Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 471 The First Encounter Of Enemy

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As soon as Alice hung up the phone, she walked out of the washroom. Lucy was waiting for her in the

living room.

She had heard about what happened at the general shareholder's meeting. She was afraid that there

would be conflicts between the two of them, so she came to the villa of Alice's early morning to

persuade her not to fight with Essie for the position of president.

At this moment, Alice hated Essie very much. She wished that Essie could die at once so that the Xu

group would be hers.

But she didn't show her feelings on her face, which was full of grievances. "Mom, I don't want to

compete with her. I just want to help her run the Xu group. I don't want to burden her too much. But she

was afraid that I would get involved in her business. She would always give me some trivial things, and

she was always on guard against me. "

She sighed deeply. "But I don't think it's her fault. It's all because of Zac. He was worried that the

interests of his family would be damaged when I engaged with Fell, so he deliberately provoked our

relationship in front of Essie." She purposely threw Zac out in order to pave the ways for what she was

going to say.

"You must have misunderstood. Essie has broken up with Zac. They haven't seen each other for a long

time," Lucy said.

"Mom, don't you know that? They have been together secretly all the time. After the general

shareholder's meeting yesterday, sister went to the Jade Mountain to meet Zac. She won't leave today.

The two of them are going to have a romantic day inside." At the same time, Alice gave a look of

pretended astonishment.

Lucy's face twitched violently. "That's impossible. Essie is on a business trip in City C. She will be back


"She lied to you. Now if you are going to the Jade Mountain, you can catch her," Alice said affirmatively.

Lucy jumped up from the sofa. Although she didn't believe that her daughter would still have

connection with Zac since she had threatened her with her death, she still wanted to go to the Jade

Mountain to find out what had happened. It was always wise to play safe.

There was an imperceptible weird smile on the corner of Alice's mouth, and she was going to watch a

huge drama.

The mother daughter of Lucy's team arrived almost at the same time as the mother and daughter in law

of Mary's team.

Lucy recognized Mary at the first sight, but Mary didn't because Lucy had a plastic surgery.

"Mary, we haven't seen each other for eighteen years. It seems that we have to get even with each

other for the old and new grudges today!" Lucy said through gritted teeth.

Hearing this, Mary was shocked. She didn't know Lucy, but at the first time she knew Alice, so she

soon realized who he was. "Luce Du? Why did you become like this? "

"Thanks to you and Elizabeth!" Seeing her enemy, Lucy's heart was filled with endless hatred.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I'm here for my son." A muscle on Mary's face was twitching

violently. She would never admit what happened at that time, not even death.

Lucy was about to speak again, but Alice interrupted her, "Mom, let's go to look for Essie first, and then

we'll talk about it later."

Mary snorted, "Like mother, like daughter. Your daughter is just like you. Both of you are evil sluts. My

son has already abandoned her, but she still harasses my son all day long. "

Hearing that, Lucy's face turned red in fury. "Your son's heart must be as insidious, hypocritical and

vicious as yours. He has no right to be with my daughter."

"Don't worry. My son has already married. My daughter-in-law is much better than your daughter. As

long as your daughter doesn't pester him, he won't even take a look at her."

While they was talking, the door opened. It was Zac. He was surprised to see them. "Mommy, auntie,

why are you here?"

"I am looking for Essie!" Lucy pushed him away and rushed into the room. Others followed her.

But there was nobody in the living room.

"It must be in the room." As she spoke, Leila rushed to them, but was stopped by Zac. "What are you

doing here?" He growled in a low voice, and the cold air suddenly froze the air in the living room.

"Zac, are you with Essie again?" Tears welled up in Leila's eyes.

"So you've put in so much effort just to look for Essie?" Zac snorted, "Who told you that she was here

at my place?"

"A woman called me and I didn't know who it was." Leila stammered.

"You believed it when a strange woman called you. Were you insane?" With a sudden shake of his

hand, she fell to the ground.

Mary hurried to help her get back on her feet. "Zac, take it easy, Leila was just worried about you."

"Mary, watch your mouth. Don't insult my daughter. Bad guys like you will pay for it sooner or later." As

soon as she heard her enemy abuse her daughter, Lucy became furious.

It had never occurred to Zac that the two mothers would get together in such a lively atmosphere. Then

he turned to Alice and then to Lucy and asked, "Aunt, who told you that Essie was with me?"

Lucy turned to look at her. "Alice, you received a call from a strange woman and thought Essie was

here again, right?"

"Yes... Well, someone called me last night and said that she saw Essie here." For fear that her scheme

would be seen through by Zac, Alice hastened to disguise her intention.

