Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 623 Endless Debt Of Gratitude

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Jim kicked the chair beside him and caught her.

"Jim, you sneak attack!" She slumped into the chair, glaring at him with her beautiful eyes, ashamed

and annoyed.

"The point meridians skill is the trump card of the Wing Chun. You have just learned a little. I guess you

can't even find the acupoints, right?" Jim sneered.

Eva's two cheeks turned red, "Jim, don't be complacent. When I learn it well, I will definitely defeat


"Maybe when the earth stops spinning," A low and deep smile burst out from Jim's throat. It sounded

very charming and arrogant.

Eva really wanted to jump up and fight with him, but her legs were still numb and she could not stand

up at all. 'Jim is really unfathomable. This time I underestimated him again.'

She rolled her eyes for two times and said bluntly, "Jim, my leg was hurt by you. I can't shoot the movie

in the afternoon. You have to bear the loss of late work."

"Don't worry. You will recover in ten minutes. If you dare to delay the shooting, I won't let you have

dinner tonight." Jim threatened her with a sneer. He had found the Achilles' heel of the heaven pepper.

He would see how she could play tricks in front of him in the future.

Hearing that, Eva flew into a rage, "why don't you let me eat? You are interfering with human rights and

murdering. "

"Can you starve to death if you don't eat anything?" Jim sneered.

"I hate being hungry the most. I feel dizzy, hypoglycemia and low blood pressure when I'm hungry. If I

don't feel well, I will hit a pillar or fall down the steps. Will my life be in danger?" Eva argued seriously

with her hands on her hips.

Jim couldn't help laughing. It was really an interesting thing to tease her. "I don't care whether you are

alive or not. Anyway, no one is allowed to eat until the movie is finished in the afternoon." He said on


"We are not allowed to eat, and you are not allowed to eat either!" Eva smashed her fist on the table

angrily. It was really hard for her to work with such a domineering demon. Just now, she had hoped that

this movie would never be finished. Now, she had changed her mind. She'd better finish it today, so that

she wouldn't have to suffer from this devil anymore.

Jim didn't seem to care about her any more. He squinted his charming eyes and showed a lazy

expression. He called his assistant in, made him a cup of coffee, and then leaned against the back of

the chair and drank it leisurely.

Since Eva was still unable to move, she could only vent her anger on him. However, she didn't roar

anymore, but changed a way.

"Jim, I find that there are few gossips about you recently. Are you out of date?"

In Hengdian, she had lunch and dinner with him. On the weekend, he would definitely ask her to make

desserts for him. It seemed that he only had a few time to chase girls.

"It's none of your business." Jim said indifferently.

"Are you played too many women before? Are you physically overdraft and suffering from kidney

deficiency?" She snickered.

A murderous look flashed through Jim's eyes. He put down the coffee cup, stood up and walked

towards her step by step, like a lion king ready to hunt.

He gave off a dangerous and cold aura, making the surrounding pressure below zero degrees.

Eva unconsciously leaned against the back of the chair, having an impulse to run away. She still had

one leg that could move. But before she could stand up, her legs were caught by Jim's long legs.

In a moment of desperation, she punched him on the head, but he dodged nimbly with a flash. He

grabbed her wrists with ten fingers and twisted them behind the back of the chair.

"Heaven pepper, I'll let you know now if I have kidney deficiency!" He threatened her word by word.

Eva's face turned pale in an instant. "Jim, we are in the film set. There are all the crew and paparazzi

outside. If you dare to touch me, I'll scream."

With a mischievous smile on his face, Jim said, "if I say you seduced me, will the people outside

believe you or me?"

Eva was dumbfounded? Of course she believed him.

'Who is he? He is the crown prince of the entertainment circle and the mysterious God. There are more

women who want to climb into his bed than the stars in the sky. Does he need to force anyone?'

Last time, she was only exposed to the public that she cheated on him, and she was almost smashed

to death by his fierce fans with stinky eggs. If she dared to say that he had raped her, there would be

no safe place on earth for her.

"Jim, I take back what I said just now. You don't have kidney deficiency. You are very powerful. You are

very strong. Is that okay?"

