Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 348 Evidence Of Your Affair

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He slightly swallowed, with a calm expression on his face. "Can't I do that?" He squinted his eyes,

showing a bit of evil spirit.

Essie, like a firecracker, jumped up from the sofa with arms akimbo and glared at him. "You have an


As a malicious cold light fleeted past his eyes, he reached out and grabbed her wrist, gently pulled her

into his arms. He held her waist with one hand and put the other hand on her chin. "Have you ever

been cheating on me?" He looked at her coldly and indignantly, and the criticism from his eyes was like

two sharp arrows, which stabbed her in the face.

But she didn't dodge his question. "No," she said frankly. She said firmly.

"Don't you cheat on me when you were in America?" He pinched his fingers slightly, and seemed to be

sure that she was lying.

She wanted to shake her head and say no, but she failed.

Zac was in anger and breathed heavily. "I didn't see the two cats in the villa yesterday. Do you think you

can fool me by hiding them?"

Essie shivered, and her face turned a little pale. Recently, he never mentioned anything about the

children to her, and she was being offhand, thinking that she could hide it for a while. She didn't expect

that he would talk about it today.

"They..." She stopped and didn't know what to say.

"That's the evidence of your affair!" He said with clenched teeth, a flame of fury burning in his eyes,

almost burning her to death.

"You cheated me and made me think we were divorced. Now that I'm divorced, I'm free. It's none of

your business that I can be with anyone." There was a hint of bitterness in her tone. She pressed her

lips and added with a sneer, "in the last three years when I left, you were still with Leila. If you didn't

have a hidden disease, your child would have been born, wouldn't it?"

A muscle on Zac's handsome face twitched slightly. He stood up and walked to the window. He opened

the window in order to let the cold wind come in and calm down his anger.

He remained motionless for a long time, like a statue.

The room was deadly silent. His heavy breath and wind were intertwined in the air.

Her heart was bouncing wildly in her chest, and she wanted to tell him everything, but she couldn't. He

wasn't not the person he used to be. It was unsure that if he would stand by her side, so she couldn't

even protect herself. She couldn't lose the kids.

Not knowing how long it had passed, the voice of Zac was like cold knife tearing the dead silence in the


"Grandpa and grandma want a great grandson, you must give me a child this year." He was giving an

order, looking at her from the window. There was no warmth in his eyes, and there was even a hint of

disgust, as if she was a tool for giving birth, not a wife.

what? She was frightened, "well... At least after Mr. Baron wakes up. Now I am the target of the killers.

If I'm pregnant, I'll be more likely to be killed. "

"Don't worry about them. I have solved their problems." He said it lightly as if he was talking about an

insignificant spring rain.

No wonder nothing happened to her recently.

"Honey, you are awesome!" She walked to him and gave him a thumbs up, trying to break the ice.

Zac turned around slowly and said expressionlessly. "You should know that I'm the king of investment,

and I never do things with low return. If you want to be happy with me, you have to show me your

value." As soon as he finished saying that, he flung her to the blanket as if to vent his anger, and then

he got on top of her.

"Well..." She pushed his shoulder and turned her head to give herself a chance to talk. "How is your

hidden disease going?"

"Why not find me another woman and have a try?" He held her chin to keep her from shaking.

"You haven't tried it yet, have you?" All of a sudden, her heart beat with relief.

"If I want to try, I don't have to pick time." A note of impatience emerged between his eyebrows. This

woman talked too much.

"Don't try." Essie murmured, stretching out her little hands and grabbing Zac's collar.

"Then shut up." He growled and kissed her on the lips

Early in the morning, Alena led a group of ladies to burn incense in the temple and worship the God of

wealth. Instead of going with them, Essie was still sound asleep. She didn't open her eyes until the sun

shone on her buttocks.

It seemed that Zac was always full of energy since he wasn't by her side.

After she washed her face and rinsed her mouth, she asked the servant to send her breakfast to the

garden. She enjoyed the breakfast while enjoying the flowers. It was not until then that she realized

how important life was.

She didn't know when Walt came to the garden. Seeing her sitting in the pavilion, he walked over.

"Good morning, Walt." She greeted him with a smile when she saw him.

"It's getting late. It's almost noon." Said Walt smilingly. He sat opposite her and continued, "Ladies are

going to take the God of wealth with grandma today. Why don't you go with them?"

She stuck her tongue out and said, "I overslept." She always liked to sleep late. In addition, she was

indirectly punished by the man, so she couldn't sleep well at night. It was impossible for her to get up

early in the morning.

