Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 535 Lady Rose's Confusion

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Hearing that Lady Rose looked exactly like Mary, Alena was very curious and invited her to come here.

As soon as Lady Rose entered the gate of the house, a strange look appeared on her face. "My God,

this is exactly the same place I went in my dream."

Looking at each other, Essie and Zac asked in surprise, "did you dream of the Rong mansion?"

"You won't believe it. I often dream of a strange place, where there is a strange man and a child. That

child is so young, so young, and he just learned to walk. He stumbled towards me and called me

mommy in a childish voice..."

Lady Rose said, closing her eyes. "Let me guess. The wide road in the center leads to the big house.

Walking to the right was a very beautiful classical corridor. There was a lotus pool outside. Every

summer, the green lotus leaves would cover the entire pond. If you keep walking on the left, you can go

to a big garden, which is full of all kinds of flowers and a jasmine field that I like most. "

"You are right!" Essie was shocked.

Looking at Lady Rose, Zac's dark eyes flashed with a deep and sharp light. "Have you really never left


Lady Rose shrugged her shoulders and said, "in fact, I don't know either. Since the car accident, I don't

remember what happened in the past. All I know is that my mother and father told me."

"You had a car accident?" Zac was slightly shocked.

"Yes, my husband was killed in that car accident." There was a touch of sadness on Lady Rose's face.

"I'm sorry." Said Zac in a low voice.

Irene raised her eyebrows, her eyes filled with confusion and doubt. "Mom, it's incredible. If you haven't

been here, why are you so clear about everything here?"

"I don't know." Lady Rose sighed.

Looking at them, Essie said slowly, "dreams are usually people's subconscious reaction. Since you can

dream of here, it means that you must have been here before, but you don't remember."

"That's impossible. I don't know anyone in the family at all." Lady Rose's lips trembled with fear.

When they were talking, Mary came over not far away. She had been eavesdropping behind a big tree

just now and heard them clearly. Her internal organs began to spasm.

It was so horrible. The appearance of Lady Rose was like a thunder exploding above her head, and it

was likely to destroy her whole world.

"Lady Rose is here. Mrs. Alena is waiting for you in the hall. Come with me." She said with a faint smile

and led them to the house.

In the hall, Alena had ordered tea and desserts. When she saw Lady Rose, she was also shocked.

"When I saw you, I thought of Mary's sister, Charlotte. When she first came here, I was also shocked.

They looked so alike that even Albert couldn't even distinguish Mary from them." Alena said to them.

Zac turned to Mary and asked, "Mommy, can you tell me something about auntie?"

An indescribable gloom streaked across Mary's face. "It's been a long time. There's nothing to say. It's

just sad to say it."

"Is auntie really dead?" A sharp light flashed through Zac's eyes.

Alena sighed and said, "she and your mommy had a car accident in a small town in the south of

France. At that time, the car rushed into the sea, and your aunt pushed your mommy out of the car at a

critical moment, but she fell into the sea with the car. At that time, Albert took his men and the local

police to rescue the car in the river, but they didn't find your aunt's body. The police have been

searching in the sea for half a month, but they still haven't found her. They suspect that she was

washed away by the sea, or eaten by sharks. "

Mary sighed heavily, "how could it be possible for her to survive after she rushed into the sea from such

a high place?"

Hearing their words, Irene came to realize something. "Do you suspect that my mother is Mrs. Mary's

twin sister?"

Lady Rose trembled violently, and a hint of astonishment flashed through her eyes. Would she and

Mrs. Mary be sisters? She had never thought about it.

"Everything is possible." Zac shrugged.

"No, no, it's impossible." Irene hurriedly waved her hand and said, "my mother is grandpa and

grandma's biological daughter. She can't be Mrs. Mary's sister."

"We'll know whether Lady Rose and my mother-in-law are related by blood by testing." Said Essie


Mary was a little annoyed by her suggestion. She didn't want to have any family test with this woman.

Even if she was her sister, she didn't want to admit it.

"Well, let's talk about it later. There is no such a coincidence in the world. Charlotte is dead. Lady Rose

can't be her."

Lady Rose really wanted to figure it out. After all, it was too strange for her to dream of the family.

Seeing that his mother seemed to be against this matter, Zac thought that it was about her sadness, so

he didn't say anything more.

However, Essie felt that Mary's reaction was a little strange. It should be a happy thing for them to

reunite with families. Whether Lady Rose was Mary's sister or not, she should be very active to find out

the truth, not to deny it. It seemed that she didn't want her sister to be alive at all.

