Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 541 Enemies Meet Again

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Valery winked at Wendy, hinting her to shrink back from difficulties in case of embarrassment.

Wendy tried her best to keep calm so that her fear wouldn't be exposed. She raised her neck and

snorted, "what's the big deal? I'm not worse than her. Let's have a competition now." After saying that,

she stood up and turned around as if she was going to the stage. After two steps, she suddenly tilted

her body and fell to the ground.

This was supposed to be an embarrassing thing, but her falling on the ground was extremely elegant,

as if she had planned it beforehand. Seeing this, Essie sneered. She could almost guess what would

happen next.

Wendy covered her ankle and showed a painful expression. "I sprained my ankle." Valery hurried to

help her up.

It seemed that the PK couldn't be held any longer. Wendy perfectly performed a gorgeous retreat.

"When my feet recover, let's have a competition!"

Then she left with Valery and went to her seat.

Looking at their backs, Eva raised her middle finger with contempt, "Her acting skill is really good. It's a

pity that she didn't entered the entertainment circle!"

With a faint smile, Essie said, "in fact, even if she is the party dancing queen, she may not be able to

spend a good night with my brother."

"Why?" Eva looked at her in confusion.

"Tonight is not the only birthday hero. Isn't Valery celebrating her birthday today? Wendy can spend a

good night with her. " Covering her mouth, Essie chuckled.

Vinton laughed, "sister, I find that you are always smarter than others."

"Essie is a typical fool outside but smart inside." Eva smiled and patted on the shoulder of Essie.

With a slight sigh, Essie said, "this time, my aunt is determined to make my brother and Wendy get

married. She won't give up. You must be on twelve percent alert and don't fall into her trap. If you meet

anything strange, please tell me. One more person and one more helper."

Eva nodded her head. He would deal with everything according to the actual situation. He didn't believe

that Elizabeth, that old woman, could turn the tables.

After the party, Essie went back to the Blue Coast. Zac gave her the DNA test report of Lady Rose and


It showed that the genetic resemblance was as high as ninety-nine percent.

"I knew Lady Rose and mommy were twins." Said Essie excitedly.

A few days later.

When Lady Rose heard the news, she had mixed feelings, but Mary was secretly annoyed. Her son did

the DNA test behind her back. It must be the bad idea of the little tramp, Essie.

However, Lady Rose was a little confused. If she was Mrs. Mary's sister, what was the relationship

between her parents in Provence and her?

Zac took out the information that Fred got from France.

"This is a photo of Sophie's family. Lady Rose is not the real Sophie. When Lady Rose had a car

accident and fell into the sea, she was saved by Mr. and Mrs. Caroline. Mr. and Mrs. Caroline had just

experienced the pain of losing their daughter. Their only daughter and son-in-law had been killed in an

air crash, leaving only their newborn granddaughter. Mrs. Caroline was so sad that she became

unconscious. As soon as she saw Lady Rose, she insisted that she was her daughter. For the sake of

his wife, Mr. Caroline had no choice but to take Mrs. Rose as his daughter. After Lady Rose was

injured, she lost her memory seriously and forgot what happened in the past. Naturally, she thought

she was really their daughter. "

Lady Rose was shocked. "You mean Irene is not my biological daughter?"

"Yes, she is the daughter of Sophie Caroline. In order to cover up the truth, Mr. and Mrs. Caroline

moved to Provence from Paris and bought the Rose Manor there to start their new life. " Said Zac in a

low voice. Today, he specially asked Mrs. Rose to come alone without taking Irene with her because he

was worried that she would not accept this fact.

"We will keep it a secret for you about Irene. It's up to you whether to tell her the truth or not."

An extremely contradictory expression flashed across Lady Rose's face. She didn't want to hide it from

Irene, but she was worried that she wouldn't be able to accept this blow after knowing the truth.

"Don't tell Irene about it for the time being." She sighed.

Mary tried her best to squeeze two drops of tears, and then said excitedly, "Charlotte, I didn't expect

you to be still alive. For so many years, I thought we had been separated from each other."

"I didn't expect that we are really sisters. If it weren't for Zac and Essie that they came to Provence, we

wouldn't see each other for the rest of our lives. " Lady Rose sighed. Although it came all of a sudden

and she was not mentally prepared, the puzzles and doubts buried in her heart for so many years were

finally solved.

She finally knew why she often dreamed of the family and Albert. Because before the accident, she

had lived in the Rong Mansion for a period of time, and her memory of that place had been preserved

in her subconsciousness. Albert was her brother-in-law. She often saw him, and of course she

remembered him.

