Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 307 The Identity Of The Baby

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Zac was keenly aware of her abnormality. "You look so nervous even before I said it. Are you hiding

many secrets from me?" His sharp and deep eyes seemed to remind her of leniency to confess and

severity to resist.

"Well... Actually... " She hesitated for a while, wondering how to explain the matter about Mili and Dot to

muddle through. Suddenly, an electric light flashed through her mind. No, if it was about Mili and Dot,

Zac would have been furious and killed her at the first place, how he could sit beside her calmly and

talk to her slowly?

With these thoughts in her mind, she coughed a few times and pretended to be confused. "What kind

of gossip would I have?"

"It's about you and father-in-law." At the moment, Zac took a sip of his coffee and said, "Finney said

that father-in-law was not your biological father." He believed that since even Finney knew about it,

there was no need to hide anymore the secret of her origin. As the son-in-law of the Yi family and her

husband, he should have a frank conversation with her.

Upon hearing that, Essie choked fiercely. She thought that Finney was always a woman of few words

and deeds, but now she had a big mouth?

"So what? In my heart, he is my real father, my only real father," she said stoutly and firmly that her

father loved her so much. She was grateful, and she also grateful to Bob. He helped her regain the

father's love and give her a complete family.

"I didn't mean anything else. I know you have a good relationship with father-in-law. I just want to know

more about you," Zac explained.

"I don't want to talk about this kind of thing about my father. You just need to know that my father is

called Bob, and I love him very much. That's enough." Raising her voice, she seemed a little agitated.

Her displeasure was clearly written all over her face. Zac quickly ended this topic. "I'm sorry. Just forget

what I said." Now that it was a scar in her memory that he did not want to touch, he could not touch it

again. Otherwise, it would hurt her.

She pursed her lips and her expression became more gentle. "Today is Saturday. Are you going to pick

up Rabi?"

Zac nodded. "I want to take you and Rabi to a place."

He looked mysterious, so she didn't ask more. She just didn't expect the place he took her and Rabi to

was a graveyard. No wonder he wanted to buy lily flowers.

"Why do you take us here?" She held Rabi tightly for fear that the place would freak him out.

"About Rabi, I still owe you an explanation, so I tell you everything today." Zac said in a low and deep


It was too quiet here. Scared, Rabi buried her head into Essie's arms. Hearing what he had said, Essie

could feel waves surging in her heart. Although it was no longer as important as it was before, she still

wanted to know why he had to protect the child at all costs.

Zac walked to a tombstone and stopped. He put a bouquet of flowers on it and said, "Leo, I take Rabi

here to visit you."

After a short pause, Essie said, "He..."

"His name is Leo. He is my best friend and Rabi's biological father." Zac said slowly, "Leo was a child of

a servant in our family. After the servant died, he became an orphan. There was no one to depend on.

My dad adopted him and let him go to school and play with me. We are closer than blood brothers. Leo

had saved me twice. The first time was when I was five years old, I fell into a lake and he jumped in

and saved me. The second time, I was assassinated and Leo protected me, but he left."

Hearing that, a shiver rose in Essie's heart. She hadn't expected that the situation would be like this.

"Since the child's father is Leo, how could Valery think it is yours?" she asked.

"At that time, I was invited to Paris to attend an architectural show. Unexpectedly, Valery came with me.

She brought the wine to my room, thinking that I could marry her in this way. In order not to let the cat

out of the bag, she also drank the wine. Unfortunately, I already noticed her conspiracy. So I didn't drink

at all. Leo went to the room, and that's why she mistakenly believed it was me."

Taking a pause, Zac said, "The baby in Valery's belly is the only flesh and blood of Leo in the world. I

must protect it at all cost. It's not that I don't trust you. I just can't take any risk. If Valery knows that the

child is not mine, she will definitely have an abortion."

"I know. If I were you, I would do the same." Hearing that, she was relieved. "I believe that brother Leo

will watch Rabi from the heaven and protect him to grow up healthily."

"He will. When Rabi grows up and becomes sensible, I'll tell him about it." Taking Rabi from her arms,

Zac kissed his little face affectionately. "I have to train him to be my successor, taking charge of the


"Okay, I'm on your side." With a slight smile on her face, Essie said. In her heart, she had already taken

Rabi as her own child.

