Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 354 Marry The Mistress

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"As for Essie, she is in charge of the Xu's Group now, which is the best for me and the Rong's Group. I

can't let anything happen to her." His tone became very light, like a breeze.

"Is that the reason?" Leila's face softened.

"For me, the interests of Rong family is always put in the first place. If you want to be my wife, please

remember this." Said Zac in a deep and powerful voice.

"I will keep that in mind." Leila smiled.

It was getting dark.

When everyone was asleep, Zac was still by the side of Essie. He was a total idiot. Essie was treasure

that he cherished most and he would be willing to protect her with his life. As long as she could be well,

he was willing to do anything.

"I promise you that I will only marry you in my lifetime. I will keep my words. Just wait for me, you idiot. I

won't leave you for too long. When you recover, I will come back. " He stroked her pale face, feeling so

painful and reluctant.

"Boss, this is the mini monitor we found in Mrs. Essie's car, and someone has been watching her

whereabouts all the time." Said William, giving him a pea sized camera device.

"They must have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time." Zac groaned, his eyes flashing with

fury. The bodyguards would follow Essie wherever she went. And only when Essie was with him, he

would remove the bodyguards. That night, they must see from the monitor that she was driving alone,

so they took the advantage.

"Boss, Leila must have something to do with Mrs. Essie's poisoning. What a coincidence! She knows a

psychologist with an antidote in her hand." Said William.

"I know." With a malicious and cold light in his eyes, Zac said, "the most important thing is that we have

to know that Leila is the leader of this conspiracy or she is being used."

"Do you think Elizabeth and Bles were the part of it?" William said thoughtfully.

"If it were them, they wouldn't have asked Leila to send me the antidote," Zac snorted. They were dying

to see that happen. How could they save her? Moreover, now the Pitkin and Luke were in prison, and

Elizabeth was busy saving them, how could she have the time to plan this plot?

"Have you found the man who attacked Mrs. Essie that night?" He asked in a low voice.

"Not yet. He must sense the location of the surveillance equipment ahead of time, so that the

surveillance camera can't record his face. At that time, there were no pedestrians and cars on the road,

and that scene was not seen by anyone. Now it was difficult to find him. But Mrs. Essie should have

seen him, and when she wakes up, she may know his true colors. " Said William.

Zac nodded.

Lying on the sickbed, Essie had been dreaming all the time, in which she went back to the year of


"Brother Zac, brother Jim, brother Fell, I heard from my dad that all of you want to get engaged to me.

Is that true?" The little Cathy wore a light yellow ponytail, a floral dress. She looked pure, smart and

heroic with a cue on her shoulder. She looked proud.

"A fair lady is a gentleman's good mate." A smile tugged at the corners of Jim's mouth. His beautiful

eyes were sparkling in the sunshine.

"Cathy, I love you the most. Get engaged to me and I'll give you Barbie dolls every day." Said Fell.

Zac didn't say anything. He just looked at her quietly with an elusive look in his eyes.

The innocent pupils looked at their faces one by one. "You three are particularly beautiful, but the men

change eighteen times. What if you become fat, ugly and disabled when you grow up?"

"Cathy, will you become fat, ugly and disabled when you grow up?" Jim asked with a smile.

"I'm a beauty. I'll become more and more beautiful." The young girl frowned at him.

"Don't worry. We'll sign a guarantee agreement, and if anyone gets ugly in the future, just go to South

Korea and get a plastic surgery." Fell teased.

"That's a good idea, Fell. You're so smart." The little girl gave him a thumbs up. Fell was happy to hear

her praise. "I'm so smart. You can choose me."

The girl winked her thick eyelashes and continued, "I asked you to come to the golf course today to

give you a fair chance to compete. The three of you come to a friendship match, and the winner will be

engaged to me."

"Okay, that's fair." Jim nodded and put the cue on his shoulder. He was ready to go to war.

In the end, Zac didn't say anything, but held the club tightly

"This is because that Mr. Zac takes two shots more than Mr. Jim, and three shots more than Mr. Fell.

So the winner is Mr. Zac." Announced the referee.

Little Cathy walked in front of him, stood on tiptoe, pouted her red lips and gave him a hot kiss on the

cheek. "I know that you won't let me marry anyone else."

