Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 244 Stealing A Kiss Of A Beauty (Part One)

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On the festival of the seventh of July, Mary prepared a family banquet in Rong Mansion, but Zac

wanted to spend the time with his wife alone, so he took her to the top of the mountain to watch the


Far away from the pollution of city lights, the sky at the top of the mountain was exceptionally bright,

and the stars were exceptionally bright.

"Where is the Milky way?" Essie had never seen a few stars in a big city except the bright moon which

was hardly covered by the lights.

Holding her hand, Zac pointed at a silver ribbon in the sky from the north to the south, looking across

the sky, and said, "That is the Milky way."

"What?" Raising her eyebrows, Essie said, "This is the Milky way! It's so different from the photo!"

"Although it is far away from the city, there will still be pollution of the light. If we go to the place where

there was not any light, there will be a vast expanse of Milky way which looks totally different from this."

Zac said with a smile.

"Sounds like you've seen it before." Essie gave him a reproachful glance.

Zac shrugged and didn't answer. He had been to many places and seen many spectacular scenes that

no one had ever seen before.

With her hands on the back of her head, Essie blinked her eyes and said in a teasing tone, "It was a

night of seventh of July. In the evening, isn't there a group of magpies would gather together and make

a bridge between the east and west bank of the Milky way to enable the couple to meet each other?

Why don't I see any magpies?"

Zac stroked her white and delicate nose and said with a teasing smile, "If they chose to meet each

other, they would definitely choose some deserted places like the South Pole and North Pole, where

there were no others around. Otherwise, how can they continue their passions towards each other if all

the mortal race are watching them from earth? Magpies have already gone to the South Pole or the

North Pole to make the bridge, so you won't see one from here."

Essie began to giggle. Her silvery laughter sounded like the tinkle and the tinkle resounded in the late

autumn night, "Icy guy, you are such a glib talker."

"I want to please the beauty for her smile." Zac stroked her head in a spoiling manner. She wrinkled her

nose and pretended to be angry. "You stayed with Jim in Hengdian for a few more days. Were you

influenced by his romantic affairs?"

Zac held up her chin and cracked a charming smile. "Honey, do you know what does it mean by

'Staying in the mud while free of contamination, washing in the water without being demon'? Jim and I

grew up together since we were still in split pants. If I want to get infected, I can't wait until now."

"Humph!" She rolled her eyes at him, "Sounded as if you weren't interested in romantic affairs in the


"I am only interested in romantic affairs with you." He squinted his eyes with evil spirits, and his hands

began to fondle her body from time to time. She pushed his hand away and sat up, "You pervert, you

don't know me before."

A shadow flashed away in the eyes of Zac, "If I could know you earlier, you would not fall in love with

another man."

With this in mind, Essie thought, 'Again, this guy is in depression with a strong possessive desire in his


"I should be glad that I didn't meet you earlier, or I would be locked up before reaching adulthood." She

pouted and said deliberately to make him angry.

His face darkened, as if a sky were clouded, and the stars were dim. He reached out and pulled her

into his arms, kissing her with some anger, "It's not too late now. What belongs to me should be mine.

You can't escape from me."


Essie looked at him and sighed. What happened to other people was that they were deeply in love with

each other but did not have a deep fate to be together. While in their case, they were not in love with

each other, but had the deep fate to be together.

The God of Matchmaker had tie the red string firmly, but forgot to hold his heart.

Now they had their own loved ones in their hearts. The people who did not love each other was forced

to live together. It was really weird.

"Icy guy, I heard that a lover will get together as long as a wish is made to the Vega tonight. Do you

want to make a wish?"

Holding her waist in his arms, Zac said, "Okay, let's make a wish..." He stopped and kept his words in


He hoped that this little fool would stay with him all her life, and there could only be him in her heart.

However, Essie couldn't hear what he thought. She stared at him with her big eyes without blinking,

and pouted her mouth.

He didn't dare to let her hear it. It must have something to do with Leila. He probably wanted the two

families to be reconciled and agreed to their marriage, so that these young lovers could get married.

"Icy guy, let's hope that the Vega can hear your wish!" She said in a low voice, so that she could get

released and leave freely.

"Don't you make a wish?" Zac clicked her head.

"Of course I will." She closed her eyes and put her hands together, but her mind was blank and she

didn't know what wishes she should make.

Hanson? It was impossible for them to be together. An icy guy? He didn't love her. How could he live

happily with her for the rest of his life?

When she was sad, Zac said in a low voice. "You are only allowed to make a wish about me. You are

not allowed to make a wish with someone else in it." His tone was arrogant and domineering.

She was in a total mess. Was it necessary to control her heart in such a way?

"You can control me, my body, but you can't control my heart, unless you become a cadelle into my

heart." She glanced at him peevishly.


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