Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 364 The Trap

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"Sorry, I'm busy. I have a lot of work to do." Without raising her eyelids, Essie kept staring at the

computer screen.

"It's okay. I'll wait for you here. When you're done with your work, we'll go together." Leila sat on the

sofa immediately. It was obvious that she didn't want to leave now.

Essie glanced at her coldly and said, "we don't need to go to the coffee shop. I have your cat poo

coffee here. We can stay here if you have something to tell me." After that, Essie asked her secretary

to make coffee for her. Then she sat down on the sofa opposite her.

"In fact, I come here this time to ask you for experience," With a provocative smile on her face, Leila

thought that even if she wanted to ask about the affairs of Zac, she could not ask directly. In this way,

Essie could take pleasure in her misfortune.

"What experience?" Raising her eyebrows, Essie tried to figure out what Leila was going to do.

"Since we got married, we can have sex in the evening and in the daytime. He is so obsessed with my

body that I almost can't handle it. Did he also treat you in this way before?" With her eyelashes half

lowered, Leila deliberately showed a shy expression.

The unexpected words made Essie feel sick, and she even got goose bumps. 'Is she here to show off?'

thought Essie.

Fortunately, Zac had told her the truth. Otherwise, she would be anxious. She would jump up and kick

the woman out of the window, letting her fall to the ground from the 9th floor.

The secretary came in with coffee.

Essie took a sip of coffee quietly. "Now, you have Landis to share your burden, right? She's only twenty

years old, young and energetic. She must be able to meet the needs of Zac. Don't worry too much. "

Her soft words stabbed Leila's heart like a needle.

The nerves on her face were fiercely twitching. "I have asked Zac. He has nothing to do with that little

star at all. It is completely nonsense. He only loves me and is infatuated with my body. He won't take a

look at other women, "

Although Leila tried her best to maintain a calm and spared no effort to describe Zac's love for her,

Essie had acutely sensed the subtle change in her eyes.

The relationship between Zac and Landis was complicated. Essie couldn't tell if it was true or not, nor

did she know the purpose of him doing so. The only thing she knew clearly was that he was the

mastermind of the gossip. With his great power in the Dragon City, no media dared to set foot on

anything at the crown prince. Any media dared to report any of his affairs unless he permitted it.

He also mentioned that there might be more other women besides Landis. Was he trying to dress him

as a playboy? Why?

Essie couldn't figure it out, but since he wanted to bring shame on himself, she would help him and

even make up a few more times, so as to make his "sin" realized.

She was not a Virgin Mary. She would never sincerely bless her ex-husband and first lover happy and

lasting. The worse the relationship between them was, the happier she would feel.

"I thought you know well what kind of person Zac is. It turns out that you don't even know him." Essie

deliberately sneered at Leila.

"What do you mean?" Sharon shivered.

Taking a sip of her coffee, Essie leaned towards her and deliberately lowered her voice, "do you always

think that he doesn't like women?"

"Zac is not a playboy. We have known each other for a long time. I know his character best." Leila

pretended to be calm.

"Have you ever seen a cat who doesn't eat fish?" Essie sneered again.

When she heard this, Leila was shocked and her face turned pale. "Don't try to slander Zac. You are

trying to alienate our relationship."

"The man who hides himself from the public is the toughest. Only his wife can know what kind of

person he is. Take your time to understand it." Essie then stood up from the sofa and went back to the

main chair to sit down. She crossed her legs and crossed her hands around her waist, pretending to

look at what was going on casually. She added, "since you're here, I give you a piece of advice. Mr.

Zac always hates those who are mean and jealous. You'd better turn a blind eye to his affairs. Don't

mess up with him. Just wait and see. There are so many people who want to replace you. "

The expression on Leila's face which had been full of self-confidence twisted unconsciously. The fear in

her eyes gave out all the secrets in her heart. "Did you do that before?" Leila couldn't help asking.

With a sharp look on her face, Essie said, "I came from a broken family, and I've seen through the men

in the celebrities circle. As the man standing at the top of the pyramid, he couldn't have only one

woman by his side. Even if you were lucky enough to be his one and only love, it didn't mean that he

wouldn't go out to find another woman. So you don't have to learn anything. Even if your skills are

excellent, he will feel bored to you as time goes by. He will always go out to seek new things. The only

thing you can do is to be generous. "

Her words answered Leila's question and also proved the "crime" of Zac. Leila jumped out of the sofa.

She couldn't accept the fact. "You are useless. You can't win a man's heart. I'm not like you. I'm sure I

can firmly grasp the heart of Zac. He will only love me."

"Then I wish you success. Don't rock your own luck in the future." Another mocking laughter was heard

in the office. Leila's face was as red as a tomato. She grabbed a handbag from the sofa and rushed out


Essie lied down on the coach chair and laughed secretly. She really liked to make trouble for Zac. He

bullied her in the tea house, so she gave him a small gift. This was a return in return.