On their way back to the hospital, Rabi was sleeping in her arms. Gently caressing his cheek, she

raised her head to take a look at Zac and asked, "Why were you assassinated?"

There must be a lot of enemies in the world for people who are cold-blooded, ruthless and decisive as


"There is always someone in the world who is getting tired of living," Zac said casually. His tone was as

cold as the cold air from Siberia.

"Are you having enemies all over the world?" She pursed her lips. The Rong's Group had spread

throughout the world, and they had secretly planted many foreign forces. It was inevitable for them to

make enemies.

"In the power business circle, you can't have everlasting friends or enemies, but everlasting benefits,"

Zac sneered, with a mocking smile on his face.

Indeed. Essie agreed with him. If people stayed in such a kind of place for too long, their affection

would be dissipated, leaving only greed, hypocrisy and coldness.

"You'd better not go there in the future. It's very dangerous there,"

"Don't worry. Nothing can happen to me. All you need to do is to take care of yourself. Promise me,

what happened at the construction site can't happen again," He reminded. Although he was not afraid

of anything, he had his weak spot. That was her. Once it was seized, he would definitely lose control

and have no power to fight back.

"I know." She nodded. She had learnt her lesson and would think twice before she set out.

As soon as she returned to the villa, she received a call from Eva. She asked her out to get together.

And Mandy would come too.

When she heard what she said, Essie was delighted again. As long as Mandy didn't forget about the

relationship between them which had existed for more than ten years, the friendship between them

would be repaired. On the other hand, Zac was a little worried. Mandy was not a simple woman. His

instinct told him that she had never treated the muddleheaded girl as a good friend. She was just

muddleheaded and didn't know what was going on. All she wanted was to maintain their friendship.

"You little fool." He held her shoulder and said, "Mandy has changed a lot. She is no longer the bestie

you used to play with. You have to be more careful and you can't trust her easily any more."

Essie smiled. She said in a careless way, "She was threatened by others to cheat me. I have already

forgiven her."

"She could lie to you once, she would lie to you the second time." Zac said in a solemn tone. "Don't

forget that she is working for Bles now. Bles was not a simple person. On the surface, he was just a

shareholder who cared nothing, but he had done a lot of shady business behind the scenes. Mandy will

be affected if she follows him."

"Does he have anything to do with Xu family?" Essie remembered how frightened Whit was when he

saw Bles at the general shareholder's meeting. Did he collude with Elizabeth?

"I'll help you find out the truth. Stay out of it. Many people are watching you and Cathy. You'll alert the

enemy once you act," Zac reminded her. He couldn't make her the first target of those people.

Essie nodded as she rested her head at his chest. "Icy guy, you're the only one I trust in Dragon City.

You won't lie to me, will you?" Since she had to rely on him, she had to release a few sugar coated

bullets from time to time to knock them off.

He gently stroked her head and said in a soft voice, "you silly fool, didn't we promise to trust each


"Yes," she answered in a soft voice. Her expression was very obedient, but she was very clear in her

heart that it was very difficult for her. He was like a mystery. She couldn't understand or solve it, and

she couldn't decipher. Which word he said was true or which was false. How could she dare to fully

trust him?

When she arrived at Eva's apartment, Mandy had already been there.

When she saw her, a cold light flashed through Mandy's eyes and all the resentments were hidden.

She only smiled gently.

"We three haven't been together like this for a long time," she said with a smile.

"Yes, it was too long for me to remember." Eva heaved a sigh and said, "Essie completely disappeared

for many years. And you, you always said you are busy whenever I called. Both of you are heartless


"I'm really busy. There are several shows in hand." Mandy puckered up her lips. Although she didn't get

angry with Eva, she was doing great now. She thought that she was inferior to this super star. She felt

very uncomfortable and didn't want to see her anymore.

"Take these three years as a test of our friendship. A good friend will share wind and rain. No matter

what happens in the future, don't forget that you have two best friends by your side. They will do their

best to help," Essie said seriously.

"You are right." Eva held their shoulders from the back of the sofa and said, "Remember our vows.

Money is precious, but love is more valuable. If it is a friend, leave both of them behind."

"Got it. You don't need to worry about it." Mandy poked her forehead.

"Actually, what we worried most is you." Eva came over from the back of the sofa and sat beside her.

"What happened between you and that old man?"


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