Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 285 I Lost Our Child

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Lucy called her and told her that she and Bob had arrived at the Dragon City and stayed in the

InterContinental Hotel.

Essie hurried over to them. As soon as she entered the room, Lucy took her by the hand and placed a

piece of newspaper from the Dragon City Evening Paper in front of her. On the front page, it said,

'Centaury General Report, a beautiful designer is married to the richest man'.

"Didn't you say that Zac comes from an ordinary family? Why did she become a member of the Rong

family? "

"I didn't know who he was until recently. He did not tell me when we got married." Essie stammered to

explain. She wanted to hide this from them, but she didn't expect that they would see the news so


"Is he Mary's son?" Lucy's eyes flashed with anger.

Essie nodded. She could see her mother's gloomy face.

Hearing that, Lucy was trembling in extreme fury and clenched her fists tightly. In a hurry, Bob held her

into his arms. "Please calm down, you've just had the operation. Please don't get angry again."

"Surgery?" "Mom, what's wrong with you? Are you not feeling well?" Essie asked worriedly.

"Don't worry. I just have a myoma of uterus, and it will be okay to perform the laparoscopic

hysterectomy surgery to remove it. But..." Bob sighed.

"Just what?" Essie asked.

"The doctor found that your mother had been ligatured many years ago. I suppose it was during your

delivery that the doctor did it without letting her know," Bob said.

"Asshole --" Essie roared furiously again, having an impulse to kill the bastard. She shouted, "Mom, do

you remember the doctor? Let's get even with him!"

"Your father and I have asked in the hospital. She died in a car accident fifteen years ago," Lucy said.

"She was likely killed to keep the secret." With a sneer, Essie knew who had done that, needless to


"Essie." Lucy grasped her hand and said, "You can't be with Mary's son. She is a devil and she will not

treat you well."

"Mom." Hearing that, Essie lowered her head. It was true that Mary didn't treat her well and wanted her

to be expelled from the Rong family.

Looking at her depressed face, Lucy knew that she was right. "Essie, do you know that it was she who

introduced Elizabeth to your father and set up your father for her? At that time, Elizabeth was penniless

and not powerful, so she couldn't turn over at all. If she hadn't helped her secretly, how could she

successfully enter our Xu family and be wanton. She was not afraid of any danger? And she could

even bribed the doctor to ligate me so that I could never be pregnant again! I think she is not only an

accomplice of Elizabeth, but also a collusion." After she heard the news in the hospital, all the hatred

she had hidden for years were stirred up. This time, she came here in order to take her daughter away.

"Why did she do that?" Essie asked in shock.

"She is a narrow-minded person who will seek revenge for the smallest grievance." Lucy could not help

but grit her teeth. She didn't want his daughter to know too much about the conflict between the

members of the prior generation. She said, "Essie, Mary is our enemy, and you can't be together with

the son of the enemy. Your identity will be exposed sooner or later. At that time, Mary will definitely

make things difficult for you and drive a wedge between you and her son. No matter how well Zac

treats you, he won't go against his mother. You will fall into endless quarrels, just like what your father

and I did before. Essie, I can't let you repeat my tragedy. It's not too late to divorce with Zac yet. Let's

take you back to Jiang City or live somewhere else. Don't ever meet him again."

Her words were like a fire, burning up the only kinship of Zac and their marriage, leaving only the

lifeless ash behind.

"Mother, you can go back with father now. You have just received an operation, so you should have a

good rest. After I deal with the thing about Zac, I will go back to Jiang City," she said in a low and weak


Lucy knew that she had taken her words seriously, so she said, "I'm worried about you being here

alone. Your father and I will stay in Dragon City. If you have handled everything well, we'll go back


"Mom, don't worry. I'm not alone. I have my sister. I saw her. We often gather together," Essie said,

patting her on the shoulder.

"Really?" Hearing that, Lucy's eyes turned red. She hadn't seen her elder daughter for many years. "Is

your sister okay?" she asked.

"She is fine. Now she is the deputy CEO of Hengyuan Co., Ltd." "Don't worry. I'll ask for her help if

there is anything I can't deal with," she added with a smile.

Lucy took her into her arms. The God had been playing tricks on them. She had taken great turns and

finally her daughter bumped into the son of Mary. What a tragedy.

Out of the hotel, Essie wandered around the river.

It was in the afternoon. There were no other people on the quiet river.

Her heart was like being firmly strangled by a rope, and she was almost unable to breathe.

She had always wanted to leave him and get freedom. But why? When she thought that she could

never see him again, she felt as painful as then thousand ants were biting her heart. It seemed that the

whole world was about to collapse, as if the sky had lost the sunlight, and the night would never pass.

