Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 475 I'm Pregnant

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The grand wedding banquet hall suddenly became quiet. Everyone looked at the woman who had just

walked in.

A touch of anger flashed through Hanson's eyes. If he guessed correctly, the photo yesterday was sent

by this woman. She didn't stop him from engaging with Essie and now came here to kick up a fuss. He

should have left her in his office, or such a thing would not happen.

"Christina Qin, if you are here for your wedding ceremony, Essie and I will welcome you. If you are here

to make trouble, I have to let the security guard send you out," he snapped.

"Brother Hanson, I don't want to ruin your engagement ceremony. But I have no choice. I... I'm

pregnant," Christina said with tears in her eyes.

All the guests were in an uproar.

A violent thrill swept over Hanson's limbs and bones. How could it be possible? He wasn't sure whether

they had sex. How could she get pregnant?

Feeling like being pushed into a big hole of ice, a blast of cold ran through her limbs. She tried her best

to control her emotions and forced herself to calm down. "Miss Qin, please take a seat first. No matter

what happens to you, we will talk about it after my engagement ceremony with Hanson."

"No, you can't get engaged. Hanson should be responsible for me and the baby." Christina was

stubborn. She came to make a scene, so how could she let the engagement ceremony go on?

The darkness suddenly fell in front of Lucy's eyes. In order not to fall down, she grabbed Bob in a hurry

and asked, "What the hell is going on, Bob? How could this woman be pregnant with Hanson's child? "

Exasperated, Bob thumped the table, "I don't think she's a good girl!"

"Fuck! Are all the women in the Qin family unable to get married? Why did they badger around the men

of our Essie? Did they think that our Essie is easy to bully?" Eva couldn't help but curse. Leila steal

Essie's husband, and her sister, again, at such a critical moment. Didn't she do this on purpose to put

Essie in an awkward situation?

On hearing this, Fell and Leila almost stood up at the same time. They rushed in front of Christina and

said, "Stop it. Go back now. There are so many people here today. Do you want to humiliate our

family?" Fell scolded in a low voice.

"Yeah, I agree with him. Christina, it is not a good time to have a negotiation with him in such

an occasion. You should talk to Hanson in private," Leila persuaded.

"I... I am doing this for the baby. I can't leave him without a father when he is born," Christina said. She

wanted to choose the best time so that Hanson and Essie could not be engaged or married.

"That's enough. Go back now, or I will ask someone to carry you out." Pissed off, Fell winked at Leila,

two of whom held up her respectively and dragged her out.

"What are you doing? Be careful. Don't hurt my baby with brother Hanson," Christina screamed until

she disappeared at the gate.

The host of the banquet hastened to break the ice. However, the joy in the banquet hall had already

died away, and the faces of all the relatives were solemn and gloomy.

With these thoughts in her mind, Essie took one of Hanson's arms and said, "I'm sorry for making you

laugh at me just now. In fact, Hanson and I have reached an agreement in advance. You can have fun

as you like before marriage, without regarding each other. After we get married, we will formally take

responsibility for each other. As for Miss Qin, we will work together to solve the problem. "

"She is indeed the daughter of the Xu family, tolerant, generous and reasonable." One of the guests

gave a thumbs up.

The others echoed.

"A good wife is a necessary choice."

"Miss Xu is not only a good wife, but also a capable assistant. Mr. Xia is so lucky."

The engagement party finally brought some joy back.

Lucy didn't get any comfort at all. She looked so gloomy. How could her daughter have such a bad

luck? That was true of one man and the other. She had been optimistic about Hanson, but she didn't


Mili was pissed off. She didn't expect that apart from her aunt, there was also a bad woman who

wanted to take daddy Hanson away from her. And the most hateful thing was that she was the younger

sister of the Qin mistress. The elder sister was a mistress and the younger sister was also a mistress.

What a wonderful sister.

"God must be dozing off. How could he put a little baby into the belly of a bad mistress and let it ruin

daddy Hanson and Mommy's wedding?"

"Mommy is so pitiful. Daddy was taken away, and now daddy Hanson is also going to be taken away.

Mommy will only have one person left in the future," Dot said angrily and sadly.

"Mommy is not alone. She still has us. We will help her get daddy and daddy Hanson back," Mili said


Before the engagement party ended, Essie kept smiling, and the muscles on her face were even stiff.

It was as if he had fallen from the heaven into a bottomless abyss with his body smashed into pieces.

Hanson felt that he was going to lose Essie thoroughly this time.

So Essie decided to have a talk with him. After the engagement party, they went back to the mansion


"Hanson." She took off the ring in her hand and said, "I will leave it to you. Since she is carrying a child,

you have to give her an explanation."

