Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 730 Who Is The Real Murderer

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Since Essie gave birth to the baby prematurely, Albert ordered to seal the secret passage. He also took

the security guard to do a thorough examination in the house with an infrared detector in case of any

other undetectable security loopholes.

According to steward Zhang's secret report, after interrogating Peri's roommate, Mary sent someone to

her hometown to investigate her brother.

After careful consideration, Essie decided to come straight to the point and ask Mary about it. If she

had any ulterior schemes, she would take it as a warning and strangle her in the cradle.

In the evening, she invited Mary to the study, poured her a cup of tea and handed it to her. "Mommy, I

heard that you have been very concerned about Peri recently. A person like her deserves more than

death. You don't have to feel guilty."

The corners of Mary's mouth twitched fiercely. She did it so secretly, but she still found it. It seemed

that she had almost controlled the Rong Mansion in just a few scores of days.

"She has nothing to do with me. Why should I feel guilty? On the contrary, some people in this mansion

used her and killed her to keep the secret. They don't have any mercy at all. They are simply cold-

blooded." Mary sighed heavily, with a kind look on her face.

"Mommy, what do you mean?" Essie asked slowly, pretending not to understand. That was why Mary

was sent to the cold palace. If she wanted to go back to the Rong family, she had to prove herself

innocent. So now she was probably putting all her intention to this matter.

"Essie, I know very well whether I have involved in the secret passage plot or not. I don't know there is

a secret passage in that yard at all. How could I plan such a plot? I won't allow anyone to frame me up.

I will try my best to find out the truth. Don't try to stop me,"

Mary said in a firm tone, as if declaring war on Essie. She had planned to perfunctorily talk to Essie on

the surface and secretly carry out an investigation plan. Since Essie had found out, she didn't have to

beat around the bush.

Taking a sip of the black tea, Essie said with a cold smile, "Mommy, don't try to confuse right from


"What? Are you afraid? You made it up and acted, didn't you? You set me up with this trick and kicked

me out of the Rong Mansion. " Mary's two thick eyebrows twisted in a straight line in anger, and her

breath bulged heavily in her chest.

A touch of anger flashed across Essie's face. "I love and take care of my Dawny like a treasure. I will

never do anything to hurt him, let alone allow anyone to hurt him! But you, in order to avenge me, have

been so cruel to hurt your own grandson. It's unforgivable. "

"I didn't do it. No one can sling mud at me. And the child, he is just..." Mary stopped talking. She

wanted to say that Dawny was a bastard, but when she thought of the excellent genes of the Rong

family that he had revealed everywhere, she swallowed her words.

When she was in the other courtyard, she had heard that after the child disappeared, Essie had

postpartum depression and almost went crazy. If it was a bastard, she should be eager to see the child

disappear. Would she be anxious to find him back?

Therefore, her original idea of killing two birds with one stone could be temporarily overturned. Essie

should have designed this scheme just to frame her, but she did not expect that she would lift a stone

to hit her own feet, causing her premature birth and putting the baby into it.

While she was thinking, Essie said in a cold voice, "If you dare to insult my child again, don't blame me

for disregarding the feelings of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law." Since the accident of her baby, her

heart to protect the baby had become extremely strong. Even if it was a verbal injury to the child, she

would never allow it.

"No matter how sophisticated the plot is, there will be loopholes. I will find out the secret passage and

wash away my humiliation!" Mary's shrill voice was like a seesaw tearing the air.

With a sneer, Essie said, "Is that the only thing you want to prove your own innocent? Don't you want to

wash yourself in the plot of peanut allergy?"

The corners of Mary's mouth twitched fiercely, and she did not refute, as if acquiesced in her crime.

"Don't mix the two up."

"You've already been tired of sin. It won't be burdensome to add this one more," Essie said


"Don't be complacent. I will find out the secret passage. No matter how you stop me, it's useless. Let's

see who will laugh to the end," Mary said angrily.

"Then I wish you success." With a sneer, Essie turned around and left.

When she entered the room, she sat in front of the crib and looked at the sleeping baby. Her mind was

in a mess.

Although Mary had always been a stubborn woman who was like a dead pig not afraid of hot water and

refused to admit her mistakes, her reaction this time seemed to be more intense than ever. It seemed

that she was not trying to deny it. Moreover, if she did it, there was no need to investigate Peri in


Was there something hidden in it?

She couldn't help shivering. If Mary hadn't done it, who would have done it?

