Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 603 The Malicious Banquet

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"Then you have to do something that deserves respect. Don't make the younger generation to

disrespect you." Eva sneered.

Elizabeth's face turned purple with hatred. This woman could never marry her son. No matter what, she

would make her leave her son.

"Well, I'm going to bed. Butler, see the guest out!" She didn't want to say anything more. She had lost

her face today. Sooner or later, she would get it even with this bitch. As the saying went, 'aged ginger is

always spicy'. Today's humiliation, she would definitely made this foxy girl to pay ten times back.

Jim stood up and walked out with Eva.

Eva took a deep breath and was in a good mood. "Scum Jim, thank you for helping me today."

"Don't flatter yourself. I don't want to help you. You are just lucky to get me involved in it." A faint smile

played at the corners of Jim's mouth.

"I know. You helped me indirectly anyway. I have a clear distinction between kindness and resentment.

I won't be stingy when I should say thank you." Eva pouted.

"In that case, you owe me one more favor." Jim shook his head and sighed, "This is bad. The more you

owe, the more you will pay. When can you pay it back to me?"

Eva choked and coughed several times to calm herself down. It was okay if he didn't say it. Every time

she was in trouble, she would bump into this guy and be saved by him by accident. Then she was

blackmailed and asked to pay off her debt.

Was this the so-called 'enemies met'?

Unfortunately, he always had the upper hand, crushing her so hard that she had nowhere to turn over.

When did the God on her side? Could she ever win even once?

"Scum Jim, don't look like a savior. I'm paying off your debt of gratitude one by one. Don't worry. I don't

like to owe others. I'll pay off everything I owe you."

"Okay, I'm not in a hurry. We have a long time ahead of us." Jim shrugged his shoulders and looked

indifferent. He really enjoyed the feeling of making this heaven pepper bow to him.

After they left, Elizabeth called York. She wouldn't get her hands dirty for dealing with this fox girl. He

would be her best weapon.

This weekend, Eva was visited by someone as soon as she came back.

"Miss Fang, my name is David. I'm the Secretary of Mr. Fang. He hasn't seen you for a long time and

misses you very much, so he specially arranged me to pick you up home to have a chat." The

Secretary smiled exaggeratedly.

Eva sneered from her nose, "Mr. Xu, if you want to lie, you should find an appropriate excuse. If you

say that he had a car accident or had a heart attack, and before he died, he suddenly thought of me,

the redundant person. And he want to see me for the last time, I can barely believe it."

Secretary Xu was shocked. He had watched a lot of operas that Eva had shot. He didn't expect that

she would be so vicious and curse her father. Was it a little rebellious?

"Miss Fang, Mr. Fang told me to invite you home. If you don't go back, I will be fired. Please understand

my difficulties!"

Eva looked very indifferent. She didn't have time to show sympathy, but she was curious about what

York was up to. She walked to the desk and sat down, starting to comb her hair in front of the mirror.

"I'm not running a charity house. I don't care about your business."

"I heard that Mr. Fang has an appointment with the young master of the Xu family..." Secretary Xu

wanted to say something but stopped on a second thought. He knew that if she said so, Eva would

definitely waver.

Eva was slightly shocked. Vinton had just come back from the United States yesterday. It seemed that

he had been told about this matter temporarily, or he would have called her first.

She tied up her black shawl hair and tied up a simple ponytail. Then she turned to her and said, "Well,

you go back and tell him that I will go."

Secretary Xu breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

Looking at his receding figure, Eva's eyes flashed with an extremely malicious and insidious


People like York could do anything for fame and fortune. Today must be a malicious banquet, but she

didn't care. It was time to meet Shelly and her mother.

She looked at herself in the mirror, with a sinister smile on the corner of her mouth. She must get even

the pain that the mother and daughter had put on her before.

After two hours' journey, Eva stood on the steps leading to 'hell'. When she was a child, this place was

as terrible as hell for her. But now, she had enough ability and didn't need to be afraid of them

anymore. They should be the one who had to worry.

She took a deep breath and walked towards the door step by step.

There was no response from inside. Enduring his disgust for her, Salina said indifferently, "Here you


Shelly sat next to her, dressed in exquisite clothes, like a beautiful girl who was sent to the palace to be

selected as the crown prince's wife, waiting for the crown prince's approval with joy.

A few days ago, Elizabeth called them and told them that if Vinton really didn't like Wendy, she would

ask Shelly to replace her.

She could kill two birds with one stone.

Eva had something on Wendy. If she continued to support Wendy, she would be in a passive position.