"I won't marry her." Hanson clenched his fists. Now he had too much pain, too much anger, and too

much hatred. He wished he could kill Christina right now.

"Maybe we are just not destined for each other. Every time, there will be an obstacle coming out to

block us." Essie sighed in a low voice. Before Christina, there was Sunny.

"You really don't give me any chance?" Holding his head in his hands in pain, a drop of tear fell down

from his eyes and dropped on his suit, which hurt her heart. "Hanson, if I were not the one for you, we

would not be happy even if we forced ourselves to be together. We might separate in the end."

"How do you know it's not you? Maybe the God is just testing us," Hanson mumbled. His heart was so

painful that it seemed as if thousands of ants were biting it.

"You... You need to handle with Christina first. I am sure that she will give birth to the baby. Anyway, the

baby is innocent. It's your flesh and blood. You can't leave it alone. "

Essie sighed again. She didn't care about Christina or their relationship. If she guessed it right, he was

trapped by Leila. She didn't blame him. It was inevitable that people made mistakes, as long as they

realized and could correct them.

However, she had given her heart to Zac completely. She could no longer love him well. If they could

only be together by hook or by crook, neither of them would be happy. It was better for them to be

separated from each other by taking advantage of this thing to release each other.

Harrison didn't say anything more. He really needed to deal with the matter with Christina first,

otherwise he couldn't ask for her forgiveness.

Out of the villa, Essie was pulled into the Rolls Royce before she could get on the car.

She was taken aback when she turned around and saw his handsome face. "Icy guy, are you... Why

are you here? "

"Pick you up," Zac said in a low voice.

"Why did you pick me up?" she lowered her head and whispered.

"Now that you have broken up with Hanson, just be my woman at ease," he spoke slowly and clearly.

She was slightly stunned. "How do you know?" 'Wow, he's so well-informed!' thought she.

"There is nothing I don't know about you," Zac shrugged and said lightly.

Today, he had been in Venice Hotel in Yang City all the time, just did not appear. Her wedding dress

was so beautiful. Next time, he would put it on her with his own hands to make her the most beautiful


"Leila took you away, and then Christina took Hanson away. I must have a grudge against Qin family

and these two sisters in my previous life." With a self-mockery smile, she continued, "Tomorrow I might

be on the front page. I have encountered the most tragic and dramatic thing. You divorced me last time,

and made me the laughing stock in the rich women's society in Dragon City. Now I am famous in Yang

City. In the future, I'd better dig a hole and bury myself under the ground as a rats, don't come out

again. It's not suitable for me, a dumb blonde, to survive in such a dangerous world."

Zac pulled her into his arms. "If you are sad, just cry out. Don't hold it back." In his opinion, Hanson was

much more important than he was to her. Now that he had an affair with another woman, she must be

very sad, so he didn't want to stimulate her anymore.

But it didn't hurt Essie. She felt relieved. Recently, she was put in a dilemma between him and Hanson.

She felt guilty and sorry for Hanson, and there was nothing she could do to make up. If she forced

herself to get married, it would cause more harm to him. It was better for her to break up with him now.

"Ice guy, I want to drink. Let's go to a place where we can drink as much as we want."

"Okay." He nodded and drove to the dock.

She boarded the yacht and roamed freely on the sea. Only she and him were here.

He opened a bottle of wine and poured it into her glass. "You will get drunk today. When you wake up

tomorrow, you must forget Hanson. Do you understand?" He was like a king sending orders, and she

had to follow and obey.

"Why should I forget?" She deliberately annoyed him. He was the only one she loved now, but his heart

was full of Leila, not her at all. In his eyes, she was a inflatable doll and could satisfy his sexual desire.

"He has another woman," he answered angrily.

Hearing that, Essie lowered her eyes again. Her thick eyelashes drew a sad shadow on her eyelids.

Right, they had already had another woman. He had Leila, Hanson had Christina.

They abandoned her.

"I can live well by myself. I don't need any of you. Neither you nor Hanson. Please go away. Don't stay

any of you." She said bitterly, raised her glass and drank up the red wine in it.

Zac sighed in a low voice. He reached out his hand to touch her head and said, "You are such a fool.

I've always been by your side. I've never left you."

She pushed him with all her strength. "Hanson was just set up by Christina. He didn't mean to do that. I

don't blame him at all. But you are different. You abandoned me when I needed you most. I won't

forgive you, no matter what difficulties you have! I hate you! I hate you! "

Her voice was almost roaring. Every word of her complaint was like a bullet being fired out of the gun. It

hit on Zac's heart heavily, making him overwhelmed with grief.


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