She pretended to be a ferocious ghost in red and kidnapped Shyla to force her to abdicate. After the

matter was exposed, she framed Mary and let herself escape from the crime completely! The

arrangement was so ingenious that not a chain was missed.

But who would do that? Who would be the biggest beneficiary if she was forced to quit the hostess?

A shadow flashed through her mind.


The day she announced that she would resign from the position of hostess, she couldn't wait to stand

up and replace her. Presumably, she had been longing for the position of hostess for a long time.

However, there was a secret in the Rong Mansion, and even the family and uncle Li didn't know it. How

could a daughter-in-law who just married into the Rong family know it?

She couldn't figure it out.

But if it weren't for her, who would it be?

She began to feel uneasy. If she didn't find this person, she might continue to stir up trouble. The most

terrible thing was that 'False friends are worse than bitter enemies'. If she had been hiding in the dark

like a ghost, and it was impossible to guard against her.

While she was thinking, Zac came in, hugged her from the side, lowered his head and kissed her


She forced a smile at him, trying not to let him notice her abnormality. She didn't plan to tell him about

it. After all, it was just a guess without any evidence. Mary was cunning and good at playing tricks.

There was still a fifty percent chance that she had plot the secret passage accident.

She wanted to be in a position where she could be attacked and defended. If Mary wanted to

investigate, she had to secretly investigate all the suspicious people. She couldn't let those who stirred

up trouble get away with it.

"Dawny is still asleep. Let's go to the balcony," She whispered.

Zac nodded and went to the balcony with her.

"What were you thinking just now? You were so absorbed that you didn't even know I came in. "

"I'm thinking about the Spring Festival. In a few days, Grandpa, grandma and relatives will come. There

are still a lot of things to do," Essie said indifferently.

"Make a plan and hand it over to the stewards. Don't get yourself tired." Zac stroked her head.

She nodded slightly and turned her head to the outside of the window. "Besides uncle Li, who else

knows the most about the Rong Mansion's affairs?"

Zac thought for a while and said, "It should be uncle Fan. He was at home before I was born. Daddy

wanted him to retire, but he said he was still strong and wanted to stay a few more years, and daddy

agreed. "

"Will uncle Fan know that there is a secret passage in your family?" It seemed that Essie just asked


"Why do you suddenly ask about the secret passage?" Raising his thick eyebrows, Zac didn't seem to

want to mention it again.

"I was just curious and asked casually. There is a secret in the Rong Mansion, but only your mommy

knows it. It's incredible." Blinking her eyes, Essie looked very curious.

"Mommy is in charge of the redecoration of the yard. I guess she happened to find it. The only

untouched place in the Rong Mansion is the golden bricks. They have been safe since they bought this

mansion from our Rong family. The secret switch is just set under the golden bricks. It's normal that the

one who is not in charge of repair doesn't know its existence," Zac explained slowly.

It reminded Essie of what Mary had said. She said that she didn't know about the secret passage.

Since the golden bricks were not allowed to move, the workers wouldn't notice when the yard was

repaired. It made sense that Mary didn't know about it.

But how did that person know about this secret?

"Do you have any other secret ways in the Rong Mansion?" she said jokingly.

Zac's cold eyes twinkled, and an indescribable color flashed in his eyes. "Don't worry. I've upgraded

and strengthened the security system of the mansion. The last incident won't happen again."

After a short silence, Essie said in a low voice, "Dad and mom miss Dawny very much. I want him to

live with them for a period of time." Mili and Dot learned some self-defense skills from Zac. In addition,

they were different from their peers and had high intelligence. That was enough to protect themselves.

Rabi was not the descendant of the Rong family, and that person would not have any intention on him.

Only Dawny had no defensive ability at all. If the 'ghost' hiding in the dark was still alive, Dawny's safety

would be threatened. She couldn't take the risk.

"It's up to you." It was exactly what Zac wanted. The baby had occupied their room for a long time,

which made him unable to invade the woman with all his heart at night. Sending him to the Phoenix

Road was what he wanted. When he came back, he would let him sleep in his own room obediently

and wouldn't take his wife away from him.

After that, Essie went to the security department and asked the security guard to find out all the

surveillance videos outside the room where she had been in and out a few months before the accident

and record all the people who had come in and out. Although the result of searching for a needle in a

haystack was not great, it could at least help to rule out the possibility of new comers committing


The gold bricks of the Rong Mansion were also antiques. If someone was obsessed with money and

wanted to dig out a piece and sell it, and he happened to find the secret passage mechanism, it made



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