Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 404 A Dry Faggot On A Blazing Fire

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"Will all the women who have loved you come to a bad end?" As Essie spoke, she glanced at

something through the rear-view mirror. She saw a Ferrari car was behind them. Needless to say, it

must be Leila. She was insane and needed to take some pills.

Men are like sand. If you hold the sand tightly, it will slip from your hand sooner or later. When you can't

forcefully hold it in your hand, you will let them lie still. Leila was so suspicious day and night, and

wanted to be around Zac all day long. How insecure and unconfident she was!

Essie really didn't know why Zac married Leila? If it was their so-called first love affair, there was no

need to hide it from her?

She sighed in her heart. It seemed that she would never be able to read his mind.

"Melon." He stretched out his hand and touched her head gently. "Don't worry. Even if I betray all

women in the world, I will never betray you."

"Now you have let me down, haven't you?" Essie argued with him on purpose. She had set up a strong

emotional defense system, which could tenaciously resist the sugar coated bullets without hesitation.

After a pause, Zac said, "as long as my heart and body still belong to you, I do not betray you."

She had no idea where his heart was as his body was here. Essie scoffed in her mind, 'He is a wild

beast. No woman could fully grasp his heart. And anyone who tries to seduce him has no choice but to

fall into pieces at last, such as Valery and Leila.'

They were her example. She wouldn't ask too much from him. The greater hope she had, the bigger

disappointment she would have. She'd better keep a calm mind.

"At the table, you said that I don't behave well when eating, siting and sleeping. Is that what you are

thinking in your heart?" She quietly changed the topic. She didn't want to talk to him about the issue

that won't happen.

"What do you think?" Zac asked in reply with a sly smile at the corners of his mouth.

"Definitely!" She pouted again.

In front of him, she never cared about her image. Her true color was totally revealed. When she wanted

to laugh, she laughed; when she wanted to cry, she cried; when she was hungry, she gobbled; when

she was sleepy, she slept; sometimes she didn't even take off her clothes...

He was used to the gentleness and elegance of those female socialites. At the beginning, she was

"rude" to him, but later he got used to it. At last, he become numb. Out of sight, out of mind.

"Actually you are a wild girl when you were Cathy. I've never seen you act like a lady." Zac said with a


"I did it on purpose. I just wanted to make Vicki angry. She had too many rules and always blamed me

and my sister. She was dissatisfied with us. I hated her so much that I would not do anything she likes.

I would do anything she dislikes. " Essie made a face.

When the car stopped at the intersection waiting for the traffic light, Zac scratched her white jade like

nose and said, "it's only funny for a rebellious girl like you to be interesting. That's not funny at all when

you behave well." His eyes were full of love.

"So I don't need to make any changes." With her arms crossed in front of her chest, Essie leaned

against the back of the seat and looked at Zac, laughing.

"I don't want to disturb my sleep, so you can change your habit of kicking the quilt when you sleep."

Said Zac, stretching his hand to rub her head. In the middle of the night, he had to wake up all the time

and tuck her in, or she would catch a cold.

"I'm not going to sleep with you." She lowered her head and murmured as if to herself.

"Only those who often sleep together can have deep feelings." Zac said in a light tone, like a night

breeze. Her cheeks turned red. "Maybe we share the same bed but have a different dream."

"Don't worry about it when you used to sleep with me." There was a wicked smile on his lips. His

fingers lightly swept across her face, as soft as feathers, full of flirtation.

"Be careful." "Leila has been following us. If she saw what we did, today's play would be in vain," Essie


"My car window glass is made of a special material, so you can't see the car inside from the outside,"

Zac shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently.

It then occurred to her that his car was specially customized for him. It was bulletproof, crushproof, and

peep proof. In short, all kinds of safety risks were avoided. Since he didn't like to take any bodyguards

with him, he needed to spend more time on his own safety.

After turning a corner, they arrived at the villa.

Essie was about to push the door when she was pulled into the arms of Zac. She was shocked and

wanted to get rid of him, but her hands were clasped behind her back with no strength.

"Don't do this. Leila is still here..." Before she could finish her pleading words, her mouth was covered

by a forceful kiss.

From the corner of her eyes, she could see that Leila's car was parked in the shadow not far away. She

could almost imagine that Leila was looking at them with her eyes wide open. Although she couldn't

see anything, she was still staring at them and didn't want to give up.

A sense of guilt suddenly came to her. A person with a righteous sense like her was challenging her

bottom line to play with a married man.