Jim's brown eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold smile flitted across the corner of his mouth. "Heaven

pepper, do your ex-boyfriend have such kind of thing?"

"It's none of my business. We are Platonic love. I won't let those dissolute and unfaithful bitches touch

me!" A wave of heat quickly surged up from Eva's neck to her face, which made her face burning.

"Oh?" Jim raised his eyebrows and asked, "what are you doing with Vinton?"

"Jim, this is my privacy and has nothing to do with you." Eva was ashamed and annoyed.

"You don't look like an experienced person." Jim looked at the blush on her face, and his soul stirring

peach blossom eyes radiated a study and judgment.

"Do you think everyone is as dissolute as you? You sleep with so many women and you are not afraid

of getting sick. Whoever wants to marry you in the future must be unlucky for eight lifetimes." Eva

glared at him with a look of disgust in her eyes.

Jim frowned. What she said irritated him. "You are a double faced woman. Vinton is the most romantic

man in Dragon City, but you still love him."

"A playboy doesn't change his mind. Vinton has changed a lot. Now I'm the only woman beside him.

Unlike you, you can't refuse any woman who wants to be with you. " Her words were like a submachine

gun shooting out, but before she could finish, she was kissed hard by two slightly cold thin lips.

After a long time, Jim slowly let go of his lips and stared at the person under him. His eyes were implicit

and unfathomable. "Heaven pepper, this is not a kiss, but a punishment." Then he strode out like a

cheetah who had won the battle. His arrogance was undisguised.

"Jim, you are a shameless bastard!" Eva was speechless. He had humiliated her and taken advantage

of her, but he was still righteous. Such a person was really hateful.

She took a deep breath to calm herself down. She decided to have dinner by herself tonight.

As soon as the scene in the afternoon was finished, Eva turned around and left, no longer following the

man as before, waiting for the dinner.

Noticing that, Jim ignored her, got in the car and left.

This evening, Eva went to a stall on the street alone and ate spicy hot pot. During this period of time,

she had big meals with Jim every day. She found that her taste bud had become picky, and she

couldn't eat at all at roadside stands. She bit a beef ball was like chewing wax.

No, no, she had to adjust her taste bud to a normal state. Her buds couldn't be destroyed by Jim.

She picked up a skewer of pig red and gulped it down. She kept telling herself that it was delicious.

On the other side of the Hengdian, in the luxurious villa, Jim was sitting idly in front of a table of French


The living room was terribly quiet. Usually, it would be filled with the sound of two people choking and

arguing, and the sound of satisfaction when eating heaven pepper was eating.

He used to eat alone, very comfortable and cozy. But now, he didn't feel like this at all. It seemed that

Eva had become an indispensable appetizer. Without her at the table, he had no appetite at all.

'Damn it! She is heaven pepper. I don't like spicy food. Why do I need to eat with her?'

On second thought, this woman came here to pay off her debt. She was heavily in debt now, and he

was the big creditor. How could he let her go today?

He didn't have a good appetite, and this woman should be responsible for it.

While he was thinking, he picked up his phone and said, "Heaven pepper, I give you an hour to eat with

me and fulfill your debt!

Eva was eating spicy hot pot listlessly. When she saw the message, her eyes lit up, but soon dimmed,

and then turned into anger.

She didn't want to be humiliated. This bastard dared to bully her at noon. She would never have meals

with him again.

Thinking of this, she picked up a skewer of tofu, but she didn't eat it for a long time.

Yesterday, Jim seemed to say that today's dinner was French cuisine, with goose liver paste, truffle,

steak... They were all delicious.

She couldn't help licking her lips.

She had dinner with Jim to pay off her debt of gratitude. If she didn't go tonight, he might play tricks on

her again. Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth and stood up.

'Forget it. I have to pay my debt first. I hate to owe others favors the most in my life.'

In the villa, hearing the doorbell, Jim smiled.

However, the moment Eva entered the restaurant, the corners of his mouth quickly closed, revealing a

serious iceberg face.

"Heaven pepper, from now on, if you are absent once, I will extend it for a month."

Eva rolled her eyes at him and sat opposite the table. When she glanced at the delicious food on the

table, her eyes sparkled and she suddenly felt much better.


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