Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 625 the Ultimate Battle Between Mother-in-law And Daughter-in-law

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This time, Essie wanted to eat roast duck, so she booked a VIP Deluxe private room in the Quanjude

roast duck restaurant.

Seeing Irene come over, Essie smiled and said, "it's your first day to work. Are you used to it?"

"That's good. Anyway, cousin is the president. I'm afraid that I will be fired if I don't do my job well."

Irene giggled, covering her mouth.

"Your cousin has always been scrupulous in separating public from private matters. He won't open the

back door for anyone." Although Essie was just joking, she still wanted to remind Irene. She could see

that Irene was a free and unrestrained person and didn't like to be restricted. But work was a serious

thing, and she couldn't treat it as a game. So Essie hoped that she could be obedient and not cause

any trouble to Zac.

Irene didn't understand what she meant. She entered the CEO office just to get close to Zac. She was

not interested in work at all.

Zac remained silent. He reckoned that Irene was just seeking temporary freshness. She would resign

in less than three months.

He picked up a lotus leaf cake, dipped it in a bit of sweet sauce with chopsticks, wiped the sauce on the

cake, picked up a few pieces of roast duck and put them on it, as well as cucumber and carrot sticks,

rolled it up and handed it to Essie.

Taking it over, Essie ate it up quickly and said, "it's so delicious." She smacked her lips.

"Have some soup. Take your time." Looking at her affectionately, Zac rolled up the second one.

Irene fixed her eyes on him. How she wished he could also roll one for her. She was both envious and

jealous of Essie. If she could meet Zac before Essie, would she replace Essie and become the

happiest lucky person in the world?

"Cousin, if you didn't meet my sister-in-law, but met another woman, would you treat the other woman

so well?" She asked in a joking tone.

"No, I won't." Zac answered without hesitation. If he hadn't met Essie, he would be a bachelor and

never get married in his life.

"Why?" Irene was a little disappointed.

Zac took Essie's hand and kissed it. "She is the only woman I want to marry."

Irene's brown eyes flashed. "I heard that every rich and powerful man in Dragon City would have many

mistresses outside. Is that true?"

"As the forest is getting bigger, there will be all kinds of birds." Shrugging, Zac said casually. He had

always been indifferent to women. Even if he had no hidden disease, he would not casually touch


Irene looked at him. The more faithful he was to Essie, the more she loved him and the more she

wanted to pursue him. Anyway, she had never thought of being his wife, ruining his family, and she just

wanted to be his mistress. She believed that no man would refuse a woman who was willing to be his


After dinner, Essie went back to the villa on Phoenix Road to look for Lucy. At this moment, Lucy was

with Lady Rose. The two of them were very talkative. They acted as if they were old friends at the first

sight. They were going to the gold store to see jewelry in the afternoon.

Fell and Alice's wedding was set in January. Lucy wanted to prepare some dowry for his daughter. She

didn't care how much dowry Xu family would give her daughter. Her own one was unique.

Lucy asked Essie to go with her to give some advice. Young people have good taste.

As soon as the two of them arrived at the city square, they met Mary.

Seeing Lady Rose talking and laughing with Lucy, Mary's face was gloomy and terrible. She even felt

that Lucy had ulterior motives to approach Lady Rose.

"Charlotte, when did you become so intimate with Mrs. Lucy?" She asked in a voice dripping with


"Well, do you have any problem with that?" Lucy rolled her eyes at her.

"By the way, my dear Charlotte is an innocent girl. I'm afraid that she will be used." Mary snorted.

Lady Rose sensed the smell of gunpowder in the air. Lucy had told her about her relationship with

Mary, so she quickly became the peacemaker. "Sister, we are all relatives by marriage. It's better for us

to be harmonious."

"I am not qualified to be her relative. The mother is a coquette, and the daughter is good at seducing

men. And her daughter is better than her. She is not only seductive, but also ruthless." Mary said


"Who can be more cruel and merciless than you, Mary?" A strong anger rose from Lucy's chest. She

would never let Mary bully her daughter.

With an expressionless face, Essie looked at Mary coldly and said, "Mommy, you insist that I hurt

grandma. But I heard that the day before grandma's accident, you went to see her and had a big

quarrel with her. What were you arguing for?"

Mary twitched violently. "It's all your fault. You stopped the medicine without permission, which caused

her mental disease relapse."

"How could it be? When I left, grandma was sober and normal. Why did she lose her temper as soon

as you came? " Retorted Essie.

"Don't talk nonsense with me. Let me tell you, if grandma doesn't wake up, you won't be my daughter-

in-law anymore!" Mary was furious.

