Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 679 Premature Birth (Part One)

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"Well, they are going to hold a wedding after the new year, aren't they?" Mary waved her hand.

"Mommy, do you want to go against the family rules openly?" Zac's tone became cold.

The corners of Mary's mouth twitched slightly. "Since you have an objection, I'll take the position of the

hostess. I'll hand it to Laura after the wedding of Walt and her."

"Mommy, it's not up to you or me to decide who will take over the family. It's up to the head of the

family. Daddy will come back from the United States next week. It's up to him to decide who will take

over Essie. In view that you have a serious heart disease and are not suitable to do housework, auntie

Marci will take care of the affairs in the mansion on your behalf," Zac said word by word clearly and

forcefully. He was not discussing with everyone present, but issuing an order.

Marci was a little shocked. She didn't expect that her nephew would give this task to her. But judging

from the current situation in the mansion, she didn't say much. It was okay for her to take charge of the

mansion for a week. She would talk about it when her brother came back.

Leila went crazy and her face was covered with dark clouds. She was so angry that she wanted to

scream. She stood stiffly and even forgot to sit down. It was Mary who pulled her to the chair.

"Zac, you are not in charge now. You can't make the decision who will be the hostess," Mary said


A trace of cruelty flashed across Zac's face. "I can't make the decision, and you can't. My wife is still

the one in charge in this mansion now. Let her appoint a temporary successor."

Mary was so angry that her chest was full of anger. Obviously, he had discussed this beforehand with

this little tramp. It was the same to let her announce the result. Obviously, her son didn't take his

mother seriously. "I'm the wife of the ruler. Is there anyone powerful than me here, your mother, her


"Mommy, you have been the hostess for so many years. You should be very clear that in the Rong

family, only when dealing with the contradictions between the family members, the elders are the most

important, and in the matter of the rest of the affairs, hostess is the most powerful. Now we are talking

about the family affairs, not dealing with family conflicts. Even if you are an elder, you have to obey the

hostess," Zac said seriously.

"Zac is right." Sally continued, "Sister in law, you are not in good health and can't work hard. Laura

hasn't officially accepted by the Rong family yet. Let Marci do it for you temporarily."

Mary rolled her eyes at her. Her sister-in-law was trying to stir up trouble and compete with her in


"Since you all agree, let Marci take charge of it first. We'll talk about it when Albert comes back."

Taking a glance at the crowd, Essie said, "Well, I am not the hostess anymore. Whether it's a man-

made trouble or a ghost one, let the child back as soon as possible, or don't blame me for being rude to

you." Then she went out with Zac.

The stewards looked at each other, and finally their eyes fell on Mary, as if they were suspecting

something. Mary glared at them, "Why are you looking at me? I didn't release the ghost."

Unfortunately, her words were not very convincing. In this family, except for the two mother-in-law and

daughter-in-law in front of them, there might not be a third person who wanted to kick Essie out of the

position of the hostess.

Coming out of the meeting room, Zac called director Liu over. During this period of time, the guard in

the house should be strengthened, and all the people and vehicles in and out should be strictly

checked. If his guess was right, Shyla was still in the Rong Mansion, but the house was too big. There

were many courtyard, many houses, as well as planting and training fields. If she used deception to

hide the child in a corner, it would be difficult to find out the child in a short time.

That night, Essie didn't sleep well. She kept dreaming that Shyla was asking her for help.

Zac had a meeting this morning and went to the company.

She lay on the bed alone, opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling, carefully recalling the whole

process of the incident.

Shyla didn't change her clothes or have breakfast, which meant she was kidnapped in her sleep. The

security system of the Rong Mansion was the most advanced in the world, with three hundred and sixty

degrees without a blind angle. How did the 'ghost in red' take Shyla to escape the surveillance and

walk out of the room?

Or she didn't get out of the room at all!

Her eyes suddenly lit up. She sat up on the bed with her heavy body.

After getting dressed, she went to Shyla's room where she was missing.

Shyla's house was cleaned up last month for the servants on night duty. It had been empty before.

The Rong Mansion had a history of a hundred years, and it had also experienced a war era. Perhaps it

would build a secret passage or a secret room to avoid air attack and war.

This place must have been built before the Rong family took over, and even the Rong family didn't

know its existence. Otherwise, they wouldn't have decorated it and let the servants live here.

The person who used it must have found it by accident and planned this plot.

She began to search the room in carpet style. The room was very spacious, with more than forty

square meters. The furniture were all newly bought, and the bed was Simmons matrix. Those things

should not be the where the problem dwelt.

If there was really a secret passage, where would the control be placed? This courtyard had only been

renovated once, and even the renovated person hadn't found it. It must be very hidden.


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