Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 365 Narrow Escape From Death

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The door was slightly open. The bodyguard gently pushed the door open. The weak light shone in

through the broken glass window and cast a long shadow on the ground.

Essie took out the lipstick gun from her pocket and unlocked it.

The man inside turned around as soon as he heard the noise. Essie was about to shoot at him, but she

stopped when she saw the familiar face.

"Brother, why are you here?" She was stunned.

Walt was also shocked. "Essie? Are you here for Liam as well?"

"How do you know him?" Essie asked.

"In the past few days, I have been looking for the person who attacked you that day. When I got the

news that Liam had a snake tattoo on his wrist, I came over," Walt said.

"Is the motorcycle outside yours?" Essie asked.

Walt nodded. "I've just arrived, but there's no one here. I wonder if he ran away after receiving the

news," he said. He took out an ultra-realistic replicas mask from the desk and asked said, "I found this

in his closet. Does it look like the face that attacked you that day?"

Essie took a closer look at it and exclaimed, "Yes, that's it. It seems that Liam attacked me."

"Keep looking. Maybe we can find other clues," Walt said. Together with the bodyguards, he began to

look into the room.

Essie flipped the sheet and found a wooden case under the bed. She immediately asked the

bodyguard to bring it out. The box was unlocked. When the bodyguard opened it, there was a click

sound coming from inside.

Walt pulled the red strip on the top and opened his eyes wide, "It is a time bomb! Get out!" He shouted,

grabbed the hands of Essie, and rushed out of the room, followed closely by the bodyguards.

Then they heard an earth shattering sound coming from behind. Walt hugged Essie to protect her with

his body and then fell to the ground. A strong impact wave swept towards them with rolling dust debris,

completely covering them.

Two bodyguards outside rushed in.

Because of the impact of the bomb, both Walt and the other two bodyguards were injured. Fortunately,

it was only a minor wound, and it was not serious. Thanks to his body protection, Essie was not injured.

The bodyguards called an ambulance and sent them to the hospital.

"Brother, I'm sorry. You got hurt because of me." Essie felt really sorry for the wound on Walt's back.

"It's none of your business. If I'm not wrong, the start-up of the time bomb should be connected to the

lid of the box. As soon as the bodyguard opened the box, the bomb began. He must have known that

we would come here, so he set up the trap," Walt said thoughtfully, with his eyebrows twisted in anger.

"He is so cunning." Essie snorted. She wouldn't let go of this bastard easily if she caught him.

"From now on, let your men do it. Don't take the risk by yourself, understand?" Walt touched her head,

with a loving and worried expression on his face.

"Brother, please don't step in. I don't want you to be in danger because of me." She lowered her eyes


"Didn't you say that if anyone could help you find him, you would be dating with him?" Walt said in a

low voice, a tender light flashing across his face.

After a short pause, Essie asked, "You... You did that for this?"

"I don't want you to date with other people," Walt said in a low but clear voice.

With her eyes wide open, Essie asked in astonishment and confusion, "Are you doing this for Zac?"

She couldn't think of any other reason.

A wry smile tugged at the corner of Walt's mouth. He felt extremely depressed in his heart. "That

bastard dares to make trouble in Dragon City. He just doesn't want to live. If we don't find him out, I will

bring shame on our Rong family." He secretly shifted the topic. He didn't want to frighten her by the

sudden confession of love.

"Maybe they are even a group of outlaws, who are capable of doing anything like this." Seeing that, she

turned red with anger.

"Since they don't want to live, send them to eternity earlier." Walt snorted, a malicious and cold light

flashing in his eyes. "I'll take care of this Liam, and I'll help you find him."

"Thank you, Brother," Essie said gratefully.

After treating the wound, she asked the injured bodyguards to go back for a rest, and she and two

other bodyguards send Walt back to his apartment.

It was her first time to visit Walt's apartment. The decoration was simple and tidy, with only two colors,

white and blue. There wasn't too much decoration in the room. A picture was just hung on the wall

facing the bed. It was inlaid with a crystal frame, which seemed to be very precious to the master.

Essie, on the other hand, was rather familiar with this picture. It was a sketch she drew for him back in


She didn't expect that her painting would be hung on the wall and well preserved. She had thought that

it had been thrown into the trash can many years ago.

"Do you still remember this painting?" Walt asked in a low voice.

"Of course I do." She nodded with a smile, "How time flies! Seven years have passed in a twinkling of

an eye."

