Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 470 An Unexpected Encounter (Part Two)

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It was quiet in the room. There were only heavy heartbeats and slow breaths of them.

All of a sudden, a ringtone broke the peace.

When Zac picked up the phone, she opened her eyes and glanced at the screen secretly. Soon her

heart sank into the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.

It was from Leila.

Not wanting to wake her up, Zac got up quietly and went outside to answer the phone.

Zac didn't come back for several days, which made Leila uncomfortable. She was afraid that he would

have another woman. Zac didn't want to talk more with her. He hung up after telling her that he would

go back tonight.

Essie was still in a trance. She didn't open her eyes until Zac walked in. "I'm leaving," she said.

Although it was only a few words, it was mixed with infinite sadness.

She had taken another woman's husband away from her, and it was time for her to get him back.

He didn't respond but came over and caressed her head, "Are you hungry? I'll make you noddle with

soybean paste."

"Do you still know how to cook?" She pouted and thought, 'Cooking is something that requires often


"You won't forget when you learn how to cook," He smiled, put on his clothes and went out.

She sat up and somehow wanted to cry out. She hadn't eaten his soybean paste noodles for a long

time. Did he also cook it for Leila?

She really hoped that he could only belong to her, whether tenderness or hegemony!

But she knew that she could only hope it forever, and there was no way to fulfill it.

In the kitchen, the oil was splashed on his arm again. It was true that he became unfamiliar with it if he

hadn't cooked it often. Essie walked to reduce the heat in a hurry.

"You are not the one who would enter the kitchen, Mr. Rong." She poured a little vinegar on his arm

since it could prevent burns.

"It's okay. I just haven't done it for a long time," Zac shrugged and said indifferently.

"Haven't you cooked for Leila?" She couldn't help asking. Although she knew she shouldn't ask, she

blurted it out without thinking.

"I only cook for my woman," Zac answered firmly.

"Who is your woman?" She pretended to be annoyed. Her heart lake was like a warm breeze blowing,

refreshing her.

"You know that." At the corner of his mouth, there was a charming slight smile.

"I don't know. I'm hungry. I can't guess anything at all, because I need nutrition. Get the noodles ready. I

want to eat them. " When she snorted towards him and turned around to walk into the dining room, she

couldn't help smiling sweetly.

He didn't make noddle with soybean paste for Leila. That was nice!

It didn't take long for Zac to take out two bowls of delicious noddle with soy bean paste.

"Let me see if the taste has changed." She blew on the steaming noodle and took a big bite.

Zac looked at her nervously. "Has it changed?"

She frowned as she chewed and didn't say anything.

"Doesn't it taste good?" Zac always felt depressed in his heart.

Her long thick eyelashes flapped a few times, and then she laughed with two dimples on her cheeks,

"I'm lying to you. It's delicious."

"Naughty girl." He flicked her forehead and couldn't help laughing.

After eating the noodle, she was ready to leave. He frowned slightly and looked at her. "Don't go back

today. Stay here with me." He was commanding like a bossy.

"No way." She shook her head and said resolutely, "I lied to my mother that I had a chance to slip out

because I was on a business trip. If I didn't come back tonight, she would be suspicious again. She

already knows this location. It's not safe here. I'm afraid she will launch a surprise attack."

Zac touched his chin. It was indeed not safe here. Tomorrow he would ask William to find him a new

place, but today, he did not want her to leave.

"Business trip? It's normal to be on a business trip for one or two days. It's weird to see you come back

so soon," he said slowly.

It sounded reasonable, but in current situation, it was better to keep a distance from each other and do

not drag him too long.

She lowered her head, "There are a lot of things in the group that I have to..."

"I'll tie you up if you try to look for other excuse." Zac interrupted her. His face suddenly darkened. His

eyes were as sharp as the lightning from the sky. It was too cold that it made people shiver. She must

obey his order and never disobey it.

Essie shuddered. "I... I have my freedom. "

"Not in my territory," the demon king responded coldly, intending to eliminate all her consciousness of


"You are detaining me illegally." She was lack of confidence. She was always a weak sheep in front of

the big ogre.

"I am the law here. If you violate my order, you will break the law." He snorted, in a domineering way.

He had to be tough to this woman.

Sure enough, the woman did not dare to move. She stood still obediently, fearing that he would get

angry and swallow her.

He smiled and was satisfied with her reaction. But the mouse was not as strong as the cat. Even if she

didn't give in, he had ways to trap her.

At that time, Leila was having morning tea with Mary. In order to deal with common enemies, the

mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had formed an alliance, just like that of Mary and Elizabeth more

than ten years ago.

Just when they were discussing something important, a phone call came in. "Poor Mrs. Rong, you must

be alone now, right? Your husband and his ex-wife are in the Jade Mountain loving each other


Leila, who was burning with jealousy, jumped up from the chair at once.


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