Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 537 Fight With Elizabeth

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Early in the morning, Vinton was waiting at the door of Eva's apartment. He wanted to explain the

engagement to her.

Eva also saw the news. His engagement with Wendy was today's front page news, and it was hard not

to see it. However, she had known about it last night. Essie called her and reminded her to be careful of


She was very calm. All the time, she just treated Vinton as a friend, and had no intention of dating him.

"Vinton, Congratulations!" She smiled lightly.

"I won't marry that woman." Vinton frowned. Her reaction was like kicking him into the abyss, which

made him very disappointed.

Eva picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip slowly. Last night, Essie had analyzed the stakes

to her. Since this marriage would do no good to Vinton and her bestie, she had to do something, not

only for Vinton, but also for her bestie.

"That woman is pretty in the photo." She said with a faint smile.

"I've seen a lot of beautiful women. Being beautiful is not something important. Personality is the most

important." Vinton said scornfully.

Hearing this, Eva understood Vinton's thought. She sighed heavily and said, "Vinton, are you really

your mother's biological son? She only takes advantage of you. She doesn't show her love for you at

all." She had heard from Vinton that Elizabeth treated Valery much better than him. When they were

young, they fell at the same time when playing together. She only hugged Valery, but never hugged

him. She only applied medicine to Valery's wound and left him to the nanny, leaving him alone.

Vinton raised his eyebrows and asked, "if I am not her child, then who gave birth to me?"

"Maybe your father had a blind date with some other woman and then had you. When Elizabeth knew

it, she took you away as her own child. You and Valery are not like each other at all. How could you are

opposite sex twins? " Eva said methodically. Her mind was always open and she was good at


Vinton thought for a while and his eyes were deep. It was possible. His mother could do anything she


"Anyway, I will never be her puppet at her disposal." He clenched his fists, with fire in his eyes.

"I support you. You must find someone you like to be your wife. You can't let others control your

marriage." Eva patted him on the shoulder like a good friend.

Vinton was very happy that she didn't want him to marry someone else. He knew that Eva had feelings

for him.

Elizabeth wouldn't let go of Eva easily. She made an appointment with her on the second day.

The most high-end Maeve Cafe had been cleared up, and there were only two guests tonight.

In the VIP room, Eva kept stirring the coffee in her cup, feeling that a storm was coming. However, she

was not afraid. Since the woman in front of her was the enemy of her best friend, which was also her

enemy, she would not be frightened by her.

Elizabeth smiled gently, but her eyes were as cold as two sharp swords. "The coffee here is very good.

Miss Eva, have a try."

Eva didn't move. She knew very well that the woman didn't come to invite her to have coffee. "Mrs.

Elizabeth, what can I do for you?"

"In that case, I don't have to beat around the bush." Elizabeth put down the coffee cup with a cold smile

on her face, "Vinton is getting married soon. I hope you won't disturb him anymore."

With a slight smile on her face, Eva said calmly, "Mrs. Elizabeth, if Vinton is really married, of course I

won't disturb him again. But before he gets married, we are all free. We can get along with each other

freely, and it was none of others' business."

Hearing this, Elizabeth frowned and said, "I'm his mother. I'm in charge of everything about him. You

must leave now. I don't want your vulgar to be tainted with Vinton." Elizabeth's words suddenly became

exceptionally sharp. As soon as she thought of the relationship between Eva and Essie, she couldn't

help but feel disgusted. She took out a check from her bag and moved it over from the table. "It's a

check of ten million dollars. I think it is enough to make up for someone like you."

Eva glanced at the check indifferently. There was unusual calmness on her face, but her dark eyes

were deepening.

"Mrs. Elizabeth, do you think I'm short of money?"

"I know you have a good career in the entertainment industry, but it can't change your vulgar nature."

Elizabeth's tone was full of extreme coldness and irony. "Your father abandoned the whole family when

you were less than six years old and fooled around with a disreputable woman. Your mother has never

had a decent job. She either works as a cleaner or a dishwasher. What kind of good girl can you be

from such a family? "

Eva didn't say anything, she was still as calm as before. Her face was like a poker face, except for the

carved expression, there was no other expression. However, her eyes became deeper, like a black

well, unable to see the bottom.

