Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 574 Where Are You

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The mountain villa had been decorated into a simple operating room. Vincent was waiting for her with a

plastic surgeon inside. May found that the doctor was not the one who had given her a plastic surgery


"Vincent, why not Doctor Louie?" She asked in confusion.

"It's not a big deal. There is no need for Dr. Louie to do it." Vincent replied coldly and let her lie on the

operating table. Doctor Louie was an important figure in the organization. He couldn't show up without

Willi's permission.

When the doctor was correcting May's artificial nose, Vincent walked out and stood under a big tree in

the yard. He lit a cigarette and was stopped by a pistol before he smoked half.

He shook violently, and the cigarette butt at the corner of his mouth fell to the ground. The man behind

him stamped it out, and then raised his hand to slash down. He groaned and fell to the ground.

"Take him away." With Ford's order, several men in black quickly came out of the darkness and

dragged him out of the yard.

Ford took out a cigar, lit it and took a drag, looking at the bright room inside. The Boss said that this

woman was still useful, so he had to wait for her to finish the operation.

Half an hour later, May came out with her nose bandaged. Ford coughed and signaled to the men in

black who were waiting around. They rushed forward and took May and the doctor away.

A cruise was docked at a deserted private dock in Dragon City.

It looked very old and shabby, as if it had been abandoned by the owner of the dock for a long time. No

one knew that it was actually an interrogation room with all kinds of interrogation tools.

Vincent was tied to the execution rack.

As long as the person fell into their hands, no matter how hard their teeth were, they could open them.

However, Zac didn't have the patience to waste time with him at the moment. He had to tell him the

whereabouts of Essie first. As for how to punish him, he would leave it to Ford.

"Feed him medicine." He said in a low voice.

Ford took out a dose of sulfur spray from the medicine box. It was a kind of medicine with the effect of

calming and hypnosis, which could induce people to tell the truth involuntarily. At present, the

information agency in every country had secretly used this kind of drug to interrogate criminals.

Vincent was half-asleep and half-awake after the injection.

"Where is Essie?" Zac asked.

"She is on an uninhabited island not far from C city. I don't know the details. Rock is in charge of her

affairs." Vincent said slowly.

"Did she get hurt?" Zac clenched his fists and crunched his knuckles.

"No. Rock is going to use her to make a deal."

"What deal?" Zac's nerves were on edge. Those damn bastards dared to trade his treasures. He must

tear them into pieces!

"This is confidential. Rock didn't tell me." Vincent shook his head.

"How did you get her fingerprint?"

"After I told Rock about it, Rock asked someone to deliver it to her directly."

"Where is Rock?"

"I don't know. We just contact each other by phone and don't know each other's specific location. This

is a rule in the organization."

Hearing this, Ford stepped forward and found a satellite phone from his pocket.

A malicious light flashed in Zac's eyes. "Don't alert the enemy first. Find someone to secretly search all

the islands near C city." The most important thing right now was to find Essie first. As for Rock, Zac

would deal with him slowly.

Ford nodded and rushed out with the men in black.

A day later, in D island.

Leaning against the sofa, Essie was watching 'Star War'. She liked this science fiction play very much.

Since Walt was not here, the villa was very quiet and boring. She could only watch a movie to kill time.

All of a sudden, Eve rushed in and grabbed her hand. "Bad guys are coming. Come with me." There

was a satellite monitor on the island, which could detect the intruders ten kilometers away.

With a pistol in Eve's hand, Essie was frightened. While being dragged by Eve, she asked, "who is it?"

"The enemy of you and master." Eve told her. She took her to run up the mountain behind the house.

There was a cave. Eve would hide Essie in the cave. No one could find her.

Confused, Essie asked, "Eve, tell me what happened. Why is there an enemy of Steven?"

"It's complicated. Let me tell you something. The reason why my master lives here with you is to avoid

being hunted down by his enemies. That man is called Zac, a devil. He forcibly took you and separated

you from my master. You lost your memory not because of an accident, but because you jumped into

the river to commit suicide to get rid of his torture. Fortunately, my master found you in time and saved

you from the river. Then I secretly brought you here and hide you, so that he would never find you

again. "

Eve said it naturally. Even she admired her own scriptwriter ability. Although she hated and envied

Essie, she loved Walt. She was willing to do anything for Walt, including not letting Essie return to Zac.

