Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 487 A Ghost In Daylight

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On Monday, Zac and Leila flew to France by the same flight. Essie set off after them.

For safety, she only brought Mili without bringing Dot with her. She couldn't draw faces for Dot every

day. It would be terrible if Zac suddenly appeared and saw Dot without a painting face.

With these thoughts in her mind, Essie was in a very complicated and uneasy mood. Provence is a

small city. Maybe one day when she went shopping, Leila would come across her. What's more,

enemies were bound to meet in a narrow alley. The more people wanted to avoid, the more likely they

would meet.

But he had his own ways.

He sent Leila to live in a villa in the north of Provence, and arranged Essie to live in a manor in the

south. It was a two-hour drive from there, so it was almost impossible for them to meet each other.

When she saw the purple lavender field outside the window, Essie felt relieved. If she hadn't been

bothered by the demon king for a whole week, she would have liked to go to a small town with Mili.

However, this wish could not be realized.

In the evening, Zac came.

"How did you sneak out?" she asked with a mixture of tease and surprise.

"I have my own ways," Zac shrugged and said lightly. With Ford, his double body, he could leave

anytime and anywhere at night. Besides, he had prepared a lot of 'good stuff' for Leila, which could

make her unable to go out of the villa for a week.

"You'd better not bring any trouble to me." Essie rolled her eyes at him. Leila was as vicious and evil as

Valery. She didn't want to be harmed by them all the time.

"It's good to have a vacation. Don't think too much." Zac gently flicked her forehead to stop her messy


Mili climbed onto his lap and sat down. "Daddy, where are we going tomorrow?"

"You go to town with mommy tomorrow. I'll come to you in the afternoon and have dinner with you."

Stroking her head in a doting manner, Zac turned his eyes to look at Essie. "Why don't you bring Dot

with you?"

"He caught a cold in the past few days. I didn't take him with me because I was afraid that he might

have trouble with the new environment," Essie said lightly. She had come up with an excuse before.

Zac nodded and didn't ask any more. The climate in Europe was different from that in Dragon City. It

was inevitable that children would be unaccustomed to local climate because of their weak body.

Mili stretched out her arms and wrapped them around his neck. "Daddy, are you on a honeymoon with

a bad mistress or hanging out with us on a vacation?"

"What do you think?" Zac kissed her pink face.

"I don't want dad to spend a honeymoon with a bad mistress. I want you to spend a holiday with us,"

Mili said in a sweet voice as she rubbed his face with her chubby little face.

"Okay, I will listen to you, my little princess." Zac said with a smile. He came here with his wife and kids

on holiday, Leila was just dragged in to avoid her making trouble.

He stayed one night and didn't go back until the next morning.

Essie took some Mili to town. It was their first visit to Provence, and they were very curious about

everything around.

"I need to take many photos. Let's show them to Dot when we get home." Mili took the camera and

took pictures wherever she went.

In front of an open-air dessert shop, she ordered two cups of juice, some desserts, then Essie and Mili

to sit down for rest.

"Mommy, the cakes here are so delicious." Mili licked her lips while she was eating.

"If you like it, we can buy some more and take them home to eat," Essie said, stroking her head with

love in her eyes.

"Okay. When daddy is here, I will have it with him." Mili gave her a sweet smile. But her smile froze

suddenly. Her eyes were as big as two bells. She seemed to be startled.

"What's wrong, baby?" Essie was frightened by her expression as she asked hurriedly.

"Mommy, bad grandma... Bad grandma is also in Provence! " Mili said incoherently, pulling her sleeve

in extreme fear.

"No way! You must have seen it wrong." Essie couldn't believe what she had heard and turned her


An elegant lady stood in front of a flower shop not far away, talking to the owner in French. Beside her,

there was a woman with brown hair who dressed like her servant. The servant carried a basket in her

hand. There was a bunch of forget me not. This should be what she just bought from the flower shop.

She couldn't be more familiar with this lady's appearance. It was really Mary! It was really Mary!

'Oh my God! Why is she here? Has she followed them all the way to here?'

She couldn't help but shiver and hurriedly asked four bodyguards to stand in front of her and Mili, so

that she wouldn't notice them.

After the lady said goodbye to the owner of the flower shop in French, she turned around and walked

towards the street in the South as if she hadn't seen them at all.

Essie let out a sigh of relief. It was so dangerous. It would be terrible if Mary saw them. Although she

seemed to have been reborn, turned to be mild to her and didn't object to her hanging out with Zac, she

couldn't be at ease. She was afraid that she would take other intentions.