Coming out of the building, Leila was very nervous and uneasy. She was afraid that she couldn't get

keep this position which she had tried so hard to get.

She took out her phone and sent a message, "I want you to find a way to help me get the heart of Zac."

Soon she received a message, which read, "I've helped you become a his wife. The rest is up to you. If

you can't hold a man's heart, you are not qualified to cooperate with me.".

"Bastard." Cursed Leila, stamping her foot and getting into the car.

Not long after she left, Elizabeth went to the office of Essie. She brought some information that might

interest her.

"In the past few days, I have tried every means to get some information about that man from you,"

Elizabeth said slowly, "his name is Willi, and he is an opportunist. He has a lot of illegal businesses. In

the past few years, he has traded arms in the eastern region and earned a lot of money. Bles didn't

know what the person looked like. When they met each other, he wore an artificial mask. He never

showed his real face. However, there is a very special snake shaped tattoo on his wrist. It is said that

anyone who works for him has such a tattoo on the wrist. "

Essie went blank for a moment. There was a snake shaped tattoo on the killer's wrist. He must be his


"Why does he want to destroy our Xu's Group?"

"Bles told me that he had come to meet Baron, intending to work with him and open the mine area in

South Africa. But Baron refused. Perhaps he got the Xu's Group out of hatred." Said Elizabeth.

Essie was not sure if what she said was true, but she was sure that this was not enough to help.

"Where can we find Willi?"

"He has left Dragon City for a long time. In the past two times, it was his subordinate Liam who had

contacted Bles. I took an address from Bles' memory book. I don't know if it is what you want, but you

can send someone to check it." Elizabeth took out a note from her pocket.

Essie took it and had a look. She smiled, "thank you, auntie. Anything else?"

"That group of people are hiding from us all the time. Bles didn't know their background very well.

That's all I can find." Elizabeth curled her lips with anger.

"He doesn't even know their background. Cooperating with them means that we are doing business

with the devil and we will hurt ourselves at any time." "I don't think Bles is that stupid. " Essie sneered.

"That's because..." Yanni swallowed back the words on the tip of her tongue, with an unreadable look

on her face.

"Because what?" But Essie didn't miss any subtle expression on her face.

"It was all their fault. Bles and I had nothing to do with it. We had no idea of their plan and thought they

wanted to cooperate with us," Elizabeth shifted the topic and tried to divert the topic.

"Don't worry, auntie. I said I won't look into it. There is still one month left before the court session. You

can take your time and try to find out the truth. I believe you are capable enough to do everything. " Her

tone was as light as a goose feather, but what she meant was much heavier than lead.

"I'll try," said Elizabeth, her lips twitching slightly Then she got up and went out.

Staring at her back, Essie's eyes became deep. She believed that Elizabeth still had some reservations

and didn't tell her all the things. But it didn't matter. She would take her time to investigate this matter.

She looked at the address in her hand and called the bodyguards. Then she left the office with them.

The note was addressed to an abandoned warehouse in the suburb of Dragon City. She got off the car

and saw a motorcycle parking at the gate of the warehouse.

Is it Liam?

She left two bodyguards at the door and didn't let anyone come out. Then she went in with the other

two bodyguards. She put a lipstick pistol Holy gave her in her pocket. The shooting range of the pistol

was ten meters. As she was an outer shooting range, it was good enough to hit the target one meter

away. She decided to shoot that man once she got close to him so that he could not escape under


In the warehouse, there were piles of abandoned goods.

"Mrs. Essie, there is a room in the front." Said one of the bodyguards.

"Go and have a look." With a shush gesture, Essie lightened up her steps to avoid alerting the


tone was as light as a goose feather, but what she meant was much heavier than lead.

"I'll try," said Elizabeth, her lips twitching slightly Then she got up and went out.

Staring at her back, Essie's eyes became deep. She believed that Elizabeth still had some reservations

and didn't tell her all the things. But it didn't matter. She would take her time to investigate this matter.

She looked at the address in her hand and called the bodyguards. Then she left the office with them.

The note was addressed to an abandoned warehouse in the suburb of Dragon City. She got off the car

and saw a motorcycle parking at the gate of the warehouse.

Is it Liam?

She left two bodyguards at the door and didn't let anyone come out. Then she went in with the other

two bodyguards. She put a lipstick pistol Holy gave her in her pocket. The shooting range of the pistol

was ten meters. As she was an outer shooting range, it was good enough to hit the target one meter

away. She decided to shoot that man once she got close to him so that he could not escape under


In the warehouse, there were piles of abandoned goods.

"Mrs. Essie, there is a room in the front." Said one of the bodyguards.

"Go and have a look." With a shush gesture, Essie lightened up her steps to avoid alerting the



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