But she could not disobey the big demon. She was unable to resist his kiss at all. He never cared about

using force on her. As long as he wanted, he would force her to the end, and would never care about

her pray, resistance and struggle at all.

Fortunately, this time, he did not kiss her too long, because he had scruples about the people who were

following him not far away.

As soon as he let her go, Essie pushed the door open and ran into the villa like a little lamb that had

escaped from a tiger's mouth. She disappeared behind the iron gate in a flash.

Looking out of the window, a flicker of flame wildly flickered in his black eyes. It was all because of

Leila, the goddamn woman! She was everywhere! Otherwise, why did he endure it so much?

The moment Essie entered, she saw Lucy and Bob packing their luggage.

"Dad, mom, where are you going?" She asked in surprise.

"It has high blood pressure and a stroke to your grandmother. Your grandfather has just recovered from

his heart attack, but your grandmother has been attacked by this matter again. Your aunt Wendy are

unable to take care of her, so I have to go back with your father."

"Then I'll go back with you." Said Essie.

"No, you don't have to. You have too much work to do in the company. We'll take Mili and Dot with us

and come back in a month." Lucy waved her hand.

Six more bodyguards were arranged to go back to Jiang City with them, and protect them in turn 24

hours a day.

Lucy took Pana's hand and said, "when we are not here, please take care of Holy."

"Don't worry, aunt. I will take care of Holy." Pana nodded. Now she was the security supervisor of the

villa and was in charge of the security of the villa. There were a lot of affairs in the company, and she

couldn't always stay at home. Therefore, Pana was the only one who could accompany Holy.

"What a poor woman! Men always get sick at an old age." Mili sighed, crossing her arms.

"Hope great grandma can recover soon." Dot said with his head down.

"Don't worry. God will bless good people. Great grandma will be fine. You two should spend more time

with great grandma and great grandpa when you go back. Got it?" With her hands on the heads of the

twins, she thought that now that their affairs had been exposed, there was no need to hide it from the Yi

family. Besides, both of the twins were her family names. If Grandpa and grandma knew about it, they

would be very happy.

Mili and Dot nodded obediently and put the toy they wanted to take into the suitcase.

At the moment, Zac was on his way back. But he didn't return to the villa by the lake, but to the

InterContinental Hotel where he had been living. Landis was waiting for him in the presidential suite.

Since Leila liked following him so much, he decided to play a good show for her.

When she followed Zac to the InterContinental Hotel, Leila already knew what he was going to do. Her

beautiful face was twisted in great anger and jealousy.

When the elevator stopped at 66th floor, she went into another one in a hurry. When she came out, he

saw the familiar big figure walking into the door of the presidential suite.

She quietly followed, and put her ear on the door to eavesdrop.

There were women's laughter from the room. It was surely Landis.

Then there came the sounds of their moans and screams.

Obviously, they went straight to the point as soon as they met, just like fire and dry firewood, triggered.

She was so furious that her eyes turned black. She was about to kick the door and rush in. But her feet

froze in the air and didn't dare to move.

Zac wanted her to be magnanimous. If she broke in now, he must be furious and even divorce her


The reason why he had decided to save Essie was out of the interests of his family. He wasn't sure

whether he should stand it by himself or not. She couldn't take any risk, and she had to endure it no

matter what.

In the suite, women kept talking loudly for a long time. Leila could imagine how fierce the fight inside


She clenched her teeth and clenched her fists. She felt dizzy, with wide eyes and cold sweat on her

forehead. She didn't want to leave at all. She just wanted to know how skilled this woman was and how

she could make Zac obsessed with her so that he couldn't live without her?

She had no idea that in the opposite room, someone was peeking at her through the cat's eye.

Although it was a one horned scene, it was interesting. The protagonists' expressions were so rich.

As Zac was drinking the wine, he glanced at her. The corners of his mouth slightly raised. His smile

was sinister and cold.

William walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder. "Don't worry, boss. Marlon is much smarter

than Fred. There will be no accident."

Zac walked back to the sofa and sat down. A glass of red wine was waved in front of him. "Have you

heard anything recently?"

"No, our people have been spying on Leila. Recently, she has never met strangers, and there is no

special call record on her mobile phone." "Perhaps she has hidden a new phone."

A ruthless air streaked across Zac's face. "This woman is not simple." What he hated most was this

kind of woman, who had a stomach of wicked water and always did harm to others.


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