As for the child, if she guessed right, it should be Zac.

Mary took out a handkerchief and pretended to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes, but there

was an imperceptible cold in her eyes. How she wished that her sister was really dead, so that the

secret between them would be hidden forever, and she didn't need to worry that it would be exposed

one day.

But now, she began to feel uneasy. She was afraid that this secret would be discovered and revealed

one day.

She had to find a way to make Lady Rose go back to her Provence as soon as possible. If she stayed

here for one more day, her heart would not be peaceful.

The wine tasting party of Rose Chateau was set on Saturday night.

Many celebrities, new rich people in the city and big shots in the entertainment circle were invited.

Among the four beauties in Dragon City, only Jim was single. It was the first time that the two of them

had shown up together in public since they "broke up".

"Cathy, if we act together again today, the whole Dragon City will be shocked and the wine party will

reach its peak in an instant." He squinted his charming eyes and smiled playfully.

Zac wrapped his arms around the slender waist of Essie, declaring his sovereignty and supremacy.

"No, there's no need. The hype today is wine, not human."

Jim sighed and said in a low voice, "I'm very regretful now. Why didn't I turn the fake plot into real?"

"Do you dare?" Zac snorted, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"You give her to me, why did I dare to do it?" Jim threw up his hands and smiled mischievously.

"I gave her to you temporarily. Don't think about anything else." Zac was a domineering man. No one

was allowed to touch his woman.

Jim made a strange face and said, "cherish your life and stay away from Zac!"

"That's good." Zac's voice was very low, but it was full of threat, like a lion guarding its territory. Any

territory and partner that outsiders dared to spy on would be torn to pieces without hesitation.

When they were talking, Eva and Vinton' came over.

At the sight of Eva, Jim couldn't help frowning, as if he was suddenly fed a mouthful of chili, spicy.

"Long time no see, heaven pepper." He said casually.

"Yes, Jim... Long time no see. " Eva replied crossly. She had intended to call him "bastard" rudely, but

the word "bastard" circled around the tip of her tongue, and she finally changed her tone. There were

too many media being invited today, and she didn't want to be captured by the paparazzi. Moreover,

the new play of their second cooperation was about to start soon. If there was any news of

disagreement, it would have a bad impact.

To be honest, she was reluctant to cooperate with Jim again, but she couldn't avoid the little elf, Mili.

After all, this was her first TV series. As a mother, how could she not support her?

Jim looked at Vinton with a teasing smile on his face, "Vinton, I find that you have a strong taste. You

can also eat the spicy heaven pepper."

Vinton smiled faintly, "I always like spicy food. If it's not spicy, it won't taste at all."

"So, heaven pepper is really good for you." Jim's dark brown eyes narrowed, and an indescribable

expression flashed across them.

Eva raised the corners of his mouth and sneered, "Jim, I find that you are alone tonight. Are you hurt

too badly and haven't walked out of the shadow for so long?"

Knowing what she meant, Essie was a little choked and quickly interrupted, "he is in cultivation now."

"Cathy, you know me." Jim cast a gentle glance at her.

Raising her eyebrows, Eva deliberately showed a hint of doubt, "Are you in cultivation or recuperation?

I'm really worried that Jim usually indulges in excessive sexual desire and needs to nourish his kidney."

She said in a joking tone, as if she was just joking. And her voice was very low, only the four people

could hear her.

Zac looked sympathetically at his best friend. When he met Eva, he would be furious and murderous.

They would fight with each other with fists and feet or quarrel with each other. No wonder they were

born enemies.

A fire flashed in Jim's eyes. One day, he would teach the pepper a lesson and let her know how

powerful he was. When she saw him in the future, she would be like a mouse to a cat, and she would

never be spicy again.

The wine tasting time was about to begin. Essie went to the hotel's catering room. The waiter was

preparing the wine, and Lady Rose was watching.

When he poured the wine in the bottle into the glass, Lady Rose's eyes suddenly flashed, and an

indescribable sharp look swept across her eyes.

"Wait a minute." She asked in a low voice.

The waiter's hand that was pouring the wine stopped in midair. "Is there any problem, Madam?" He


Lady Rose picked up the glass and looked carefully at the color of the liquid in it. Then she put it in the

nose and smelled it. She took a sip and frowned immediately. "Change another bottle." She said.

"What happened?" Asked Essie in a hurry.


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