Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 289 Zac's Revenge

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Malcolm called and told her the Emperor's request.

Was it what Zac asked her to talk with William? Essie just entered the Xu's Group and had no idea of

the development program in Sea City. How should she talk about it? Most importantly, although the

position of the president has been taken over, Elizabeth will definitely not give up. She is staring at

Essie. If anything goes wrong, Elizabeth will take the opportunity to find trouble, and even incite the

directors to stop the president. So she had no choice but to try.

She asked Malcolm to send the cooperation plan to her, so that she could study it and make

preparations in the evening. Fortunately, it was William, and they were friends. She didn't know much

about building and development, so he would understand and explain to her. If it was someone else,

she even didn't know how to deal with it.

The next day, she went to the South Pier as promised. The Secretary of the president office, Chris, was

waiting by the dock. When she saw Essie, her eyes were wide open. "Mrs. Essie, why are you here?"

"Long time no see, Chris." Essie smiled in embarrassment and greeted Chris.

"Well... "Mr. William is waiting for you at the yacht." There was a strange look on Chris's face. But Essie

didn't tell that. She just nodded and got on the yacht.

The cabin was empty. Essie looked around and found no one inside. She wanted to ask where William

was, but found Chris didn't follow her. She had to go upstairs to find William.

There was a man sitting on the chair at the desk. With his back to her, she couldn't see his face and

thought that he should be William. So she asked in a low voice, "William, is that you?"

The chair turned around. When she saw the handsome and familiar face, she screamed and quickly

realized that she was fooled. She turned around and wanted to escape, but it was too late. The boat

had been driven slowly away from the dock, towards the center of the water.

Zac's black eyes squinted, and looked at her slowly, as if he wanted to sketch the figure that had been

deeply engraved in his mind again.

She was wearing an office lady suit and more attractive.

He stood up and slowly walked towards her. She was almost unable to breathe under the great

pressure. She panicked and stepped back, while he forced her into the cabin step by step, like a ready

leopard, and there was no way to escape.

"Long time no see, honey." He lifted the corner of his mouth, a faint smile curved his lips. His hot breath

with danger made her cheeks flushed. "I I just come to talk about cooperation. If you don't want to talk

about it, I will leave now. "

"Where are you going? Where do you want to go? " His voice suddenly became cold, and a touch of

cruelty rose from his cold black eyes. She had escaped for three years, which had made him painful for

three years. Every midnight when he woke up from a dream without her lying by his side, his heart was

nearly going crazy as if thousands of ants were biting it. He could barely endure it with the help of

alcohol. She would not miss him so much as he was when she was abroad.

"We were over a long time ago." She tried her best to put a restraint on her wild heartbeat and to

prevent herself from looking more cold and vulnerable than she had imagined. As soon as her voice

fell, he took her in his arms as if a tornado. Since she had come to his door today, he wouldn't let her

leave so easily. He had endured it for more than three years. Now it was time to repay her. The

punishment was also a compensation.

"Please don't... Let go of me... " She struggled hard and shook her head desperately. He was like an

enraged lion and wanted to eat her alive, but she was just a thin reindeer and had no power to


She didn't know when she passed out. It was already the next morning when she woke up.

She was aching all over and her bones seemed to be broken. She didn't even have the strength to get

up. She turned around and saw him sitting on the opposite sofa, staring at her with his deep eyes.

He hadn't changed at all in the past three years. He was still as domineering and brutal as before.

"We have divorced. This is the last time we meet." She gritted her teeth and said angrily. He seemed to

be irritated, and his eyes became extremely fierce. "Since you want to belittle yourself, I will satisfy

you." Every word was cold. She could feel the risk in the air and could not help but shudder.

He picked up the cooperation agreement on the table and said, "I don't know why you got involved in

the Xu family's fight and what's the relationship between you and that evil woman Cathy, but I know you

want this cooperation agreement."

"Do you want to threaten me with it?" She trembled. His intention was obvious.

"It's not a threat. We're just helping each other get what we need," He smirked, like a demon.

"What do you want?" She grabbed the quilt tightly.

He stood up and walked slowly to the bedside. He lowered his head and gave her a gentle kiss on the

forehead. Then he opened his thin lips and said, "what do you think?"