"Mrs. Cathy, you can't be found by him. If he finds out that you are pregnant with the child of my

master, he will be furious, take you to the hospital and force you to have an abortion."

Essie was shocked. She had never thought that it would be like this.

"I'll go out and draw them away. You just stay here and don't come out. You can come out after they

leave. I have informed my master. He will come to save you. " Eve warned.

Essie nodded and couldn't help reaching out to protect her belly. What worried her most was the baby

in her belly. She couldn't let bad people hurt it.

When Eve ran down the mountain, Zac had already taken people to the island. He searched every

corner of the villa, but found no one except a maid.

He was worried.

Did he come too late and she was taken away by them?

"Boss, someone is over there." A man in black shouted.

Zac hurried to chase after her with his men.

At the sight of them, Eve turned around and ran towards the cliff. Zac and his men chased after her

until they reached the edge of the cliff.

Turning her head to look at Zac, she sneered, "Zac, you're late. Essie has become the woman of my

master, and she's pregnant with his child. She's done with you. You'd better quit obediently and fulfill

my master."

Every word she said was like a heavy bullet hitting Zac's heart.

His handsome face twisted in extreme anger, and his eyebrows twisted into a terrible line. "Where is

she?" He felt dizzy and his eyes were blurred. He gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words.

"You will never see her again in your life." Raising her head, Eve laughed arrogantly and jumped off the


Zac was so anxious that he covered his chest with his hand. He didn't dare to imagine the insult that

the woman had suffered here. The only thing he could think of was that he couldn't fall down. He must

find her and never let her be hurt by the enemy again.

"Boss, don't listen to that woman's nonsense. There is a mountain behind us. Shall we go up the

mountain and have a look? Maybe they threatened Mrs. Essie to go up the mountain and hide. " Said


Zac exhaled a heavy breath and nodded. He left half of his men to guard the beach and villa, and took

the other half to search the mountain.

Standing at the edge of the cave in the distance and looking at this scene, Essie's heart clenched.

'Oh my God! They are so horrible that they forced Eve to jump off the cliff. They are really devils!

Seeing them rushing up the mountain, she was extremely scared. This cave was not hidden, and they

would soon find here. She couldn't sit still and wait for them to arrest her.

She quietly walked out and ran up the mountain. There were dense mountains and forests, where she

might be able to hide.

Steven, where are you? Come and save me and our baby.

She cried in her heart, tears streaming down her face.

When she ran into the forest, it was already dark, and mist and cold air rose in the air.

She couldn't run any more, and her belly was faintly painful. She covered her belly and sat on the

ground, gasping for breath desperately.

At this time, a shrill roar came from the depths of the mountain forest, like the low roar of a wild wolf.

She was even more scared and her heart shrank.

It might not be a good idea to escape into the forest. There were always tigers, leopards and wolves in

such a deep forest. Maybe she was not caught by the devil, but became the dinner of beasts.

As the night deepened in the mountain, Zac became more and more anxious. The nerves and cells all

over his body were tightened, and there was no chance for him to breathe.

"Essie, the muddled fool -- Essie --" He roared, hoping that she could hear his voice and give him a


He didn't care about anything. As long as she was still alive and could come back to him in a good and

complete way, he would be satisfied and didn't dare to expect more.

Essie heard his voice.

Muddled fool? Essie?

Was he calling her?

The name was so familiar. She seemed to have heard it somewhere.

But it was not her name.

She stood up with the help of a tree trunk and was about to go back along the road and hide into the

cave again. Suddenly, a wild wolf appeared in front of her and blocked her way.

The wild wolf's eyes twinkled with green light, like the ghost fire. It opened its mouth slightly, revealing

two sharp fangs, which were enough to bite the iron into pieces.

She was so scared that she wanted to find a branch or something sharp to protect herself, but there

was nothing around.

So she picked up the stone at her feet and threw it fiercely. "Get out, get out!" She roared, trying to

scare it away.

The wild wolf took two steps back, raised its head and sobbed, as if to call its companions.

Soon, a few more wild wolves ran over from the depths of the forest and surrounded her.

Their eyes shone green light in the darkness, as if they were ready to attack and tear the prey in front

of them into pieces.

Tears welled up in Essie's eyes.


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