"Auntie, I don't think I should be shameful for my mother's jobs. We all make money by our own hands.

We don't steal or rob, and we never feel inferior! And as far as I know, you came from the slum. You

are a mistress. If I am vulgar, I am afraid you are more vulgar. " Her tone was neither fast nor slow,

neither humble nor pushy, and was full of deep ridicule.

Elizabeth was furious and her face turned red. She hated being exposed most. Since she succeeded in

getting the position, she had regarded herself as a noble lady in the upper class.

"You don't need to use these high sounding excuses to flatter yourself." Her voice was sharper and

colder, as if to cover up her fear. "I'll give you one day to leave Vinton as soon as possible. Otherwise,

don't blame me for being rude to you. I have a good way to deal with people like you."

The warning was like a hail falling from a dark cloud, but before it landed, it was shattered by a

thunderous roar. "Don't go too far."

The door of the VIP room was kicked open, and Vinton rushed in with Essie.

Eva turned her head and saw him. The moment she saw him, tears rushed out like the flood that had

spilled out of the gate, surging and flooding. In an instant, her face was wet. Of course, she was acting.

As a star, it was no problem for her to play a tragedy play. The more she cried, the angrier Vinton would


Vinton ran to her and held her in his arms. "Eva, don't be afraid. I'm here. No one can hurt you!"

Elizabeth's heart thumped violently, as if she had been hit by a heavy object. No, it should be a soft

knife stabbed by Eva. The soft knife, however, was bleeding, making her unable to fight back.

She almost lost her mind and shouted hysterically, "enough, Vinton, enough. You are crazy. You don't

know what you are doing."

Vinton raised his head and looked at her cruelly, "Mommy, you have no right to interfere in my affairs,

and I will never be your puppet. If I have to marry someone, my wife must have nothing to do with you

and the Wang family. If you force me regardless of our relationship, I won't care you too much. "

It was dark and the rain was loud.

The rain drops fell on the windowsill and shattered the blooming magnolia flowers.

Elizabeth's heart was burning with anger, and even her hair was creaking. "Vinton, how could you be

obsessed with such a woman?"

Vinton's face was as gloomy as the sky outside the window, "what kind of woman is she?"

"A person from a single parent poor family like her is humble, hypocritical and scheming. But she has a

pure mask, which hides the vulgar in her bones very well. So you don't see her true color!"

She couldn't control her voice. She moved her lips and wanted to continue, but was interrupted by

Vinton. "It's not appropriate to draw such a conclusion for a person you have only met a few times! We

don't judge people by their birth. After getting along with each other for a long time, you will find that

she is a good girl with many good qualities. "

"Even if for one hundred years, I can't tell! If you are still my son, you should cut off the relationship with

that woman right away. " There was no room for negotiation in Elizabeth's tone. She was very clear that

the reason why she hated Eva had nothing to do with her origin or quality. It was because Vinton's wife

must have something to do with the Wang family, so that she could easily control him.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. I always respect you. Please respect me this time."

Vinton's answer was also very firm, as if he had been spiraled into madness, which made Elizabeth


'This is horrible! My son is crazy! '

"Well, Vinton, if you don't let this woman disappear from your side, I will let her disappear from the


She said through gritted teeth. Vinton was shocked and frowned, with a malicious light in his eyes. "If I

lose Eva, you will lose your son. If you hurt Eva, I will immediately cut off the relationship with you." He

grabbed the check on the table, tore it into pieces, and threw it up angrily. The pieces of paper

scattered in the air like snowflakes. "Please don't force me!" His voice was as cold as rock.

Elizabeth sat on the chair with her mouth half open.

"Aunt Elizabeth, I'm telling you once. Eva is Eva, and I am I. Please don't put us together. And if you

dare to touch Eva with one hair, I will let your dear daughter Valery lose one arm. Let's see who is more

powerful. "

A beam of lightning came in from the window and shone on the wall.

Elizabeth kept silent.

She grabbed the coffee cup on the table and smashed it against the wall.

The green light flashed, and the coffee cup hit the wall and fell heavily to the ground, smashing into


The coffee spread out like teardrops, leaving brown marks on the white wall paper.

"Essie, you will never be able to defeat me. Never!"


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