It was better to choose another person. And this person must be Shelly. She was Eva's half-sister. If

York wanted her to be promoted, he must root out the daughter of his ex-wife. It must be an interesting

thing to let the father and daughter fight with each other.

Hearing the good news, York and Salina couldn't stop laughing for days and nights. Now the only

stumbling block for his daughter to be the crown prince's wife was Eva. The two of them worked

together to make today's 'family banquet'.

York came in from the side hall. When he saw Eva, a dark light flashed through his eyes. Then he

smiled, "Eva, it's good that you are here."

With an indifferent look on her face, she didn't say a word. She walked into the hall, sat on the sofa,

crossed her legs and said, "Tell me, what on earth do you want me to come here for?"

"Eva, anyway, we are both father and daughter. There shouldn't be hatred between father and

daughter," York said with a fake smile.

"Mr. Fang, if you have something to say, just say it. You don't need to beat around the bush," Eva said

coldly, expressionless.

"Nothing else. I just want to invite you and Vinton to dinner." York looked at his watch and guessed that

Vinton would arrive soon.

Eva didn't say anything more and let her see what his trick was.

Soon, the servant came and told them that Vinton had come.

Hearing this, Salina and her daughter quickly stood up and went out to receive him. Their expressions

were totally different from when they saw Eva.

"Brother Vinton, you are here." Shelly was delighted to see Vinton. In fact, she had a crush on Vinton

since she first saw him.

He was so handsome, one thousand or ten thousand times more perfect than she had imagined. He

was like a God from the heaven. How could she not like him?

"Is Eva here?" Vinton glanced at them and asked. If York hadn't told him that Eva would come, he

wouldn't have come.

Salina was originally happy, but when she heard this, her face darkened. Today's protagonist was her

Shelly, not the bitch Eva.

At this time, Eva came out and held his arm. "Vinton, I'm here. The air inside is not good. I just want to

come out and breathe."

"What do you mean, Eva?" Shelly knew that she was referring to her, so she was very unhappy. But

what annoyed her more was that she was holding her future husband, which really pissed her off.

"Well, Shelly, as you know, Eva's mother is too busy to care about her since she was a child, which

resulted in her current personality. You should put up with it. After all, she is your sister. " On the

surface, Salina was persuading her daughter to make peace with Eva, but in fact, she was mocking

Eva that she wa ill-bred.

Eva was furious and said, "My father cheated on my mother and was killed by the lightning with his

mistress. My mother is busy dealing with the funeral of this adulterous couple, so she has no time to

care about me."

Vinton patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't be angry. As a step mother, it is always like this." He

stressed the two words 'step mother' on purpose.

Salina's old face with heavy make-up suddenly turned purplish purple, and there was even pig's liver

red in the purple. The two words 'step mother' really gave her the feeling that her skin was peeled.

Eva stole a glance at her and felt as if she had a sip of frozen Lime Tea. It was fantastic! It turned out

that a gentle man like Vinton could also have a vicious tongue, and he managed to control it properly. It

was like a hard bone was stuffed into the mouth of the other party, and if she spit it out, she would feel

guilty and choke to death if she swallowed it.

"Shelly, does the millipedes taste good?" She had to add salt to her scar.

Shelly shivered and her face turned paler than paper in an instant. It would be a nightmare for her

whole life. She dared not close her eyes at the thought of it.

A dead silence stood on the steps.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, York coughed and interrupted. The distinguished guest was still

standing at the door, so he had to go in first. Anyway, he didn't dare to offend Vinton.

When they returned to the living room, York ordered Shelly to pour tea for Vinton.

"Shelly and Eva are blood related sisters. Although there was a little conflict in their childhood, there

would be no big hatred between them. They will be close as long as they get in touch with each other

more," he said with a smile, trying his best to ease the atmosphere.

"Yes, our Shelly has been very kind since childhood, she even reluctant to trample an ant to death,"

Salina said with a smile, trying her best to improve Vinton's good impression of her daughter.

Vinton snorted, "I didn't see it. Last time, she was arrogant and domineering. Was she haunted by a


"It was her cousin Wendy who forced her. Wendy is spoiled and willful. She always takes Shelly as a

servant. If she doesn't obey, she will secretly punish her. Shelly is too docile. How dare she go against

her will?" Salina immediately put the blame on Wendy.

"I thought she inherit it from you," Vinton sneered and said rudely.

The corners of Salina's mouth twitched slightly. "In fact, the reason why I asked you and Eva to come

here this time is to let the two sisters know more about each other. After all, they are also sisters. They

have to rely on each other in the future."


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