Now, she appeared in Provence again. Did she already know that Zac not only took Leila to his

honeymoon, but also took her, his underground lover, here? And that's why she came here and tried to

get her out of here. She didn't want to ruin her son's honeymoon?

Her face turned pale slightly, and she was a little flustered and at a loss. She had no choice but to pick

up her mobile phone and dial Zac's number.

At the moment, Zac was working in his study. Leila lay on the bed. She had been exhausted since she

had gotten off the plane and vomited. The doctor said she had caught a rotavirus and prescribed some

medicine for her to take a good rest and stay at home.

She was so depressed. She had planned a lot of things. But now, it seemed that she could not do any

of them. The doctor said that she would be fine at least for one week.

As soon as he received the call from Essie, Zac went downstairs. Hearing the footsteps, Leila struggled

to get up from the bed and ran to the stairway. "Brother Zac, where are you going?"

"Go to the town and buy something," Zac said understatedly.

"If you want to buy anything, just tell the servant. You don't have to go there yourself." She frowned.

She couldn't go out, nor did she want Zac to go out. She was desperate to lock him up at her side

twenty-four hours a day. French women were very open and passionate. She was worried about him if

he went out alone.

A touch of disgust flashed across Zac's face. This woman was really disgust. He simply hate her.

"I'm going out for a walk and will be back soon." After saying that, he walked out of the door without

waiting for her response and left her alone.

"Brother Zac, can't you stay in the villa with me all the time?" Leila yelled at him. He quickened his

pace, ignoring her shout.

When she saw him get on his car and speed away, she felt very depressed. She wanted to follow him

secretly, but there was only one car in the villa. Once he left, she would be unable to go out unless she

walked on foot. However, her physical condition was so bad that she might fall down within less than

one hundred meters.

As soon as she saw Zac, Essie told him about the fact that she saw Mary.

"You must be wrong. If my mommy is going on a holiday, she must have told me in advance. I haven't

heard any plan about that recently." Zac was surprised.

"Mili and I saw her. It's really your mom!" Essie tried to convince him with a firm tone, afraid that he

would not believe them.

Mili hurried to say, "Daddy, we did see grandma. She bought a bunch of forget me not in front of us."

"Really?" With his beautiful eyebrows raised slightly, Zac took out his cellphone and dialed Mary's

number. He wanted to make sure if his mother had been in Provence.

The phone was connected soon. Mary's gentle voice came, "Zac, how are you getting along with Leila

in France?"

"Pretty good. Mommy, what are you doing now?" Zac asked.

"I just had a walk in the garden after dinner," Mary said. The time difference between Dragon City and

Provence was more than seven hours. This time in Provence it would be eleven o'clock at noon, and

the time in Dragon City would be eighteen o'clock in the evening.

"Where is Rabi?" Zac asked. He wanted to know whether she was lying or not.

"Daisy and mommy are watching cartoons with him in the living room," Mary replied without hesitation.

"Where's daddy?" Zac asked.

"Play chess with your grandpa in the study," Mary gave him a straight answer.

When they were talking on the phone, Essie put her ear to the side of the phone and listened in secret.

Their words confused her.

She had seen Mary clearly on the street. Why did she come back to Dragon City at this time? 'Does

she have the avatar skill?'

After hanging up the phone, a bit of unexplainable temptation flashed through Zac's eyes. "Perhaps

you're wrong. My mommy is still in Dragon City."

"That's impossible. I saw it clearly. It's really grandma." Mili folded her arms across her chest,

stubbornly looking, and her eyesight was good. "Although she has changed her hairstyle, I can

recognize her at a glance."

"Change her hairstyle?" A trace of hesitation flashed through Zac's eyes. He asked carefully, "What's

her hair style?"

"A slightly curly short hair," Mili said.

"I'm telling the truth. Your grandma loves her black hair very much. She won't have her hair cut short,"

Zac said affirmatively. Her mother always wore her hair in a bun, which would never change.

"How come?" Mili pouted. "I'm afraid grandma was wearing a wig because she didn't want to be

recognized. She lied to you on the phone. In fact, as soon as we arrived in Provence, she was ready to

launch an ambush, which took us by surprise. "

Her analysis was logical and reasonable, but Essie was still silent. She was in complete chaos. If the

situation was not like Mili analysis, then, had they seen a ghost?

But it was daytime, how could there be ghosts?


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