Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 449 My Ex-Husband

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As she saw her two sons surrounded Essie, Mary was trembling with rage, her eyes almost popping


Luce used to occupy her husband's heart, and now her daughter stole her son's heart away, especially

with two sons.

It was extremely terrible and hateful!

She couldn't let Essie and her son get back together. As long as she could drive her away, she didn't

care to repeat what she had done in the past.

However, the situation of the Rong family was different from that of the Xu family. All of them were

powerful and influential. Especially for Zac, he was too cold and too strong, not as mild as Baron. Most

importantly, he was bossy and didn't take her advice seriously, unlike Baron who was obedient to Vicki

and dared not show any disobedience.

And speaking of Essie. She looked like Luce, but her personality was completely different from hers.

Luce was a simple and harmless rabbit, while Essie was an aggressive fox. It was much more difficult

to deal with her and they had to make a comprehensive plan.

Fortunately, her son had divorced her, and she was going to marry another man. They had no valid

reason to be together. This was a dead spot, and she had to hold it and pinched it.

She took a deep breath and went over to him, "Zac, Leila was kneeling outside for too long and passed

out. You'd better go out and have a look. I'm afraid that she would be in danger."

A bloodthirsty disgust streaked across Zac's face. She hurt his little fool like this. If it was not for the

antidote preparation, he must greet this woman seriously.

Alena turned to the butler and asked, "Uncle Li, how is Miss Qin?"

"I don't think it's a big deal. As soon as she saw Miss Yi coming over, she immediately jumped up and

acted tough. Otherwise, Miss Yi wouldn't have been hit like this," uncle Li answered honestly.

"That girl was just too angry. She is the rightful wife of Zac and the granddaughter in law of the Rong

family. She knelt outside for so long but was not allowed to come in. How could the girl feel good if you

let her in as soon as an outsider came? " Mary explained on Leila's behalf in a hurry.

Alena said coldly. "Yes, she has married to Zac. But it has nothing to do with our Rong family. As for the

daughter of Qin family, I'm afraid that it's just too much for our Rong family to take her."

"She was adopted, not biological," Mary reminded her. She was afraid that the old lady forgot this.

"As for the adopted ones, they are all the same. No one is allowed to enter my house as long as they

have a relationship with the Qin family," Alena said seriously.

"But after they have a child, do you still refuse to accept your great grandson or granddaughter?" Mary


Without saying anything, Alena turned to take a glance at Abel, believing that it was all up to him.

Abel's sharp eyes swept over the crowd, and then fell on Zac. "Since it's the blood of our family, we

should naturally take it back. But I have to promise that the next successor has nothing to do with the

Qin family. "

What he said was very clear. The child of Zac and Leila could be accepted by the Rong family, but it

was not likely to become the next director.

Mary was taken aback, "What if Zac only have children with Leila?"

"There are a lot of children of the Rong family," Abel said firmly in a low voice. Although he didn't

directly answer Mary's question, what he meant was clear. If there was no other child to be owned by

Zac, he would choose the fifth successor from other great grandsons of his family.

His words were not only a warning to Mary, but also a warning to his grandson. He hoped that they

could be reasonable and not do anything to regret.

Mary was shocked. His words were like a thunderbolt from the sky and made her head buzzing.

In her eyes, the only woman who could beat Essie must be Leila. And the other women must be bullied

by Essie in an instance. Now she had regarded Leila as the second Elizabeth, and she needed her to

run in the frontline to get rid of Luce's daughter.

But his words were obviously shaken his son's determination, implying him to give up Leila.

If Leila was going to fail, and Essie was sure to make a comeback.

She angrily glanced at Essie. Although Essie looked clam with no emotions exposed, she was sure that

she must have laughed in her heart.

She couldn't let Essie get complacent. She had to find another way to help Leila. She couldn't make

her fighting ability weaken.

While she was thinking, the old lady said, "I have discussed with your father. We will appoint the fifth

successor of the Rong family in our lifetime, so that we won't be afraid of someone with evil mind would

mess around with it." The old lady said, gazing at Essie, as if she was talking to her.

Hearing that, Essie was a little shocked. She felt that the old lady had sharp and keen eyes, which

were like those of a falcon's. They were able to perceive a secret hidden in a person's heart.

Unconsciously, she lowered her head. She didn't want to let the old lady find out what she was thinking

about. She shouldn't tell anyone about Mili and Dot at this critical moment, no matter who the person


As for the future successor of the Rong family, she had never thought about it would have anything to

do with Dot. She only hoped that her child would be safe and grow up healthily. As for money and

fame, he could fight for it on his own efforts, without relying on ancestral properties.