Anger and humiliation surged up from her chest. "Zac, you bastard!" She growled.

"It's not the first day you know that," He pinched her chin, squinting at her with his slightly exposed dark

eyes, and said, "to be honest, my interest in you has already dissipated in the past three years. If I

want to be with someone, they would come to me immediately. A woman like you is not only bad in

appearance but also disgusting in eating." He had been angry because of her indifference. During the

past three years, she hadn't felt sorry for him, nor had she missed him. Instead, she had treated him as

a stranger. But he couldn't stop missing her. He missed her so much that he couldn't eat or sleep. He

began to hate her and himself more.

Biting her lips, her heart that had been beating fast was frozen by Zac's tone. Although she had long

known that she was dispensable, she still found it difficult to accept when she was told so frankly and

cruelly by him. It was like the unhealed scar was cruelly uncovered again, and it was sprinkled with a

handful of salt, making it bloody and blurred.

"In that case, please let me go."

He sneered, "many companies are scrambling for this contract. I give you an opportunity to cooperate

for the sake of our previous relationship. But if you don't want it, I will give it to another company." His

tone sounded threatening. It seemed that he was sure that she dared not to refuse him.

Indeed, she needed this cooperation case to make some achievements to convince the board of

directors, or Elizabeth would take the opportunity to attack her.

She lowered her eyes, while her long eyelashes trembled slightly, as if she was struggling violently in

her heart. After a long while, she gently opened her mouth and said, "Okay, I promise you." Her voice

was weak and helpless, and her only strength seemed to have been taken away by her struggle.

"Good." The smile on his face deepened.

The yacht finally came to shore. Essie, like a reindeer escaped from the trap, quickly jumped on the car

and left the pier, fearing that the hunter would follow her from behind and kill her.

She, Holy and Pana stayed in Alice's villa. There was a complete security system and two Tibetan

mastiffs. The criminals were not allowed to sneak in.

At that moment, Hanson had just arrived. When he heard that she hadn't come back last night, he was

very anxious and wanted to go out to look for her. As soon as he saw her entering the door, he rushed

over. "Essie, where have you been? Why haven't you come back all night?"

"To... Amy's place? " She lied and held her collar tightly.

Hanson breathed a sigh of relief. "From now on, you must tell Pana when you go out. Don't let me

worry about you."

"Okay." She nodded, "I didn't sleep well yesterday, so I'm a little sleepy. I'll go upstairs and get some

sleep." Then she ran into the room quickly.

After changing her clothes, she lied in the massage bathtub of the bathroom, with her mind in a mess.

She didn't expect that she would fall into the trap of Zac just after she came back. Three years ago, her

value had been used up, so she was useless to him. Did he insult her like this was to revenge her for

running away without permission and damage his arrogant King's dignity? Even if she wanted a

divorce, it should be he who mentioned it first. She had no right.

She angrily raised her fist and smashed it on the water. His mother and Elizabeth conspired to destroy

her family, which made her complete family fall apart. Now her father was in a coma, and if her sister

alive was unknown. These things were all because of them. She was the one who should take

revenge. What right did he have?

When she came out of the bathroom, Holy knocked on her door and asked, "Sister, are we going to

see daddy this afternoon?"

"Yes." Essie nodded. She had invited the famous brain specialist, Dr. Wang from the medical school to

make treatment on her father, and he would come over this afternoon.

She hired eight bodyguards to protect her father in turn twenty-four hours a day. Except Holy, anyone

else must be permitted to visit her father.

After doing a detailed examination, Doctor Wang found that there were some bruises in Baron's head,

and there was a blood clot in it, which may lead to his dizziness.

"So, Mr. Xu was in a coma not because of the cerebral hemorrhage, but because of a hit on the head?"

Essie was shocked.

She hired eight bodyguards to protect her father in turn twenty-four hours a day. Except Holy, anyone

else must be permitted to visit her father.

After doing a detailed examination, Doctor Wang found that there were some bruises in Baron's head,

and there was a blood clot in it, which may lead to his dizziness.

"So, Mr. Xu was in a coma not because of the cerebral hemorrhage, but because of a hit on the head?"

Essie was shocked.


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