Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 713 Disfigured With Sulfuric Acid

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Essie hurried to the hospital.

Finney was being rescued in the emergency room. As soon as she came out of the company, she was

splashed with sulfuric acid. Although she took an umbrella to cover herself in time, her face and arms

were still burnt by the splashed sulfuric acid.

The first person that came to Essie's mind was Alice. She really didn't dare to imagine that she would

use such a vicious method to deal with Finney. Disfiguring was a disaster for a person. It was too cruel,

too bad!

Lucy and Bob also arrived.

"How is Finney? How could she be splashed with sulfuric acid? What kind of deep hatred she had with

others?" Lucy was worried and angry.

Essie didn't answer. She was conflicted and didn't know whether she should say it or not. After all, Alice

was her sister. If she said it out, she would be done. But if she didn't say it, she would get away with it.

Who would give Finney justice? The most important thing was that at present, everything was just a

guess, and there was no evidence. She had to investigate the matter clearly.

"Dad, did you call aunt Wendy?" she said in a low voice.

"Yes, they booked the air ticket. On their way here, your aunt Wendy cried and passed out several

times." Bob sighed heavily, "What if Finney gets disfigured?"

"Where is Spencer? Contact him as soon as possible. He is one of the most powerful cosmetic experts

in the world and ask him to help Finney with the surgery." Lucy said.

Essie knew that her mother referred to her father's high school classmate, uncle Spencer. It was him

who helped her with the plastic surgery.

"I haven't contacted Godin for a long time. Last time I called him, his mobile phone was powered off. I

guess he has changed his mobile phone. I asked several classmates about it, but they didn't know

about Spencer's current situation." Bob sighed.

"If we can't, we'll go back to Jiang City and visit his home to look for him," Lucy said.

"Okay." Bob nodded. Finney was his niece. As her uncle, he had to care about her.

The door of the emergency room opened and Finney was pushed out with gauze on her face and


"Doctor, how is the girl?" Lucy asked in a hurry.

"Although her life is not in danger for the time being, her right arm and right face are seriously burned.

She must be carefully observed until she passes the infected period," the doctor said.

"Then, what about her face..." Lucy glanced at Finney, worried that she would hear it, so she didn't

finish her words.

The doctor understood what she meant. "At that time, we can only consider skin-grafting."

Finney was pushed into the VIP ward. Essie asked her parents to stay to take care of her and she went

out by herself.

She called Ford and asked him to send people to search for the murderer who poured sulfuric acid on

Finney. She wanted to catch him before the police and force him to hand over the backstage


Ford was so fast that he caught the bastard in the afternoon.

"Mrs. Essie, he has confessed to us. It was under the order of Alice."

It was her!

An extreme anger rose in Essie's chest. She jumped into the car and drove directly to the villa of Alice.

At this moment, Alice was lying on the chair, basking in the sun and drinking champagne leisurely.

She was very happy. That bitch, Finney, dared to fight with her. She was tired to live.

When the servant opened the door, Essie rushed in. Without saying a word, she raised her hand and

slapped her in the face, causing the champagne in her hand to splash all over the ground.

"Are you crazy?" Alice shouted angrily.

"This slap was for Finney. How vicious you are! You even asked someone to pour sulfuric acid on

Finney. Are you still a human? " Essie was filled with righteous indignation.

"Don't frame me up. She was splashed with sulfuric acid. It's none of my business," Alice denied.

"That bastard has been caught by me. I won't come to you without evidence." Clenching her teeth,

Essie's eyes turned red with anger.

Hearing this, Alice's face turned pale. She had given the man money and asked him to pour sulfuric

acid and run away. How could he be caught so soon?

"Essie, I'm your biological sister. You don't help me, and turn to help that bitch, Finney. What kind of

cousin is she? She has nothing to do with you." She took the opportunity to change the topic.

"Alice Xu, do you have a conscience to do such a cruel thing for Fell? He doesn't love you at all. He is

just using you. Even if it is not Finney Yi, there will be Finney Tang or Finney Li. Are you going to pour

sulfuric acid on all of them? " Essie's tone was extremely sharp. At this time, she didn't have to think

about anything. She had to wake her up.

"I'll kill those bitches as long as they come. I'll see who dares to seduce Fell," Alice said insidiously.

"You are crazy. I will hand that bastard over to the police. You should be responsible for your behavior!"

With a sudden strength of her hand, Essie overturned the whole tea table.

