Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 518 Dot Was Missing

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"If that's the case, then it's easier." Leila smiled, "if you don't mind, then I don't have to worry about it.

The more intense the incident is, the bigger the conflict between them."

An evil smile cracked Hanson's lips, and he said, "all right, you have a good plan. Just leave it to me.

You can wait and see." He didn't like to give the authority to others.

Leila didn't care about that. She was satisfied as long as she could get what she wanted and didn't get

her hands dirty. She smiled and said, "well, wish us happy cooperation."

On Friday, as soon as Zac left the company, he went straight to the Phoenix Road to pick up Mili and

Dot for dinner.

It was very reluctant for Lucy to let them go with Zac. She finally let them go after Bob's persuasion.

In the car, Mili looked worriedly at Zac. "Daddy, you have to think of a way to make grandma happy.

Otherwise, you and mommy will be in despair."

Zac shrugged. He never please others. Besides, his mother-in-law was cold to him, so it was

impossible for him to do anything to please her.

"How about I ask you to do this?" He said half-jokingly.

"I see. You don't seem to be such a nice person. If you don't do exactly what you want, I'll have to

reluctantly help you." Mili sighed, crossing her arms and sighing.

Zac touched her head with a smile. God was always kind to him. He had always hoped to have a

daughter who was as muddled as Essie one day. Now his wish had come true.

Sitting on the chair in silence, Dot knew that the biggest problem between his parents now was not his

grandmother, but Leila. As long as Leila could decide his mother's life, his father and mother could not

be reunited.

Soon after they arrived at the Blue Coast, Essie came here too. Only here could they have a meal in


"It's good to have a family reunion." Mili clapped her hands happily.

Essie looked at Mili with a touch of sadness emerging from the bottom of her heart. She knew that her

children had always been eager to have a complete family, like other children, with their parents.

She didn't want them to repeat her own tragedy, but things always went against her expectations. And

it made her increasingly unable to follow her wishes. All she could do was to protect them from harm.

"Baby, every weekend, daddy and mommy will come to have dinner with you, okay?"

"Great! That's great!" Mili grinned, her two dimples jumping in her cheeks.

Zac turned around to look at his son, who was expressionless. Zac was somewhat displeased with his

indifference. "Boy, why are you always so silent?"

"I don't like talking during dinner." Dot curtly replied.

"Are you not happy to have dinner with me?" Zac slightly frowned. He always felt there was an invisible

gap between him and his son.

"This is not the first time that I have dinner with you. Why do I have to be happy?" Dot took a sip of the

soup and stared at the plate, not even raising his eyelids.

Zac put a piece of beef in his mouth. He bit it very hard to vent some of his anger. He didn't know Dot

was his son and couldn't teach him in the past. But now he had the right to teach him a good lesson.

"Kid, do you know a saying? It is the father who should be blamed for not teaching his son well. "

"So what? Before you and my mommy get back together, you are just my uncle Zac, not my daddy,"

Dot remained unperturbed.

"I'm your father whether you accept me or not." Zac laid his knife down on the table. As the most

powerful man in the Dragon City, he didn't believe that he could not teach a three-year-old boy well.

"So, you've just acknowledged your son and you're going to get rough at him?" Dot raised his

eyebrows, looking defiant.

Again, Essie smelt gunpowder on the dining table, and she was a little nervous. The father and the son

had the same character. If they confronted each other with toughness, they would surely get angry and

fight with each other.

"Ice guy. Be patient with him. You will scare him."

"I think he is so fearless." Zac glared at Essie coldly. It seemed that more than half of his anger had

been transferred to her. If she hadn't concealed the origin of the children, he wouldn't have been

separated from them for so long and there would be some affection between them.

Feeling another chill in her heart, Essie quickly shut her mouth and stopped talking, in case the fire at

the city gate might harm the fish. Anyway, she could see that Zac had loved his son very much in his

heart, but was a little annoyed at his not recognizing him.

Mili stuck out her tongue and took a sip of the soup. She knew that Dot served to irritate their daddy on

purpose, so that he could take action as soon as possible and deal with those bad mistresses. She

supported Dot secretly, but she didn't tell it to public. It would be terrible if daddy was too angry and

quarreled with mommy.

Then, the silence on the dining table gradually turned heavy, until the dinner was over.

This weekend, the children stayed with Zac in Blue Coast until Monday.