But mom was right. As long as there were Valery and Mary, there was no peace in their marriage. The

endless conspiracy and war would tired both of them out.

'It's over. Let it be over. Let it be an end forever and go back to its original starting point.'

While she was lost in deep thoughts, her cellphone rang. She took a look at the screen of the cellphone

and found that it was a call from Hanson.

"Essie? I'm in Dragon City. Can I meet you?" Since they parted last time, he had been fidgeting every

day. He had been worried about her since he hadn't seen her and confirmed that she was safe.

"I'm on the riverbank," she said in a low voice and walked on.

It was drizzling. She hurriedly walked to the pavilion in front of her to shelter from the rain. She didn't

want to catch a cold because of the rain, which might hurt the baby in her belly.

After a while, the rain stopped. When she was about to go out, a strange man blocked her way.

"Hey, pretty girl, make friend with me?" There was a smirk on his face.

However, Essie ignored his words and walked outside in a hurry. He followed her closely. Being afraid,

she started to run at full speed. He quickly caught up with her and grabbed her by the arm.

"Help!" cried Essie as she struggled, freaking out again.

"No one would poke his nose into other people's business anymore in these years." The man smiled

wickedly and threw her to the ground.

She raised her hand to protect her stomach in horror, and a burst of pain came from it. "What are you


"Don't worry. I won't kill you. Someone paid me for the baby in your belly. And I took the money I just

have to do what they ask me to do. Someone wants to kill your unborn baby, so I'll take care of it for

her." Then he lifted his leg and was about to kick her, but a heavy punch came from the side and

knocked him down to the ground. Before he could stand up, he got a few more punches and several of

his teeth were broken. He got up hurriedly and ran away.

Hanson ran back to her and lifted her up. "Essie? Are you all right?"

"My stomach aches." Essie said painfully.

"I'll take you to the hospital." Hanson immediately put her in the car.

"Hanson, take me to the Dragon City hospital. Call Amy and ask her aunt to come here. I don't want

other doctors," said Essie Essie handed the phone to him. The man had been hired to kill her own

child. Perhaps the doctors in the hospital had been bribed by them as well. She couldn't be as infertile

as her mother was now.

Hanson made a call to Amy, and she told her that Director Li was in the hospital. As soon as Essie got

off the car, she was sent to the emergency room.

Amy, Jacy and Zac then rushed over.

"How is Essie now?" Zac didn't have the time to ask why Hanson was here. What he cared about now

was only the safety of Essie and her baby.

"If I didn't come here in time, she might have been killed." As soon as he said that, Hanson grasped

him by the collar of his coat and said, "How on earth do you protect her?"

Zac felt a twist in his internal organs. Before this accident, he had arranged bodyguards to follow and

protect Essie, but when Essie told him that her parents had come, and that she didn't want them to

know his true identity for the moment, he dismissed the bodyguards. He didn't expect that this accident

would happen so soon.

The door of the emergency room opened. He pushed away Hanson's hand and rushed to Director Li.

"How is my wife?"

"The mother is fine, but the baby is gone," Director Li said with regret.

A sudden loud bang came to Zac's brain. It was like a bolt exploded violently in his brain. Every cell in

his brain was burnt and destroyed. The baby is gone? His baby was gone? He held his head with his

hands and sat on the ground limply. A heat wave rushed into his eyes. His lung wrung, his organs

throbbed, and his chest seemed to turn out a furnace of molten iron. Every nerve was so hot that he felt

a sharp pain.

How could his child be gone? How could it be lost?

He punched the wall with anger and then continued punching until his knuckles were bleeding. He was

full of anger, and he would definitely pull out the person who killed his child and feed him to the dogs.

Jacy and Amy rushed over and pulled him away. "Brother-in-law, you and sister Yi are still young. You

will have another child in the future."

"That will depend on if Essie would forgive him or not," Hanson said in a low voice. His cold words were

like a pair of cruel hands, which pushed Zac into the abyss.

Because of the paternity test, Essie had been indifferent for many days. Except for the word 'divorce',

she did not say anything else to him. Now that the child was gone, it was equal to the last bond

between them broke, and their marriage was empty.

In the ward, Essie was awake. She put her hand on her belly and stared at the ceiling with empty and

dull eyes, as if all the colors had been taken away.

With red eyes, Zac stared at her with an expression of apology, uneasiness and flinch. "Sorry, my little

fool, sorry..." He kept telling her that he failed to protect her and their child.

She turned around and gave him a cold glance. "Zac, what are you sad about? Anyway, you already

have a child. It doesn't matter if you have my child or not."


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