's not easy to ruin their relationship. What if cousin and

uncle find out?" Although doing such things was one of her expertise, it was different this time. She was

worried that she might be kicked out of the Qin family.

"My silly girl, how could you do it in the open? Of course we have to do it secretly. " Mary patted her on

the shoulder. She had to make some time to give her a plan. As long as she could keep her position in

the family, then Essie would be able to completely disappear from the Rong family.

"Be patient and asked mommy for her advice." What Zac said was meaningful. After saying that, he put

on a gentle expression, caressed her head, and then turned to the Rolls Royce which was waiting in


The one he got in was the one Essie got in. When Leila saw that, her face turned a little pale. It

seemed that she had to do that even if she didn't want to, or Essie would certainly come back again.

Essie was leaning against the back of the chair and closing her eyes for rest. Since Zac had stayed

outside for a long time, she believed he was comforting his wife.

Thinking about this, she felt sorry for Leila. She was stuck in a dilemma between the two families. As

long as the two people truly loved each other, there was no need to care so much. The two elders

didn't beat up the couple, forcing them to divorce, just not allowing her to marry into the Rong family.

When her parents married, the elders of the Yi family didn't allow them to get in, her father took them to

live alone outside. Now they all reunited.

The two elders were also testing her in a disguised way. If she could really abandon everything for the

sake of Zac, how could they not accept her?

It was a pity that she showed her greed too obviously. The reason why she was so eager to marry into

the Rong family was not only because she wanted to be recognized, but also because she wanted to

be the future hostess of the family.

The two elders were very sharp eyed. It was not hard for them to not know what she was thinking. It

would be strange if they could accept her.

When he opened the door of the car, she knew it was Zac. She was so familiar with his smell that she

could still feel his existence even if they were several meters away.

"Have you pacified your wife?" she asked casually without opening her eyes.

"What? Are you jealous?" A faint smile played at the corners of Zac's mouth.

"It's none of my business." Essie shrugged. She was neither his wife nor his underground lover now, so

how could she deserve to be jealous of him?

"Well, you know yourself well enough," Zac said slowly, like a cold wind, through her hair.

She opened her eyes, with her elbow on the handle of the car door, supported her head and said, "You

love Sharon, don't you?" She stared at him without a blink, as if she wanted to see all his facial


Unfortunately, he wore a cold face, which froze all his expressions. His dark eyes were particularly

deep, like a pool of ice, which could not be seen at all.

"You are not smart in other things but good at thinking wildly." His tone was full of irony.

Essie rolled her eyes at him. Did she say anything wrong? Even if he had some difficulties in getting

married to her, what about the wedding? Did someone put a knife on his neck and force him to hold it?

A person who dared to do such a thing was probably nowhere to be found on the earth.

"If you don't love her, how could you give your first marriage to her?"

"Is it my first marriage with her?" Zac said and raised his eyebrows. He doubted that her Chinese was

taught by a P.E. teacher that she couldn't even distinguish between first marriage and second marriage.

But there was another meaning in 'first marriage' by Essie.

"The first marriage is the short for the first wedding ceremony. Is that okay?" She stared at him angrily.

Was it necessary to talk nonsense? Thinking that she wasn't his bride for his first wedding ceremony,

she felt like being kicked into the sea of jealousy.

Some selfish light swept past Zac's face. He suddenly leaned over, with one hand on the window and

the other on the back of the seat, making a gesture of hugging her. "Do you really mind about the

wedding ceremony?" His handsome face was so close to her that almost clung to her. His burning

breath gently swirled on her face, making her pink cheeks burn.

"Your wedding ceremony has nothing to do with me." She lowered her eyes with a guilty conscience,

letting the thick eyelashes cover her flickering eyes. She was afraid that he would pry into her secrets

that she was not willing to tell him the truth.

Unfortunately, her usual slight expression did not escape the sharp eyes of Zac. There was a glimmer

of hope in his eyes. He still had him in this muddled-headed girl's mind, but it was not as important as

Hanson. As long as Hanson was not present, he would feel full of existence. Once he appeared, he

would be an invisible person and kicked to the corner to draw circles.

This feeling made him annoyed and frustrated. Perhaps he should adopt the method of pressing. Once

there was some feeling for him in her heart, he would force it out so that it would not have a chance to

disappear. Little by little, accumulated more and more, and he would surpass Hanson sooner or later.

Thinking of that, he grasped the tip of her chin and raised her head to force her to look at him in the

eye. "I heard that you went to the Legendary on my wedding day. What are you going to do there?"

A hint of panic passed across Essie's faces. She unconsciously moved backward, as if a little thief was

caught stealing and wanted to hide in a place. "You... How did you know? "

"I have been to the Legendary, and the guards told me." Zac made up an excuse. He didn't want her to

know his spy was around her.

"I... I left something there. I just went to look for it," she explained with hesitation.

"Why do you have to go there on that day?" Zac asked. It seemed that he didn't want to let her go.

"I happen to be free that day." Her voice was as low as breathing.

"I remember that you sent me a message, saying that you are busy with your work and have no time to

attend my wedding. Why do you suddenly have time to go there again?" He pressed step by step, and

his tone was not willing to stop.

In Essie's chest, her heart was beating faster and faster, and her pulse was out of order. When the

energy in her brain was fully activated, she exerted herself to find the wording, "Well... I was supposed

to be very busy, I had an appointment of a meeting with a client. But he had to cancel it for the moment.

So I was free them."

"Since you are free, you should attend the wedding. We were a couple. I am remarried. You should

appear in a natural way and give me your blessings."

The sunshine was pouring in through the car window. His deep and cold eyes were unusually sharp in

the sunshine. Anger welled up in her heart, and she unconsciously clenched her fists.

Blessing? Why should she bless them? She was abandoned. Was it necessary for her to be happy?

"You will certainly attend my engagement ceremony next month and bless me and Hanson, right?" she


Immediately, a malicious and malicious look was shown on Zac's face. What he wanted to do was only

to take her away!

"Don't change the topic. Answer me honestly. What were you going to do in the Legendary?" He didn't

allow her to escape, he had to force out her feelings, even if only a little.

"I've told you to look for something." She clenched her teeth to prevent herself from saying something

she shouldn't.

"Search for something or memory?" He raised his voice, "Why didn't you admit that you minded my

wedding? Why don't you admit that you are reluctant to leave me? Why don't you admit that you care

about me? "

His burning breath besieged her, one by one. Every word he uttered was like a bullet being fired out of

the machine gun, one after another, penetrated her emotional defense system, and hit the most fragile

part of her heart heavily.

"I'm not looking for memory. I just want to say goodbye to anything that has happened to you in the

past. You are someone else's husband. It has nothing to do with me. I will erase all our past from

memory, just as I did eighteen years ago and forgotten our childhood. I want to start my new life and be

the wife of Hanson. I want to love him!" she shouted, full of excitement. Her feelings for him started

from that place, and they should end there, thoroughly!

A hint of shock and pain crawled into his eyes. He reached out his hand, grabbed her arm and forcibly

pulled her into his arms.

"I forbid you to forget me!" He said that peremptorily, bowed his head and kissed her on the lips.

She was like a frightened deer, struggling in his arms and hitting him on the shoulder with her little

hands. Instead of getting relieved, he kissed her harder, as if to swallow her whole.

A feeling of shame and indignation rose from her chest. She clenched her teeth and bit his lips.


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