Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 570 The Substitutes

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Walt's body tensed, and a heat wave swept over quickly, almost ignited his blood. He turned around

and couldn't wait to hug her.

It didn't matter if there was no electricity. The moonlight was enough.

He lifted her up and walked into the room...

At dawn, Walt fell asleep. Because of the effect of the drug, he slept soundly. Even the thunder might

not wake him up.

Eve sat up quietly, endured the pain in her body and tiptoed out of the room. She couldn't be found by

him. She just wanted to be his woman. With this night, she would be satisfied even if she died.

She entered the room, changed her clothes, helped the unconscious Essie into the bridal chamber, put

her beside Walt, and then walked out quietly.

Everything was perfect.

When the scorching sun rose into the sky and shone in through the window, Walt woke up from his

sleep. He turned around and saw the girl beside him. A happy smile appeared on his face. He finally

got her and made her his woman!

When Essie opened her eyes, she still felt dizzy. Seeing herself lying next to Walt in thin clothes, she

was frightened and flushed with shyness. She grabbed the quilt and wrapped herself up.

Walt stretched out his arms to hold her. "Cathy, you did a good job last night."

Last night?

She shook violently. Last night, after drinking the milk, she seemed to fall asleep and didn't remember

what she had done.

"We..." She opened her eyes wide and looked at him in confusion.

"Cathy, we have become a real couple." Walt kissed her red cheek lovingly.

She was even more confused. They had become a couple? Why didn't she know what they had done

and how they became a couple? Could they become a couple even if they slept together after


She swallowed and didn't ask any more questions, keeping all the doubts in her heart. Anyway, he was

her husband now. She could do whatever he said.

While she was thinking, a gentle voice came from the other end of the line. "Did I go too far last night?"

Last night, he seemed very excited and couldn't control himself at all.

Her thick eyelashes flickered. She thought he was asking her about her head. Every time he touched

her and wanted to make out with her, she would have a splitting headache.

So she shook her head and said, "My head doesn't hurt."

Walt smiled helplessly. "You little fool, I'm not asking about your head."

"What?" She was confused. He didn't ask her head, but where. She was in good health and didn't feel

pain anywhere.

Walt thought she was shy, so he stopped asking. He gently rubbed her nose and said, "Are you

hungry? I'll take you to dinner."

She nodded. She was indeed hungry. She didn't have breakfast and her stomach was rumbling.

"Well... You can go out first. I need to change my clothes," she pulled the quilt unconsciously and said


Walt lowered his eyebrows and smiled. "I've already seen it. Do I need to avoid it?"

Her face was burning.

He had seen her body and every part of her body?

Was it before, or last night when she fell asleep?

"I... I'm not used to it. Please," She pleaded. Even so, she still didn't want to change her clothes in front

of him.

Walt could not help smiling. Seeing that he was naked, she turned around in a hurry and closed her


Looking at her shy face, Walt's desire was aroused again. Men liked young and reserved women,

which could arouse their desire to conquer more.

She was frightened and asked in panic, "Steven, what are you doing?"

"You know what I want." Walt smiled evilly.

"Don't be like this. I'm hungry and want to eat." She turned her head to avoid him. But he ignored it.

A violent headache came over without warning, as if her subconsciousness was deliberately resisting


She covered her head.

Walt let go of her. "What's wrong? You have a headache again?"

"Maybe I'm too hungry," she frowned and said painfully.

"Let me give you a massage and then we go to have breakfast." Walt was very sorry that he had lost

control. He shouldn't have tortured her like this.

Essie nodded and closed her eyes.

Half a month later...

In the midnight club of Dragon City, Zac was drinking in depression. His hidden disease was not getting

better at all. He could only sleep in separate rooms with his little fool every day.

Jim patted him on the shoulder and said, "I think she must have the magic power to curse on you when

you were a child. Now that she has lost her memory and forgot the way to relieve it from you, so she

can't control your hidden disease now."

"You must have shot so many psychic movies, right? You are so imaginative." Zac sneered.

There was a kind of delicate spiritual energy in the muddled fool, which made him feel comfortable all

over. Even if he closed his eyes five meters away, he could feel it. This aura was like the so-called

spiritual connection, making him have a unique spiritual sense of her.