"Yeah, you were a naughty girl at that time," Walt said with a smile.

"I'm old now, twenty-five years old." Heaving a sigh again, Essie could not help thinking that her mental

age was even older. She guess her metal age was around forty years old.

"Even at your age of thirty, you are still a little girl in my eyes," Walt said, with tenderness in his eyes.

He used to date with all kinds of women, enchanting, pure, cold, vivacious, gentle... However, they had

never been ignited in his heart, but there was only one person named Essie. Every time he saw her

and at the thought of her, his heart would beat so hard that it seemed to pop out of his mouth with

excitement. This kind of feeling was indescribable.

Essie was fresh and adorable. He was obsessed with her.

Essie was smart and spiritual. His soul was rippling because of her.

Essie was changeable and evil. Even God wanted to fight for her.

He wanted her, at all costs.

"Brother, don't you have servants here?" When Essie saw that there was no one else in the apartment,

she asked in confusion.

"Connie had some matters to deal with at home, so she had asked for a leave these days. I hired an

hourly worker to work as a temporary cleaner for her. She comes here to clean up the house every

morning," Walt said.

"Okay." Essie responded, "The doctor said that the gauze on your back needs to be changed every

day. Since your servant isn't here these days, let me help you change the gauze."

"Wouldn't it be too troublesome for you to run here and there?"

A light flickered in Walt' dark eyes. Although he said so, deep in his heart, he begged for it. Because

then, he could often see her.

"It's okay. You got injured because of me. It's my duty to help you." Essie waved her hand.

"It's not a big deal, as long as you don't get hurt," Walt said, looking at her with a tender gaze.

Unfortunately, she has always been dull and confused in love. It was impossible for her to know his


After a while, she went back. Her clothes were very dirty, so she had to take a shower and change.

As soon as she got in the car, she received a call from Zac. He had already known the news of an

explosion and was very worried.

As soon as the car stopped at the door of the villa, he opened the door and got into the car after waiting

for a long time.

"Did you get hurt?" He carefully checked her from head to toe. He felt relieved when he made sure she

was all right.

"I'm fine," she replied indifferently.

"What are you doing there? Are you out of your mind?"

He held her head in his hands. He really wanted to run a detailed check on her so that she would keep

her head clear all the time. She should not be so silly.

"What are you doing? You don't need to worry about my business," she said sourly and shook off his

hand. Trying to date two women at the same time? No way. She would never be deceived by him again

and be poisoned by his sugar coated bullets.

"Your business is my business. I can handle that group of people. Don't worry," he spoke in a

commanding tone, and she could only follow and do not disobey him.

But she just wanted to act against him. He divorced her and married someone else when she was in a

coma. Why should she trust him?

"After coming back from the tea house that day, I have thought about it for a long time. Since we have

divorced, we should not keep in touch with each other. I have my bottom line. I don't want to be a

mistress or to be entangled with a married man. If you want, we can be friends in the future," she said


A tinge of sadness crept into his eyes. "I said, I would come back." His voice was full of sorrow and

helplessness. He could do nothing to this muddled fool.

She struggled in her mind. What if he lied to her just to make fun of her? He was too dangerous,

capricious and unpredictable. She couldn't believe him, and she couldn't let him crush and destroy her

again and again!

"I've told you that I won't wait for you! You have Leila and I have Hanson. We are very happy now.

Please don't disturb us anymore." She tried her best to make her voice as cruel and heartless as she

could imagine. She wanted to cut off all his hope. She didn't want to give him any hope. She didn't want

to give herself any hope.

"Essie Yi!" He grabbed her shoulders, and a strong feeling of pain surged up from his heart, spreading

to his handsome face. "Do you really have no feelings for me?"

She raised her head to look at him with an indifferent expression of depression on her face. "Why

should I waste my affection on a married man?"

'My wife is you. And will only be you all my life!'

Zac roared in his heart, but he swallowed it in the end.

She would have her second injection of the antidote soon. He couldn't tell her the truth.

But these misunderstandings and tortures almost drove him crazy. His eyebrows twisted into a

ferocious cross line, his chest heaving and his fingers clenched in midair, and then he slammed his fist

heavily on the back of the seat.

"Essie, you have been my woman since the day you promised to marry me when you were seven

years old. Whether you are willing to wait or not, you can only be my woman. If you want to leave,

marry someone else. There's only one way to solve it. Kill me, and then step over my body! " He

breathed heavily, like an injured beast groaning in pain.


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