Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 649 The Greater The Truth, The Greater The Libel

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When everyone's attention was shifted to Essie, he took the opportunity to run back to the basement

and escape to the secret passage. The men in black quickly chased after him.

'Essie' stood up from the ground and tore off the fake belly tied to her belly. "Fortunately, I'm not really

pregnant, or I will really have a miscarriage."

"May, you did a good job this time. Boss will reward you handsomely when we go back." Ford smiled.

May also smiled. She had been completely subverted by Zac. Because her face looked like Essie after

the plastic surgery, Zac kept her. The reason why she worked so hard for Zac was that she was not

only injected with virus in her body, and in danger of life if she didn't listen to Zac. Moreover, Zac gave

her a generous reward.

Zac was good at controlling people's mind. He threatened, tempted, and used both hard and soft

methods to make his subordinates afraid of him and surrender to him.

The secret passage of the villa was set up to confuse the opponent. Steven was familiar with the

arrangement inside and ran very fast. It took the men in black a lot of time to come out.

At this time, Steven had already escaped to the hillside, and a man in black raised his gun and shot

him in the leg. Like a dying trapped beast, he fell to the ground, struggled to get up and continued


It was said that Zac's cold-blooded means were appalling. He didn't want to be caught. Life was worse

than death.

It had just rained on the mountain, and the road was covered with moss, which was very slippery. He

slipped down the narrow mountain road by accident and was smashed to pieces on the spot.

In the Blue Sea and Sunny Sky of Dragon City, Zac had already got the news.

That bastard died unexpectedly. He even upgraded the punishment system for him, preparing to let him

have a good time.

The look on Essie's face was cold. She had nothing to do with that man's life or death.

She gently touched her lower abdomen and comforted the little baby in it.

"Baby, daddy and Mommy have no choice but to use this trick. Don't be angry. Daddy and mommy love

you very much. You have to be obedient in Mommy's belly, healthy and happy."

Zac patted her belly. 'Like father, like son. This little guy will certainly cooperate with his parents to act.'

After thinking for a while, Essie smiled and said, "Zac, I find that it's also good to have a substitute who

looks exactly like me. You should get yourself one. "

With a smile at the corners of his mouth, Zac said, "Except God, no plastic surgeon in the world can

make another me."

With a smile, Essie held his incomparably handsome and perfect face in her hands. To be honest, the

plastic surgery also needed to find a person with similar face bones to succeed. There must be no

second person in the world who had the same face as him. Otherwise, Willi wouldn't ask for another

way to create a similar woman like her.

Zac put his arm around her shoulder and said, "You little fool, can you recognize me if someone really

pretends to be me?"

"It's really a little difficult. You're temperamental and moody. Sometimes your character changes, and I'll

think it's a normal phenomenon," said Essie, rolling her big black eyes and flashing a secret smile.

Zac flicked her forehead and said, "I didn't expect you to recognize me. A fool like you doesn't have the

ability to distinguish ordinary people."

With a smile on her face, Essie said, "I can't tell the different from ordinary people, but you are not an

ordinary person. Although you are moody and capricious, your domineering and autocratic nature are

incomparable. It is directly carved in your eyes, and no one else can act it at all. "

With a perfect smile on his thin lips, Zac said, "You are a wise person pretended to be a fool."

"That's good that you know it." Essie raised her eyebrows proudly. She was indeed confused, but she

didn't dare to be careless about something unimportant.

"You became smug when I praise you a little." Zac stroked her head dotingly.

At this time, on the other side of Dragon City, Leila felt like a survivor of a disaster.

She looked at Walt next to her and breathed a long sigh of relief. "This time, we suffered a great loss.

Our base in City D was destroyed by Zac. The little boss couldn't bear the punishment and betrayed all

their offline members. Luckily, Willi found someone to pretend to be you and saved you. As long as you

are here, we won't lose. "

Clenching his teeth, a cold light flashed across his face. "Zac is so despicable. He even tried to arrest

me with my child."

"The only lucky thing is that the person who pretended to be you fell off the cliff and died. God helped

you. Zac thought that since Steven was dead, he wouldn't search for you anymore. It can be said that

you are safe. You must remember that you can't play the role of Steven anymore. Otherwise, this

sacrifice will be in vain. "

"Zac is my nemesis." Walt punched the wall angrily.

"It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years. As long as you are alive, there will be

chance," Leila comforted.

Walt turned to her and said, "I underestimated you before."

"I've never been worse than Essie. I really can't understand you and Zac's taste in woman. Why are

you both like that useless foxy woman Essie?" Leila snorted, with a strong resentment on her face.

