Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 624 Share

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"Jim, cut the crap. Let's have dinner first." As she spoke, Eva picked up the knife and fork.

"These dishes are cold. They taste bad." Jim frowned and called the cook to redo it. But Eva stopped

him at once, "They are cold. Can't you just heat them?"

"If a dish passes the right time to taste, it will be trash." Jim said casually.

"I'm not as picky as you are. I just know it's shameful to waste food. Ask the cook to redo your food,

and I'll eat these." Eva pouted.

Therefore, the chef heated up the dishes for Eva, and then made three more dishes for Jim.

Eva cut a piece of goose liver and put it into her mouth. Then she sighed with satisfaction, "it's so


Jim liked to hear such a voice very much. Seeing her expression, he suddenly felt hungry.

"Heaven pepper. You can't be willful in front of me, understand?"

"Jim, have you always been so shameless?" Eva retorted.

"If you don't want me to be shameless, just be obedient, or the more shameless thing is still waiting."

Jim warned her in a domineering tone.

Eva cut a piece of beef and put it into her mouth to vent her anger. It was not too late for a gentleman

to take revenge in ten years. Now she had to endure it. One day, she would turn over and trample this

arrogant and domineering guy under her feet!

"Jim, to be honest, have you really been single recently? In the past, when you showed up, you always

hugged both sides. Now you are always alone. It's a little awkward to look at you. "

There was a shadow on Jim's handsome face. "I didn't find my target. There are too many ordinary and

boring women like you." He said slowly and casually.

Eva was speechless. "The people who dated with you in the past were not very extraordinary. They

either had knives all over their faces or were coquettish girls. Your standard of appreciating women is

completely against your status. "

"In my opinion, women are the same." Jim's face suddenly turned cold, as if he was frozen by a sudden

cold wind. There was only one woman in his heart, and she would probably be the only one in his life.

"That's because you are too superficial to look at a woman with your lower body." Eva shrugged her

shoulders and sneered sarcastically.

Jim's eyes narrowed and a hint of coldness flashed across his eyes. "You have played with a lot of

men. How did you judge them?"

"I just want to teach them a lesson. Let them know that not only men can play with women, but also

women can play with men!" Eva said bluntly.

"Is it because your childhood has a deep shadow that you are so mentally abnormal?" Touching his

chin, Jim stared at her with deep and sharp eyes. He had secretly paid attention to the heaven pepper

and knew something about her background.

His words hit the nail on the head of Eva. The corners of her mouth twitched slightly. "Why are you so

shameless?" She asked in reply. For a person like him who was born with a golden key, she could only

have one explanation: extravagance and extreme desire.

Jim took a sip of red wine and said, "Heaven pepper, to be honest, I appreciate your courage." In this

world, she was the first woman who dared to provoke him, argue with him and fight with him.

"I also admire your shamelessness." Eva retorted fearlessly. She was born to be rebellious and would

never yield to a self-righteous young man like him.

Jim lifted the corners of his mouth and said with a faint smile, "Heaven pepper, it's not enough for a

person with guts and he also need to be wise. Brave and resourceful people die the fastest."

With a faint smile on her face, Eva said indifferently, "Jim, do you know why I eat a lot every day?"


"Because as long as I'm full, I have the strength to fight against a person like you." She replied word by

word clearly and forcefully.

The smile at the corners of Jim's mouth deepened, and his charming eyes flickered in the light. "So, as

long as you are hungry, you will lose?"

Eva was speechless. Jim was not only evil, but also vicious. She was about to be mad because she

couldn't even have the upper hand in the argument.

She cut off a piece of steak and put it into her mouth. She talked too much and her head was lack of

nutrition. She had to replenish her energy as soon as possible.

Jim looked at her and laughed in his heart. He found that life was boring without this heaven pepper

every day, as if there was no spice.

Every day when he saw her, his desire to conquer would burst out. Every time he saw her lose, he

would be extremely happy.

"Heaven pepper, eat more. When you are full, fight with me. Don't lose in just a few rounds. It's too


"Let's wait and see." Eva turned grief and indignation into appetite, eating like a tornado sweeping the

ground. In front of him, Jim was eating slowly and happily. Seeing Eva eating was very wonderful and

good for his appetite.

Eva quickly ate up all the dishes on the table. After drinking the last spoonful of soup in her bowl, she

sighed with satisfaction.