A bloodthirsty expression rose from Zac's face. "If I find out who did this, I'll definitely cut her into


At this moment, Alice gave a cold shiver, her hairs standing on end. It was well known in Dragon City

that Zac was a ruthless man. Fortunately, she did it secretly and did not expose herself. Otherwise, she

would be miserable.

"Is Essie not here?" Lucy wanted to confirm it.

"She is not here," Zac said with great certainty.

Hearing that, Lucy breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that her daughter would not go against her

wishes. Somebody must have made a trap for her.

"Alice, let's go." She shook her hand. The air in the room was too bad and was seriously contaminated

by Mary. She didn't want to stay here any longer.

Alice had carefully designed the play, so she couldn't miss it. It must be Lucy and Mary who were

quarreling at the door. And Essie heard that, so she hid herself.

"Mom, maybe Essie hid in the upstairs room again. I can only set my mind at ease if I go upstairs to

have a look." Then she was about to go upstairs. With a wave of his arm, he succeeded in driving her

to the corner of the wall. If it was not for the sake of Lucy and Essie, he would cut off her arms so that

she could not take care of herself in the future.

"Who do you think you are? How dare you come into my room without my permission?" Zac raised his

thick eyebrows. Alice was so scared that he dared not move.

"She can't go there. I can go there. I'm your wife. Your room is also mine," Leila said. She must go in to

have a look.

"No one is allowed." Zac pulled the collar of her pajamas. "I have something else to do. Please go


Mary looked at her son and thought that there must be a secret in the room, or Leila wouldn't be

stopped by him.

"Zac, I'm worried about you. I don't want you to do anything wrong. Just let me go upstairs to have a

look. Then, I can rest assured."

Taking a glance at her, Zac didn't say anything and seemed to be hesitating. After a while, he sighed.

"All right. Mommy, I'll let you go up." Then he moved aside to make room for him.

Mary went upstairs and looked at the art gallery. All the doors of the rooms were open, except one that

was closed. She guessed it must be the master bedroom.

She opened the door and a delicate voice came from inside, "Those bastards have finally left?"

"So long! So long! My sister and I are waiting for you." a soft voice said.

Mary frowned. She was totally shocked when she rushed in.

As soon as the woman saw her, she grabbed the quilt and covered herself with it. "Who are you?

Where is master Rong?"

"I'm his mother." Mary was so embarrassed that she didn't know where to look at. It was so shocking.

"Are there only you two here?"

"How many more do you want?" the long haired woman asked.

Hearing such shameless words, Mary's face turned red. "Zac is really..." She couldn't find a word to say

and closed the door quickly.

She was so shocked that she stumbled downstairs.

"Mommy, have you found someone?" Zac deliberately asked.

"No, No. we were deceived." Mary waved her hand, then shook her head.

"Mommy, is Essie really not here?" Leila raised her eyebrows.

"No one is on it. I've checked every room." Mary said. She held Leila's hands and said, "Leila, Zac is

your husband. You should trust him. You can't lost your trust on him just by one single phone call, or it

will affect your relationship." She couldn't tell her what had happened between the two women upstairs,

or she would have a big quarrel with her son and break up. It would be a good chance for Essie to get

close to him.

Leila felt that something was wrong. There must be something wrong in the room, but judging from

Mary's expression, she knew it wasn't because of Essie, or else Mary wouldn't be so calm, and she still

helped to hide it.

"Okay, Mommy," she said gently, trying to hide all her emotions.

But at this moment, Alice was not reconciled and still wanted to struggle in the end. "Zac, don't lie to

me. If there is really no one else, why do you only allow her to go up, but not us?"

Before she could finish her words, Mary ran to her and slapped her with her hands. She was the

daughter of Luce, and this slap on her daughter meant that she slapped Luce.

Seeing this, Luce gave her two slaps in the face immediately. She slapped them hard and hard. Even

the hatred she had for many years had been added to these two slaps. It was out of Mary's expectation

that she would do this to her. Her cheeks were red and swollen.

"Okay, Mommy," she said gently, trying to hide all her emotions.

But at this moment, Alice was not reconciled and still wanted to struggle in the end. "Zac, don't lie to

me. If there is really no one else, why do you only allow her to go up, but not us?"

Before she could finish her words, Mary ran to her and slapped her with her hands. She was the

daughter of Luce, and this slap on her daughter meant that she slapped Luce.

Seeing this, Luce gave her two slaps in the face immediately. She slapped them hard and hard. Even

the hatred she had for many years had been added to these two slaps. It was out of Mary's expectation

that she would do this to her. Her cheeks were red and swollen.


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