Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 720 Are You Biological Or Not

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Eva was a little scared when he heard Jim's idea. Perhaps only evil man like Jim, who didn't play

according to common sense, could come up with such an idea.

"Scum Jim, this is my personal privacy. Why do I have to let it spread all over the city?" Eva touched

her forehead, slightly sweating.

"Heaven pepper, it's not the first time that Elizabeth has hired someone to attack you on the Internet.

The entertainment circle is polluting. If you are in it, even if you are innocent and clean, others will think

you are polluted. Fame is the most important thing in a rich family. If you want to do it all for once and

make them unable to play such a trick again, you have to completely change your image. In this way,

even if there will be slander Posts next time, the public opinion will support you," Jim said slowly.

Eva didn't say anything, but she was still a little hesitant. "I have to discuss it with my Vinton."

"Whatever." Jim threw up his hands. Anyway, he had come up with an idea, and it was up to her

whether to do it or not.

After making the dessert, Eva sat opposite to Jim and ate slowly. Her mind was in a mess and she was

a little absent-minded.

"I thought you would turn anger into appetite," Jim said slowly.

"My way to vent my anger is to punch." Eva wrinkled her nose at him.

"How about I play with you after we finish eating?" Jim gave an evil smile.

"That's what you said." Eva clenched her fists and waved them in the air. It seemed that she hadn't

fought with Jim for a period of time.

After breakfast and two hours' rest, the two entered the judo practicing room of Jim.

This time was not a PK, so EVA had a relatively easy fight. Although she had been knocked to the

ground by Jim again and again, she only had a feeling of release in her heart, and there was no

resentment of fighting to win.

"Jim, do you have a match?" She lay on the cushion, panting slightly.

"Yes, that is Zac. We have fought hundreds of times, and we have always been tied." Jim smiled.

"Invincible is so empty and lonely. Standing on the top of the world and letting the cold wind blow." Eva

was very humorous.

Jim suddenly burst into laughter, and a low and deep smile burst out from his throat.

Eva also smiled. The training room was filled with unprecedented harmony.

However, this harmony did not last long, and was quickly interrupted by a ringtone.

It was a call from Essie. The Xu family was going to hold a family meeting to discuss her marriage with

Vinton again.

The smile on her face disappeared in an instant, and a touch of anger rose from the bottom of her


How could Elizabeth and Valery let her go? They made this mess in order to destroy her wedding with

Vinton. At this moment, they must strike while the iron was hot and cancel the engagement party.

She jumped up from the cushion and said, "I'm leaving now. I'll go to the Xu family for a criticism

meeting." She mocked herself. She had thought that Jim would mock her, but he just said in a low

voice, "If you really can't think of a good way, just consider my suggestion."

"Okay." She nodded and walked out.

In the Xu family's manor, Vinton's face was gloomy and terrible. He didn't intend to bring Eva here, but

with the persuasion of Essie, he finally came.

There was a saying that a straight man was not afraid of a crooked shadow. If he didn't come, he would

look guilty, which would give Elizabeth and Valery a chance to attack him.

"Let me make it clear first that my determination to marry Eva will not change because of anything or

anyone. If someone thinks that an inexplicable slander post can destroy our relationship, it is a big

mistake." Vinton expressed his opinion very firmly. His tone was as hard as a rock, and there was no

possibility of wavering.

The corners of Elizabeth's mouth twitched slightly. "Are you going to ignore the reputation of our Xu


"Only idiots will believe the nonsense on the post." Vinton snorted.

"The problem is that many people believe it. And our Xu family has now become a laughing stock in the

whole Dragon City. If we marry a social escort girl into our family, do we run a night club?" Valery said

in an extremely evil tone.

"All right." After Vicki snapped, the meeting room immediately fell into silence. "I've already asked

someone to investigate. The men in the photos have indeed contacted with Eva, not groundless. Her

private life is so dissolute. How can we marry her into our Xu family? "

"Grandma, I know what kind of person Eva is. If you look at these photos carefully, you will find that she

has no basic physical contact with those people. Most of them just sit face to face and drink coffee or

dinner with her. Nothing else. She is an actress. She used to act as a guest performer and know some

walk-ons. It's okay for them to chat and make friends with each other," Vinton explained.

Baron took a drag on his cigar and said, "Mom, we all know what kind of person Eva is. We can't deny

her just by an unreasonable online post."