After that, Zac and Essie took Lady Rose and Irene to the garden.

It was the season for jasmines to bloom. The air in the garden was filled with a faint fragrance of

flowers, which was refreshing.

A tall and strong figure stood in the flower field with his back to them.

Lady Rose saw the back and trembled violently. "He is..."

"It's my daddy." Zac said softly and called Albert.

Albert turned around and smiled gently at them, "boy, are you so free today to accompany your

mommy to enjoy the flowers?"

"Daddy, this is not mommy. This is Lady Rose from Provence. She looks exactly like mommy."

Explained Zac in a hurry.

"Really?" Albert was a little stunned. He just came back and knew that there was a guest in the

mansion, but he didn't know that the guest looked exactly like his wife.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Rose."

"Me too, Mr. Albert." Lady Rose looked at Albert and tried her best to keep calm, but her heart was like

a torrent. The man's back completely overlapped the person she saw in her dream.

She had always thought that the man she dreamed of was her husband who she could not remember

at all. When she saw him today, she found that the man in front of her had never been her husband,

but the person in front of her.

But she had never met him before. Why did she dream of him?

She couldn't figure it out.

Did she really have some connection with Mrs. Mary?

"Just now we said that Lady Rose looked so much like mommy. She might be mommy's missing twin

sister." Said Essie with a smile. She deliberately used the word "missing" instead of "dead". Since no

corpse was found, she could only be regarded as missing.

A deep light flashed through the eyes of Albert, "it's really possible. If Lady Rose is really your

mommy's sister, your mommy must be very happy."

With a faint smile on her face, Essie didn't notice the joy on Mary's face at all. Instead, she felt uneasy

and resistance.

Lady Rose looked at the jasmine field in front of her.

White flowers were clustered around, like white clouds falling from the blue sky.

"The flowers are so beautiful." She sighed with emotion, as beautiful as she had seen in her dream.

"You like jasmines, too?" Albert asked.

"My mommy likes jasmines the most." Irene replied on behalf of her mother.

Albert raised his thick eyebrows slightly. He remembered that Charlotte hated jasmines the most. When

she came to the garden, she would make a detour to avoid this Jasmine field.

"Mary also likes jasmines. She personally planted this flower field." Said Albert in a low voice.

"Mom, you look like Mrs. Mary and you have the same preferences." Irene said with a smile.

Lady Rose smiled, "yes, what a coincidence."

There was a sharp look on Albert's face. This Lady Rose didn't seem to be like Charlotte, because

although Charlotte and his wife were twins, their interests, preferences and even tastes were

completely different. What Charlotte liked was almost hated by Mary, and Charlotte didn't like what

Mary liked either.

At this time, Mary came over from a gravel path not far away. "Dinner is ready. Let's go to the

restaurant together." After saying that, she held Albert's arm, as if to show her affection deliberately,

"Albert, there is fresh lobster in the kitchen today. I specially ordered the kitchen to make your favorite

salt baked lobster."

"Mrs. Rose and Irene are guests today. You should prepare their favorite food."

"Don't worry. The dinner is very delicious today. Mrs. Rose will like it." Mary smiled weirdly.

Everyone followed her to the restaurant.

After Abel and Alena took their seats, the servants began to serve the dishes.

Today's dinner was really full of tricks: pickled pig ears, braised pork ribs in brown sauce, drunk


Mary picked up food for Lady Rose and said, "come on, have a pig elbow."

"Thank you." Lady Rose smiled, trying to hide her reluctance.

Irene was straightforward and said in a low voice, "my mother never eats anything like pig ears or


"Really?" Mary showed a trace of surprise, and then sighed slightly. "I'm really sorry. Today's dishes are

all the favorite of Charlotte. I have already regarded you as my sister unconsciously. It seems that you

are really not her."

"I've told you that my mother can't be your sister. You just happened to look like each other." Irene


"Yes, Charlotte is indeed gone." Mary wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, as if she had

recalled a sad past.

Mary picked up food for Lady Rose and said, "come on, have a pig elbow."

“Thank you." Lady Rose smiled, trying to hide her reluctance.

lrene was straightforward and said in a low voice, "my mother never eats anything like pig ears or


"Really?" Mary showed a trace of surprise, and then sighed slightly. "I'm really sorry. Today's dishes are

all the favorite of Charlotte. | have already regarded you as my sister unconsciously. It seems that you

are really not her."

"I've told you that my mother can't be your sister. You just happened to look like each other." Irene


"Yes, Charlotte is indeed gone." Mary wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, as if she had

recalled a sad past.


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