But since she lost her memory, he couldn't feel it, as if all his senses had suddenly disappeared. This

might explain the reason why he had a mental illness.

A person's eyes, nose, and ears could be deceived by an illusion, but his heart could not. Therefore, he

not only needed to use his eyes to see people, but also to carefully distinguish them.

But now, he cared too much about Essie. After this life and death parting, he was even more nervous

about her. He didn't dare, nor would he think of another possibility, afraid that he would really lose her.

The enemy also grasped his mentality, so he dared to take this step.

Essie was his Achilles' heel. As long as they held her tightly, he would lose his mind, lose his

consciousness and lose the ability to distinguish.

Jim took a sip of wine and asked, "You haven't touched beauty Yi for so many days. Is she in a bad


Zac sighed with distress. He could see that Essie was very disappointed, but he could do nothing about

his hidden disease. If she didn't regain her memory, they might only be a Platonic couple.

"Stop it. Let's drink." He grabbed the cup on the table and drank it up. A little drunkenness could dispel

sorrow. Maybe he would recover from his hidden disease if he was drunk.

In the evening, when he returned to the Blue Coast, the woman was still awake. She sat on the sofa

and waited for him, her face full of tears.

His heart trembled slightly. He walked over and hugged her. "What's wrong? Do you feel

uncomfortable? "

She opened her arms and hugged him back. "Honey, do you hate me?"

"How could it be? I will never hate you." Zac understood what she wanted to say, and a helpless look

flashed across his face.

"Then why did you hide from me these days and sleep in separate rooms with me?" The woman

sobbed as she spoke.

Zac sighed heavily and could only confess, "I didn't mean to hide from you. It's just that my hidden

disease has become more serious recently."

"Hidden diseases?" The woman was shocked. "Do you have any hidden diseases?"

Zac stroked her head. Since she had lost her memory, she would definitely not remember that he had a

hidden disease, so it was necessary for him to explain to her again. He whispered in her ear, which

made her almost cry.

She had never heard of any man who had such a disease.

Didn't he and Essie have a boy and a girl twins? He couldn't touch women. Where did the child come


Zac seemed to have seen through her doubts. He coughed and said, "It's you who caused the hidden

disease. The person who tied the bell is required to untie the bell, so I can only touch you. But now the

hidden disease seems to be aggravated, and even you, I can't touch it."

The woman almost fainted.

Was Essie a witch? How could she turn such an excellent and perfect man into a disabled patient? No

wonder she could dominate him and leave no chance for other women.

This definitely was a special benefit given to her by God since she had saved the universe in her

previous life!

"Then what should we do?" she almost broke down and asked. She was still counting on giving birth to

his children. In this way, even if he found out that she was a fake with a plastic surgery one day, he

could not kick her away. At least he would give her a considerable amount of alimony, so that she could

live a comfortable life for the rest of her life.

"Maybe I will be cured if your memory recover. I have hired the best expert from the United States. I

believe he can help you recover your memory," Zac comforted her.

But the woman didn't get any comfort. Her face could be fixed, but her brain couldn't. how could she

get the memory of Essie? Therefore, she would never be able to regain her memory.

She wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and forced a smile from the stiff corners of her mouth.

"As long as I know that you don't hate me, I'm relieved. It's late. Let's go upstairs to sleep."

Seeing that she was so 'reasonable', Zac breathed a sigh of relief. He held her in his arms, went

upstairs with her, and then went into their own rooms.

The woman was extremely depressed. She had thought that she would meet the perfect husband for

free, but she didn't expect him to have such a weird mental disease. How could such thing happened to

her? Why didn't that damn man make it clear when he hired her?

But she didn't regret it. She would rather be the woman who cried in the Lamborghini than the one who

laughed on the back of the scooter. Now she was rich, powerful and superior. There was nothing wrong

with her. The only thing she needed to do was to be cautious and not to let Zac find anything wrong.

The second morning, Walt came here to see his new sister-in-law.

He took a deep breath when he saw the woman next to Zac who looked almost the same as Essie.

That was totally out of his expectation.

Willi was really cunning. His other move was to arrange a fake Essie for Zac.

It seemed that his organization had a lot of talents. There were not only powerful medical experts, but

also amazing cosmetic surgeons. It was estimated that his financial resources were extraordinary.

Otherwise, his organization would not have been restored so soon after being eradicated.


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