"Mr. Baron is right." Taking a sip of tea, Essie said in a low voice, "In fact, it has happened more than

once or two times. Since Eva dated with my brother, someone has done worse things to destroy their

relationship. They once sent a fat guy to break into the hotel room where Eva stayed and called the

paparazzi to say that they were her lovers. Fortunately, Eva was not in the hotel at all that day. At last,

that fat guy was taken away by the police. " Then she turned to look at Elizabeth and asked, "Right,

aunt Elizabeth?"

"How could I know about her matters?" Elizabeth snorted and acted as if nothing had happened. She

was good at hiding and arguing. A dead pig was not afraid of hot water anyway.

Glaring at Essie fiercely, Valery said, "You are her best friend. Of course you should speak for her. Few

women in the entertainment circle are clean. Our Xu family is a rich family, and our daughter-in-law

must have a clean background. This bitch's reputation is even worse than shit in Dragon City. If she

wants to marry in our family, I will leave the Xu family. I don't want to be humiliated. "

Essie sneered. Her reputation had never been better than shit!

"Sister, when the Xu group was in danger, you and aunt Elizabeth had done so many things to hurt it,

but Mr. Baron didn't kick you out. Why do you have to leave now? Besides, marriage is brother's, not

yours. Brother's life has nothing to do with you. You have no right to interfere. "

Valery's face turned livid and her mouth tilted to one side with anger. "Essie, don't think that I don't

know your tricks. You came back to the Xu family for revenge. You won't stop until you turn the whole

Xu family upside down."

With a sneer, Essie said, "Sister, if I want to take revenge, I have plenty of opportunities when the Xu

family is in danger. Do I have to wait till today? On the contrary, you have to distinguish us so clearly,

because Eva is my best friend, you naturally put her in the rank of enemy and always against her. Don't

you know that if brothers and siblings work together, the benefits will be devastating? "

After a pause, she continued, "The family is most afraid of internal strife. Why did the enemies of the

four major families in Dragon City choose our Xu family instead of the Rong family, the Jing family and

the Qin family? He saw that our internal strife could give him a chance. Now it's just my brother's

marriage. You all have to play so many tricks to destroy it. Do you want our Xu family to suffer another

crisis? "

"Essie Yi!" Hearing this, Elizabeth couldn't hold her anger anymore. "You are clearly pouring mud on

me and Valery. This time, it has nothing to do with us. It's not that simple for you to frame us. If you

have the ability, show us the evidence."

"I don't have any evidence this time, but I have kept the previous evidence. Do you need me to show

it?" Essie said slowly.

"Vinton is my son. As a mother, I have the right to ask what kind of daughter-in-law he will marry, and I

have the right to choose a daughter-in-law that I like," Elizabeth snapped.

Vinton frowned. His mother's so-called choice was to find a woman who could control him and monitor

him for her.

"Mommy, I choose my wife by myself. I'm the one who wants to live with her, not you."

Hearing that Vinton deliberately contradicted her, Elizabeth was irritated and said, "Vinton, I raised you

up so hard. You not only don't help me, but also work together with outsiders to piss me off. Are you so

filial to me?"

"Do you really care about me? You have never asked about my academic performance since I was a

child. On our birthday, you always ask my sister what she wants, but you never ask me! You only know

what my sister likes and dislikes, but you never know what I like and what I hate! Since she likes Zac,

you would try your best to help her marry into the Rong family. I like Eva, but you have to try your best

to separate us and let me marry the woman you designated. What do you think I am? Just a tool you

use to defeat the aunt Luce, and help you marry into the Xu family and consolidate your position? "

"You... You... " Elizabeth was so angry that she couldn't even speak.

"Vinton, you've gone too far!" Valery roared, "Do you know why mother and I hate this bitch, Eva?

Because you have changed since you knew her. She kept sow dissension between us in front of you,

destroying our relationship and causing conflicts between you and us. She is a disaster. She is a spy

that Essie deliberately planted around you! "

Vinton ignored her words and stared at Elizabeth, "Mommy, please tell me what I like to eat and what I

don't like to eat."

Elizabeth's face twitched violently. It was a simple question. As long as a mother cared about her child,

she would know what the child liked to eat and what he didn't like to eat. However, she only

remembered Valery's preferences and never noticed Vinton's.

"You... You like eight delicacy rice pudding, glutinous rice balls... "

Before she finished her words, Vicki sighed, "Vinton hates food made of glutinous rice the most. How

did you take care of him as a mother?"

"Normally, the chef is cooking. Since he came back from the United States, he has been hanging out

every day and rarely goes home. How can I remember?" Elizabeth explained in a hurry, trying to keep



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