On the second day, Zac took Essie back to the Rong Mansion. In order to create a vivid effect, they

didn't even tell the truth to their family.

Seeing that Essie and the baby were fine, Albert felt relieved.

"Do you think Essie has a problem with her child because she is too tired of running the business of the

Rong Mansion recently?" Mary took the chance and said. She was looking forward to taking back her

position as the hostess of the family.

With a faint smile on her face, Essie said, "Mommy, you misunderstood. Our child is fine. We set up a

trap just to capture the enemy. Besides, things at home are not complicated. Each steward has his own

duty. I don't need to worry too much. "

Mary curled her lips. This little tramp was pregnant, but she still wanted to compete with her for power.

It was punishable.

Walt sat on the sofa and tried his best to keep calm, as if it was none of his business.

"Have you caught the bastard who bullied Essie?" he asked casually.

"Dead," Zac said word coldly.

"He deserve it." A faint smile played at the corners of Walt's mouth.

"That kind of person deserves more than death." There was a touch of anger in Essie's eyes. She was

furious at the thought that the man almost insulted her on D island.

Walt's heart sank, as if he had been kicked into an abyss. Coldness seeped through every pore from

beginning to end.

They had been married. No matter what, they had held a wedding in D island and had a one night love.

Now she was still pregnant with his child. How could she be so cold and ruthless.

He would never expect that the person who had sex with him was not Essie, but Eve. He had nothing

to do with the baby in her belly.

"Yes, he is dead, but his child is still alive. If this bastard is born, he will revenge after knowing his

identity. This is called raising a tiger for trouble," Mary said crossly.

"Mommy, the baby is mine. I don't want to repeat it. I hope you can remember it." Zac's face suddenly

darkened. He knew clearly what had happened in D island. This fool still belonged to him completely.

He didn't allow anyone to question or insult his wife.

"Well, you can say whatever you want. Anyway, I won't allow the child's surname to be Rong without

the paternity test." Mary snorted.

"Mommy, only parents know who is the father of the child. I believe that Zac and Essie won't lie. Don't

make things difficult for them anymore. The paternity test is unnecessary," Walt said. In his opinion, Zac

did this only to cover up his shame. If his mother insisted on the paternity test, he might force Essie to

have an abortion in order to keep his male dignity.

How could Mary know what he was thinking? She rolled her eyes at him and thought, 'How could he

contradict me at this time? Is he trying to piss me off?'

"That's enough. The paternity test must be done. If it's a bastard, you can't enter the Rong family. This

is equivalent to humiliating our ancestors." Her attitude was extremely strong.

"Mommy, now the hostess of the family is Essie, not you," Walt reminded her. He was very unhappy.

Did his mother go crazy and always make trouble.

Mary was exasperated at his words. Her face turned livid. "Walt, this is Zac's business. Don't get

involved. If you like children, you should have one with Laura as soon as possible."

The corners of Walt's mouth twitched slightly. That was his child. How could he not care?

"Mommy, Zac is my brother, and Essie is my sister-in-law. I should care about them."

Looking at him gratefully, Essie said, "Thank you, brother. But it doesn't matter. If Mommy insists, we

can do the paternity test."

"Don't let mommy affect you. Let's talk about it after the baby is born," Walt tried to comfort her.

"No one can affect us," Zac said coldly. He was getting more and more confused about Mary. Now she

seemed to only consider her own feelings and interests, ignoring everything else.

Mary seemed to be stung by a bee, and the corners of her mouth tilted to one side. It seemed that Zac

had abandoned his mother and stood on his wife's side again.

"Zac, I'm doing this for your own good. One day you'll understand that I'm doing the right thing," she

said earnestly.

With a sneer in her heart, Essie thought, 'What a hypocritical woman she is! In fact, she did it for her

personal grudge.' Fortunately, she was not the only one in charge of this family. Albert was the real

person in charge. Otherwise, she would be more miserable than her mother. She would never have a

peaceful life with Zac. In the end, she could only end up with divorce.

"Mommy, the most important thing for you now is to take good care of yourself. Don't worry about your

family. I will handle it well." Her voice was low and gentle, but there was a hint of provocation in it.

Mary was so angry that she took several deep breaths to suppress her anger. She had to put up with it.

If she couldn't bear it, it would ruin a big plan. One day, she would let this little tramp know how

powerful she was.

Mary was so angry that she took several deep breaths to suppress her anger. She had to put up with it.

If she couldn't bear it, it would ruin a big plan. One day, she would let this little tramp know how

powerful she was.


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