On Monday afternoon, there was a robot fashion show at the teenager's palace. Dot was interested in

the show and asked Pana to go with him.

Many parents had asked for leave and took the kids to see the high-tech shows.

During their visit in the show, Dot went to the washroom. Pana was waiting for him outside.

At this moment, a kid ran over and bumped into Pana. Then he fell to the ground and cried loudly. Then

two adults came over. They seemed to be the children's parents. The two adults grasped Pana's

clothes, saying that she hit their children and asked her to apologize.

Two bodyguards beside her came to help her out and explained.

When they were still arguing, Dot washed his hands and came out of the washroom. As soon as he

went out, he was pulled to a corner by a pair of big hands.

He was a little scared. When he was about to shout out, he turned around and found it was Hanson.

"Daddy Hanson, why are you here?" He asked in surprise.

"Didn't you tell me over the phone this morning that you would come to the teenager's palace to watch

robot? So I came to see you. " Hanson smiled and said, "baby, I really miss you and Mili, but your

daddy warned me not to see you, so I can only come to see you secretly now."

"Daddy is so fierce!" Dot pouted.

"Dot, I will take you out to eat pizza, OK?" Hanson said, stroking his head.

"Okay. I have been here for a long time. I am already hungry." Dot nodded and said, "I'll go get aunt


"No way." Hanson waved his hand and said, "if she knows, you can't go out with me. Let's go eat first

and come back to her later. "

"But if I don't tell her, she will think I'm missing and worry about me." Dot frowned.

Hanson meditated for a while and turned his head to look at Pana. She was still fighting with the

parents with bodyguards. She didn't know that Dot had come out at all. People around her blocked

their sight so that they couldn't see this side.

In fact, the three people who had bumped into her were hired by Hanson to distract the attention of

Pana and bodyguards. Afterwards, he took Dot away from the door of the washroom.

"How about this? You send her a message, asking her to wait for you at the door of projection room."

He said.

It sounded like a good idea, so Dot didn't doubt him at all. He nodded, sent a message to Pana and

then sneaked out from the back door with him.

Not far away, a pair of eyes was secretly watching this scene. Seeing that Dot was taken away by

Hanson, an insidious smile appeared at the corners of her mouth.

It took Pana and the bodyguards a long time to get rid of the couple. Then they realized that Dot was

missing. After receiving the message, they went to the projection hall, but they looked for the movie hall

and couldn't see a single person.

They hurried to look for Dot in the exhibition hall, and the security guards of the teenager's palace also

blocked the exit. They wanted to check the kids one by one.

As soon as Essie and Zac received the news, they rushed over as quickly as possible.

"Where is Dot? Have you found him?" Her face was pale and she was shaking all over.

"We've looked everywhere in the teenager's palace, but found nothing." Said Pana anxiously.

Zac called Vincent, asking him to mobilize all his men in Dragon City to search for Dot.

Just as they walked out of the teenager's palace, his phone rang. The voice was specially processed

and could not be identified.

"Zac, are you looking for your son? It's a pity to tell you that he is in my hand now. If you still want to

see him, you have to take one hundred million cash with you. At twelve o'clock in the evening, you and

Essie go to the wasted glamour warehouse in the north of the city to redeem him. If you call the police

or play tricks, you will see a corpse. "

Clenching the phone in his hand, Zac flew into a rage, "I want to talk to Dot!"

There was a long silence on the phone, and then he heard a trembling voice, "Daddy, help me..."

He said only a few words and then his voice disappeared. In great anger, Zac's handsome face twisted.

"If you dare to touch him a little bit, I'll cut you into pieces!"

"Cut the crap. Raise the ransom as soon as possible. It must be cash." The phone was hung up.

When they were talking on the phone, Essie pricked up her ears and listened carefully. When she was

sure that her son had been kidnapped, her eyes went dark and she passed out.

Leila didn't leave but stayed behind a black car not far away. She kept watching them. She felt

extremely happy and satisfied the moment when Essie fell down.

You little bitch, if you dare to fight with me, I will definitely make you die a horrible death.

The future governor of the Rong family must be my son, and you just wait to collect your son's body.

She sneered and her expression was as hideous as a ghost that came out of the hell.

At this time, her cell phone rang and it was a call from Hanson. "I have taken care of this little boy.

Come here quickly."

"Ok." Leila replied in a very low voice, hung up the phone and left quietly.


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