A crisp sound of 'bang' also made Alice shiver. She could see that Essie was really angry this time. She

didn't worry about the police. Someone would help her solve the problem. She only worried that Baron

would know it. If Essie continued to add fuel to the fire by Baron's side, Baron would not only not help

her, but also prevent her from marrying into the Qin family. Her dream of being the hostess of the Qin

family would definitely be shattered.

Her two eyeballs rolled a few times, and then she knelt down beside Essie with a plop. "Essie, I'm

sorry. I know I'm wrong. Please don't hand that person over to the police, and don't let others know that

I did it, okay? I was so angry that I couldn't control myself. That's why I came up with this idea. As you

have seen that day, Finney went too far. She exposed my shortcomings everywhere, making me feel

ashamed in front of Fell. She is the home wrecker, but she is arrogant. How can I tolerate her? "

"Why don't you go to get even with Fell and pour sulfuric acid on him? If he didn't flirt Finney, how could

Finney be with him! " Essie questioned. She really couldn't figure out why love could make a woman so

blind. She was simply spiraled into madness?

"You can't stop a woman who wants to crawl into a man's bed. Don't you know what kind of person

Finney is? She worships money and vanity. She only wants to marry a rich man. When she meets a

top-level and excellent man like Fell, she will definitely stick to him like super glue! "

Alice hugged her legs and began to cry, "I really love Fell very much. Without him, I can't live on. I know

I have gone too far this time. I know I was wrong. Please give me a chance to correct myself. I'm your

sister and we are siblings. If I go to jail, my life will be over. Do you bear to see me spend the rest of my

life in prison? "

"If I give you a chance, why don't you give Finney a chance? Don't you know how cruel disfigured is to

a woman? You ruined her whole life. What about her future? " Essie said sadly.

She and Finney grew up together. The two of them had a good relationship, no worse than her

biological sister, Alice. Although Finney's values were somewhat different from hers under the stingy

education of aunt Wendy, it was her own choice and she had the right to choose her own life.

As for this love triangle, she was a complete victim. She was just used by Fell.

"I'll ask the doctor to give her a cosmetic surgery. I'll pay for it all, okay?" Alice said, slapping herself

two times hard.

Taking a deep breath, Essie thought, 'Some injuries can be compensated, and some can never be

repaired.' But after all, Alice was her sister. How could she bear to let her go to jail?

"Do you really know you are wrong?"

Alice nodded hardly. "I'm sorry, Essie. Please forgive me this time. I'll atone for my sins and make up

for Finney."

Essie's heart was full of contradictions. She struggled for a long time, which made her a little

exhausted. Finally, she sighed heavily. "I will let that person take all the blame." Then she pushed her

hand away and left.

Looking at her receding figure, Alice wiped the crocodile tears on her face and showed a cold smile.

She took out her cell phone from her pocket and dialed a mysterious number. She needed to find

someone to help her solve her worries.

As soon as Essie got on the car, she received a call from Lucy. When Finney woke up, she was so

excited that she pulled out the needle and wanted to commit suicide.

Essie hurried back to the hospital.

"It's okay, Finney. My parents will contact the best plastic surgeon for you to make you as beautiful as

before." Holding her in her arms, Essie said, "Look at my mother. She has also been disfigured. Look at

the doctor who had done the plastic surgery for her. She is as beautiful as before and there is no trace

at all."

"What's the use of plastic surgery? He won't want me anymore." Leaning on her, Finney cried bitterly.

"Who on earth is so vicious? I will call director Li later to catch that bastard and shoot him!" Lucy said


It was not until then that Finney realized she was going to get even with her enemy. She grabbed the

hand of Essie and said, "It's Alice. It's Alice who hurt me. He must have been instructed by her."

Lucy was greatly shocked. She thought that there was only someone with the same name as her

daughter, so she quickly asked, "Finney, which Alice do you refer to?"

"Who else could it be? It is your eldest daughter." Finney cried angrily.

"Alice? How could Alice do such a thing to you? Did you make a mistake? " Both Lucy and Bob were

shocked. "Finney, you and Alice are cousins. Why did she pour sulfuric acid on you?"

Finney's eyes turned red with anger. "Essie, uncle, aunt, I suspect that this woman is not the real Alice

at all. I remember that the Alice I saw before was noble and charming. She was as cold as ice, and her

whole body was full of immortal aura that was otherworldly. People could only look up at her with

admiration. But now, this Alice, was full of vulgar and vicious words from beginning to end. I think she is

just a fake. She pretended to lose her memory in order to deliberately disguise. She will never recover

her memory, because she will never have the memory of Alice."


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