Jim put down his knife and smiled, "Heaven pepper, you should marry a cook. A foodie and a cook are

a perfect match."

"No." Shaking her finger, Eva said, "I have made several boyfriends who are cooks. In their eyes,

cooking is a job. After work, they don't even want to lift the spoon. It's daydreaming to let them cook for

you at home."

"So you kicked them?" Jim raised his thick eyebrows slightly.

"My rule of the game is that easy to get together and easy to break up." Eva shrugged her shoulders

indifferently. None of the men she dated before was worth nostalgia.

An evil and attractive smile appeared on Jim's face. "Have you met anyone who wants to force you?"

"I'm a black belt of judo. If anyone dares to hurt me, I'll immediately cripple him and make him inhuman

for the rest of his life." Eva sneered.

"The days with you must be their nightmare." Jim shook his head sympathetically and said


"At least when we broke up, their nightmares ended. But those women with you didn't start their

nightmares until you broke up. I heard that none of them had returned to their normal lives. They either

committed suicide, got melancholy, became crazy or washed their faces with tears all day long. You are

really a womanizer. " Eva sneered.

"You should say that I don't want to touch a leaf." Jim corrected her carelessly.

"You're right. You're a bastard, and the women you played with are miserable." Eva frowned and stared

at him with contempt.

"If they can't afford it, they should not come to me." Jim said coldly. He was a neat freak. How could he

touch those women? They were just a boring spice to relax. However, there was no need to explain this

to an irrelevant outsider, angel. He didn't care what she thought.

Eva glanced at him and said nothing. In fact, none of the women he had played with was a pure girl. He

guessed that they were all counting on climbing up the social ladder and going to upper society. So

what happened to them had nothing to do with her. She just didn't like Playboys.

In silence, Avis, Jim's assistant, called. The director from the MGTV wanted to ask him out. Their new

show, "Travel around the world with VIBO", hoped to invite him as a guest.

"I don't have so much time to travel around the world." Jim refused coldly.

Eva, who was eavesdropping, blinked her dark almond eyes and said, "Jim, are you talking about

'Travel around the world with VIBO' from the MGTV? I've taken this program. "

Jim cast a glance at her and asked, "are you free now?"

"I want to travel around the world. I can eat, have fun, and it's free. Why not?" Eva smiled gracefully,

revealing two cute dimples.

Jim was a little nervous. Did she take part in the program just for free food and drink?

"Heaven pepper, you are really straightforward."

Eva stuck out her tongue and said, "Jim, don't come. If you come, the show won't be able to shoot.

Everyone in the program is busy serving you. Who cares about us? "

A mischievous look flashed through Jim's brown ice eyes. How could he let the heaven pepper go


Eva looked at her watch. It was already half past nine. She stood up and said, "well, Jim, I have

finished my dinner. I should go now."

"Go ahead." Jim opened his thin lips and said two words indifferently.

Eva knew that he didn't want to see her off, but the driver was waiting outside.

After she left, Jim picked up his phone and said, "inform Director Li to see me tomorrow."

Early in the morning, Irene came to work in the Emperor Group. It could be said to be her first job. She

had been helping her mother in the Wine Manor before, but with Lady Rose taking care of everything,

she didn't need to do anything. She just needed to check the wine cellar regularly.

Zac didn't intend to let her do too much. He ordered the director of the CEO office to arrange some

simple job for her.

Irene made a cup of coffee and brought it to Zac. "Cousin, have a taste of my own unique [Irene


Zac took a sip and nodded, "not bad."

Irene smiled, "I used to be a barista in Paris, and I could make many flavors of coffee. From now on, I'll

make your coffee, okay?"

Zac nodded slightly. In his eyes, Irene was just like Ivy, a little sister.

While he was silent, Irene said, "cousin, can I have lunch with you?"

"Your sister-in-law is coming. Let's have dinner together." Zac said casually.

Irene was a little disappointed. With a big belly, it was inconvenient for Essie to have lunch with Zac.

Why did she come over and destroy her plan to have lunch with Zac alone?

In her eyes, an excellent and perfect man should not only belong to a woman.

A male god should be worshiped by all women.

As for Essie, Irene felt that Essie should share her perfect husband with her so that she could share

everything with Essie.


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