Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 394 Labeling (Part One)

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Zac knew who she was referring to. It was really beyond his expectation. He had underestimated this

woman. Perhaps it was because what happened to him more than ten years ago that he appreciated

her. So he would never think she was a bad person. He always thought that she was a kind girl, who

was just a little willful sometimes.

Now, he finally knew her true self.

He wouldn't sympathize with a woman who went all out to get what she wanted and made others suffer.

"Is Landis still suspecting you?" he asked in a low voice.

"I have talked with her for a long time today. I think I have cleared up the misunderstanding." After

placing the black grapes on the plate, Essie wiped her hands with a tissue, as if she didn't care about

this matter anymore.

"Then let's put an end to it." The tone of Zac was meaningful. Now her life was still in the hands of

Leila. Before she completely recovered her health, he was not allowed to lay hands on Leila. The only

way to hold her was using soft means.

How could Essie understand what he was thinking? She had thought that he gave up on taking action

because he cared about his relationship with Leila. She always thought that he liked Leila, but he gave

up her because of his disease, his family, and some reason she didn't know.

As far as she was concerned, he was a man with a thin heart. He wouldn't love any woman deeply and

he knew how to weigh the advantages and disadvantages. If his relationship with Leila was more

harmful than the benefit, he would choose to give up.

"If you don't want to settle the matter, just let it go. I don't care." She raised her eyebrows with a relaxed

look. However, she could choose not to ask. Landis wouldn't. She was the most direct victim. Her baby

was killed, and the one she wanted to rely on was no longer here. No wonder she couldn't swallow her


"Think about it, Landis is a poor girl. Don't do anything like concealing her or blocking her. Just let her

be," she spoke in a pitiful tone.

"She almost killed you. Don't you hate her?" Zac's bushy eyebrows slightly. The sympathy of his little

fool was flooded again.

"It's not her fault. She was misled by others. She and I are victims. We share the same heart. Besides,

the whole thing happened because of you. If you didn't choose her and used her, she wouldn't be so

miserable. " Essie pouted. She tried her best to defend Landis. She was not being benevolent. She just

didn't want to weaken the situation for Landis. The stronger she was, the more frustration she would

bring to Leila.

Zac was resigned. What he did was all for her, this muddle-headed woman. As long as she was safe

and sound, he would do anything including sacrificing others or himself.

"Since you have interceded for her, I will give her a break. Since things have come to this, she is

useless to me," he said in a low voice.

Essie shook her fingers and said, "You're wrong. You can't lose this chess piece for the time being. You

should be nice to her at this moment. No, you should treat her better than before, or you'll be trapped

into somebody's scheme."

Zac frowned and pretended to be displeased. "You are more and more confident in pushing me out."

"I believe you're a self-disciplined person." Essie glanced at him as she pretended to be ager. "Besides,

you're not my husband now. I don't have to worry about your love affairs."

Zac's face darkened. He was not in a good mood now. He grabbed her head, pulled her into his arms

and kissed her. "I will always be your husband."

"Are you labeled me on your body?"

"You have also labeled me as an exclusive husband. Any infringement must be sentenced to death!"

He stressed the last word, as if it was a kind of threatening.

Essie choked. In his eyes, she was like a pet that he kept, and could only be owned by him. No one

was allowed to steal her. Even if he didn't want her, he could have the freedom to abandon her like a

pair of shoes.

She didn't contradict him and didn't want to quarrel with him. He was the demon king, and she had to

obey him, so she had no strength to resist. Even if she got up the courage occasionally and wanted to

fight back, she would fail.

"If you don't have anything else to do, I'll go back first. Dot caught a cold. I have to take care of him."

"Dot?" Zac touched his chin and said, "I've only seen Mili and never saw Dot. Since you don't forbid me

to see them, why don't you bring Dot together some day?"

Essie was shocked and she coughed. She didn't want him to see Dot. He looked like a replica of him. If

he saw Dot, he would certainly be suspicious. Then if he forced himself to do a paternity test,

everything would be exposed.

"Dot and Mili, though they are twins, have completely different characters. Mili was active and easy

going, yet Dot is introverted. He doesn't like to interact with strangers," she explained with hesitation.

"But we will be familiar after we meet a few more times," Zac said casually.

"Well... He is very timid. He is very dependent on my mother. Wherever he goes, my mother will follow

him. If he goes out, my mother will follow him, too. You should know that my mother..." She wanted to

say something but stopped on a second thought. Zac understood what she was going to say.

"Your son and daughter are so different from each other." Zac sighed, with a helpless expression on his

face. His mother-in-law had already treated him in a very bad manner due to all the old grudges

between them, and now he had made himself to be a playboy. Perhaps it was better not to meet him in

case of making a scene.


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