"You must be a lazy bug in your previous life." Said Walt with a teasing smile.

"It's good to be a cat. Just eat and sleep. You don't need to do anything." She giggled.

"You're right. People are the most tired animals. They fight for their lives, whether they're rich or

powerful, fight for their interests." Said Walt with a sigh.

"Walt, you seem to have a good understanding of life," Essie winked at him.

With a deep smile on his face, Walt said, "I have traveled around the world, climbed to Mount

Qomolangma, served as a war reporter, took up the position of goodwill ambassador of the United

Nation, and also a model and CEO. Don't you think I have deep feelings?"

Essie was shocked that Walt was a very experienced man.

"Walt, you are my idol from now on! I admire you so much!" She gave him a thumbs up.

Walt smiled. "Aren't you having a crush on Zac?"

Hearing that, Essie hastily waved her hand and said, "there is a big difference between a husband and

an idol. My husband and your brother is excellent, he is not my idol yet. He is almost to be my idol. "

She gestured with her hands.

When she was speaking, Zac just walked along a path nearby and heard every word clearly. His

beautiful bushy eyebrows knitted immediately, wondering if this stupid woman needed a lesson so that

she dared to criticize him behind his back!

Noticing Zac out of the corner of her eye, Essie shut up immediately. She picked up a cup of tea on the

stone table and pretended to be calm.

Zac walked over and asked calmly, "what are you talking about?"

"Nothing. We were just chatting casually." Essie shrugged.

Walt gave his younger brother a bleak look and stood up. "I'm going to play chess with daddy. You

enjoy the sunshine here." Then he left.

Zac sat beside Essie and took the tea cup from her hand. After he finished the rest of the tea, he said,

"I saw that you had a good conversation with my elder brother just now. Why don't you speak to me

since I'm here?"

"You are late. We have just finished a conversation." Taking a glance at him, she filled another cup with

tea and filled up his cup as well.

"Okay, let's continue our conversation." His voice was casual, like the flow before the big wave, slowly

and gloomy.

Essie was sensitive enough to sense the abnormal factors in the air, and he pretended to act as if

nothing had happened, "what do you want to talk about?"

Zac opened his mouth slightly and said slowly, "idol." His voice was so soft like a goose feather

streaked over her face, but it made her shake slightly.

'oh no! He must have heard what I said just now. He is an arrogant and king. If I don't worship him as

an idol, it is a crime of great disrespect.'

"Well... I just wanted to make Walt happy. It's new year and everyone is so happy. "

"It doesn't matter." Zac slightly raised his thick eyebrows, with a careless expression on his face. It

seemed that he didn't care about it at all. He took a sip of tea and continued, "I just want to know your

idol standard."

"I just said it casually. I don't have any requirements." Said Essie, waving her hand.

"No standard?" A cold glare was cast on his face. In a harsh tone, he said, "so, why am I unqualified?"

"You almost exceed my expectation, but there is one thing you don't meet my requirement." She

explained cautiously.

"Which one?" While hearing these words, Essie believed that if she dared say something wrong again

and she would not be able to leave the pavilion safe and sound, she could not help yelling, "you are...

You need to be gentle and sunny, my idol must be kind to others. " She said sheepishly.

With a mocking smile, Zac said, "even if you want to be my fan, I won't accept it. You are too poor.

Everything is lower than the standard."

"Is there any standard to be a fan?" Said Essie. He was such an arrogant man.

"There is for my fans. Not everybody can be my fans. You are unqualified." He smirked, making no

secret of his wild and arrogant manner.

"I don't care. Anyway, I don't want to be your fan." She pursed her lips and talked to herself in a low

voice. But as they were so close to each other, Zac easily heard what Essie said. A tinge of coldness

flashed across his deep eyes. "Do you have self-knowledge?"

"Can I just shrink back from difficulties?" She was depressed so much. It was obvious that this guy hurt

her on purpose by what she said to Walt before. She gave in and let him gain the upper hand and vent

his anger. Otherwise, too much anger would burn her.

Zac snorted and said nothing. It seemed that he was magnanimous enough to forgive her once.

After a long silence, Essie said, "have you regained your memory these two days?"

Zac's dark eyes blinked, "No." He objected flatly.

"Okay." She looked down disappointedly, and her long eyelashes cast two deep shadows on her

eyelids. She worried that he would never remember it.


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