At this time, a servant came over and told them that the morning tea was ready. In the hall, Albert was

waiting for his parents with a group of children and grandchildren.

The old lady nodded slightly and walked to Essie. She took her hand and put it on the back of Zac's

hand. "Essie was injured. You have to look after her today. Got it?"

"Don't worry, grandma." Zac nodded.

Seeing this, Mary quickly came over to stop her. "Mother, they have divorced. Right now, the wife of

Zac is Leila, and he should keep some distance from Essie in order to avoid unnecessary suspicion.

Otherwise, if uncles and aunts see it, they will gossip about them."

"It was Zac's own decision to divorce and get remarried. As the daughter-in-law of the Rong family, she

should get in and leave with the approval of the elders of the family. You father and I haven't given any

consent to Essie's leave. So before she got remarried, she is still my granddaughter-in-law." The old

lady said in a solemn and firm tone.

"This is not reasonable, mother." Mary still fought desperately as a cornered beast.

"I have told you to leave Zac's matters to me. I will handle it." After finishing her words, the old lady

walked forward with her husband and left her alone. They had been disappointed with this daughter in

the matter of Valery that happened three years ago.

Zac cast a sidelong glance at her and said, "Mommy, you're going through the turn of life now. If you

still can't calm down, you'd better listen to grandma. Have more rest and don't worry too much." As

soon as she finished his words, he walked forwards with one of his arms encircled Essie's waist

recklessly, as if he was deliberately against his mother.

Even though she was held by Zac, Essie still felt awkward.

"Let go of me. I can walk myself." She tried to get rid of his hands around her waist, but he didn't let her

go. "Don't move. I don't want to take care of you. But it's granny's order that I can't disobey. If you don't

cooperate, I will have to carry you on my shoulder. " He pretended to be very indifferent to hide his


"I didn't expect you to be here," she muttered as if to herself. If she had known that he was here, she

would not have come. At the moment, the best thing for them was to keep a proper distance from each


"Today is the day of worshipping ancestors. How could I not be here?" Zac snorted as if he felt that she

was talking nonsense.

She was shocked, "Worship the ancestors? What worship? "

A sharp glance swept past her face, which perceived her surprise thoroughly. "Don't you know what

day it is today?"

"I know. It's Saturday today." Essie nodded and said, "Grandma asked me to have breakfast with

Grandpa this morning, so I came here."

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Zac's mouth. He didn't expect that his grandmother would play

this trick to bluff his little fool. He reached out his hand and flicked her on the forehead. "You're getting

more and more dizzy. You didn't even know today is such an important day."

"I just know today is the weekend. It's Saturday," Essie said again, feeling deeply wronged.

"Then what date is it today?" Zac stroked his forehead in a little sweat.

Rolling her eyeballs, Essie lowered her head and muttered to herself, "Tuesday is our wedding

anniversary. And Tuesday is the second of April..."

She was getting close to the date of today after her calculation one after another. Although her voice

was low, Zac could hear it clearly since he stood beside her. Especially when she said the anniversary

of her wedding, each cell of his was quivering.

This silly girl still remembered their wedding anniversary! He thought she had already forgotten about it.

They had never celebrated this day before.

She left him three years ago before their wedding anniversary. But now, when this day came, they were


He had thought a lot of plans. They could enjoy the romantic moments watching the sunrise on the fire

balloons, have a candlelight dinner together on a cruise and the watch the stars on top of a mountain...

But in the end, he even gave up the idea of calling her. He sat alone in front of the French window of

his office and watched the cars coming and going. The only things that made him happy was her

picture on the digital photo frame and the beautiful memories with her from the past.

"You little fool, I didn't expect you to still remember our wedding anniversary."

"Fool's Day! It's hard to forget!" Essie curled up her lips again and said in a casual tone, as if she was

just talking about something unimportant. Deep inside, she attached great importance to this date. On

this day, God joked with her. He threw her to a big demon and made her lose her heart.

God knew how much she hoped to celebrate this day with him, but unfortunately, their marriage was

ended before that day.

"What were you doing on fool's day?" Zac said in a gloomy voice. Her reaction threw him in a cold

mood like the cold air from Siberia, chilling his passion that was difficult to rise.

She thought for a while and looked up at him with her thick eyelashes quivering cunningly. "Let's go to

that day. I don't know why, but I got an impulse to send you a message on wechat. Because of my

absence, the divorce procedure is invalid. And you marry Leila, you have committed the crime of

multiple marriage."


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