"Mary, you must feel guilty. Maybe it's you who made your mother suffer. You have kept her in that dark

place and ignored her. No conscientious children would lock their mother in that kind of place. Maybe it

is you who want to kill your mother. Then you can frame my Essie, trying to destroy her relationship

with Zac. " Lucy accused angrily.

"Shut up!" Mary's face twisted in anger. She hated Lucy so much that she regret not killing Luce and

her daughter. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been in such a difficult situation now.

Lady Rose looked at her sister. She had never come to visit her mother in the past few days after her

mother's accident. She kept thinking about the fact that Essie had hurt her mother. Lady Rose even

doubted whether Mary really cared about her mother or she just wanted to use the theme to drive away

her daughter-in-law, Essie.

"Sister, it's not the time to hold accountable. The most important thing is to find a way to wake up


"Not the time? Will this little bitch get away with it?" Mary snorted, "even if Mr. Abel and Mrs. Alena

come back, I have to make it clear in front of them. I will never let her stay in the family."

With a sneer, Essie said, "Grandpa and grandma will come back from Switzerland in a few days. You

just need to argue with them. I don't care."

"Mr. Abel and Mrs. Alena's eyes are bright and they must be clear about it. If you make a scene in front

of them, I don't think you can still be the hostess of the family." Lucy sneered. The good thing about the

Rong family was that there were two elders and Albert in charge of it. It was not like the previous Xu

family. Mrs. Vicki was domineering. If the daughter-in-law was wronged, there was even no place for

her to make an appeal.

Of course, Mary also knew this, so she was depressed. Although she had been a mother-in-law from a

daughter-in-law, she still had to be suppressed and unable to turn over.

"Don't be complacent, both of you. I gave birth to my son, and he will always be on my side. The battle

between you and me has just begun."

'It's still uncertain whether the son is yours or not!'

Lucy gave her a mocking look and thought to herself. In the past, she had lost, but her daughter would

not lose. She would definitely get back at Mary and Elizabeth for her.

"Mary, let's fight and see who will be the winner."

Mary turned to Lady Rose and said, "do you choose to stand on my side or on their side and be my

enemy? Think twice."

Before she could finish her words, Lucy interrupted, "don't get Charlotte involved. The grudge between

you and me has nothing to do with her."

Lady Rose nodded, "sister, I'll remain neutral. I won't help anyone."

A cold light flashed across Mary's face. "Charlotte, let me tell you. As long as you are with them, you

are my enemy."

Lady Rose frowned and said with a little worry, "sister, I'm sorry. Lucy is my only friend in Dragon City,

and Essie is my nephew's wife. It's impossible for me not to contact them."

"Well, this is your choice. Don't regret it." Mary stamped her feet and left angrily.

Lucy shook her head and said, "it's said that a king of a country could be changed easily but one

couldn't change his characteristic so easily. It's true. Her temperament is exactly the same as Charlotte

in the past."

Hearing this, Lady Rose trembled slightly. She didn't dare to face this terrible result, hoping that Lucy

and Essie had made a mistake.

Essie sighed in her heart. If she hadn't been curious to find out the truth, she wouldn't have gotten into

unnecessary trouble. The reason why Mary changed her attitude before was just an expedient. She

wanted to use soft means to deal with her. As long as Mary was there, it was almost impossible for her

and Zac to live a peaceful life.

Lady Rose seemed to have read her mind. She held her hand and patted it. "Essie, don't let your

mother-in-law's paranoia affect the relationship between you and Zac. I believe that one day, your

mother-in-law will understand."

She didn't agree with Mary forcing her son and daughter-in-law to divorce. There were always ways to

persuade them not to divorce. Even if she didn't care about her son, she had to think about her

grandchildren. Children needed to grow up in a complete family.

"I know, auntie. Don't worry." Essie nodded. It was not the first or second time that she had fought with

the unreasonable mother-in-law. Now it was the time for the ultimate PK between mother-in-law and


After getting in the car, Mary went straight to Zac's office. There, with snivel and tears, Mary

complained in tears that Essie and her mother had conspired to bully her.

She felt that she had been too tough before, and it was obvious that Essie was in a weak state, which

naturally made her son think that she was bullying Essie. Now she had to change her role.

"Zac, I've been raising you up since you were a child. Is it easy? You said you would take good care of

me with your wife. How about your wife? Her mother has been framing me and blaming me all day

long. Her resentment towards me is probably deeper than the lava buried under the Huangshi volcano.

She just wants me to die early. It's no way that she can be filial to me. "


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