In the sun, Zac's dark eyes were shining. He couldn't help but raise a charming arc at the corners of his


"Zac, my daddy and mommy are getting divorced. I choose to live with mommy. Maybe I will leave

Dragon City."

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know. Wherever Mommy goes, I will go." She lowered her head and a drop of tear fell down

from her eyes. "Will you forget me?"

"Of course not." Zac slowly reached out his hand and wiped away her tears.

"I have something for you." She took out a Barbie doll and said, "she looks exactly like me. Daddy

asked someone from the toy company to make this for me on my birthday. The clothes and the

earrings she wears are all designed by me. I will give it to you. Once you see it, you will remember me.

From now on, you will not forget me even I am not by your side. "

"We have been engaged." Holding her hand, Zac said in a low but firm tone, as if he was swearing.

"Yes." She nodded and said, "you are not allowed to be in a relationship with other people. When I

grow up, I will come back to you. I will surely come back."

"Boss, the people in the research center have tested the antidote preparation carefully. It's not mixed

with any other virus or toxic that is harmful to human body." With a pause, William lowered his voice

and said in his ear, "but the specific ingredients of the antidote haven't been found out yet."

Zac nodded slightly. "Let the doctor inject the medicine for my wife."

"She was your ex-wife." Standing at the door, Leila reminded him. In the morning, she had already got

the marriage certificate with Zac. she was the present Mrs. Leila.

Zac was expressionless and didn't seem to hear what she said. He stared at the pale little face. When

the doctor was injecting the antidote to her, his muscles were all tightened and his hands and feet were

trembling. He was afraid that the antidote didn't work. He was afraid that something bad would happen

to her.

"She won't wake up until tomorrow. My friend said it was a stubborn virus. She needed to inject an

antidote once a month for half a year to clear the virus." Said Leila slowly.

An extremely malicious cold light flashed through the eyes of Zac. It was obvious that this woman didn't

take out all the antidotes on purpose in order to trap him. He should have listen to Jim and ended the

relationship with Leila. It was all his fault that Leila got the chance to hurt Essie.

"If anything happens to her, you will never be the lady of the Rong family," Said Zac, grinding his teeth.

"Don't worry. Take it easy. As long as you love me, I promise she will recover soon." A sly smile

appeared on Leila's face. As soon as she came out, she immediately called the paparazzi to announce

the news.

In a short time, the whole Dragon City was hit by the news.

The daughter of the Xu family was hospitalized. The young master of the Rong family divorced secretly

and married the adopted daughter of the Qin family in a lightning speed. This was more dramatic than

a soap opera.

Lucy and Bob didn't tell the kids about that. They didn't want to frighten them. But they didn't expect

that Mili had already seen the news on the Internet.

She was furious when she sent him a message on the Wechat with photos of bombs, knives, shit...

She wanted to express her anger, but she felt it was not enough to send the messages. So she

complained in his Weibo, "you are such a devil, you are a hypocrite, an asshole. You and Leila are not

happy. God will punish you. Every day you quarrel with each other, you go out to step in dog poop, you

have nightmares every night..." She inherited Zac's genes of being mean.

Dot silently watched her typing. Then he asked, "Why are you so angry?"

"Daddy divorced mommy. Grandma says all the men like him are bastards. Our daddy is a bastard, so

is our mommy's daddy. Why did the bastards come to our house? " Mili said angrily with her arms

around her chest.

"Anyway, mommy and us all chose daddy Hanson, so what is the matter if daddy is going to marry

others?" Dot said peacefully.

"I'm not happy at all. I don't want him to marry anyone else." Mili pouted her lips and complained, "I

want daddy Hanson and daddy to be with mommy."

"I also hope so, but it's impossible, unless they move to live with the members of the Mosuo." Dot said.

"Is there anything different from us?" Mili asked curiously.

"It's said on TV that the members of the Mosuo family are the last maternal family on the earth. Only

the women there can marry two men at the same time." Dot explained.

"Great! Let's go there as a Mosuo. Then daddy Hanson and daddy can live with us together." Mili's

beautiful big eyes twinkled excitedly, but soon they dimmed. "But daddy has married someone else. He

can't be with me." She was so depressed that she almost cried.

"He got married and he can divorce. He can divorce mommy and he can also divorce the bad woman,"

Dot said slowly.

"Yes, I want them to divorce." Mili clenched her fist.


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