Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 584 A Tough Woman Isn't A Woman

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"Mr. Jim hates fire. No fire is allowed in the house."

Eva took a deep breath. Although she had always felt that Jim was not like the product of the earth in

the original ecology, it was really beyond her imagination to be so strange. "Is he afraid of fire?"

"There shouldn't be anything in the world that makes Mr. Jim afraid." Elsa shrugged.

"Then why?" The curiosity factors in Eva's body quickly expanded. This guy was obviously hot. How

could he hate fire?

"Miss Eva, there is a saying that curiosity kills the cat. You'd better not ask too much. Do remember not

to annoy Mr. Jim." Elsa's tone was extremely cold. After saying that, she turned around and walked out.

Her temper was as strange as that of Jim. It was difficult to get something from her mouth!

Eva didn't want to think too much and began to cook dinner.

She couldn't cook, but she only learned how to cook dessert from her mother. In the past, when her

mother was not at home, she would cook noodles or buy bun with her brother Jade to eat together,

which was convenient and fast, simple and convenient. After eating, she could go out to work and

make money.

She had planned to learn cooking from Essie, but she didn't expect that Essie had lost her memory.

Fortunately, she was smart and downloaded the menu. As long as she followed the steps above, there

should cook by herself.

However, when she picked up the kitchen knife, she found that things were not as simple as she


The craftsmanship was a serious problem. He had to chop the fish, the chicken and the bones. Jim

was a meat eating animal, and he required meat and seafood every meal, so it was very difficult to

make a satisfying dinner.

She put the knife on the chicken's stomach and cut it hard. The chicken flew to the ceiling with a bang.

In the room, Jim watched the video and burst into laughter. He had installed a secret camera in the

kitchen to peep at her clumsy movements. He had already inquired about it. Eva didn't know how to

cook at all. How could she invite him to dinner to show gratitude to him? She was really biting off more

than she could chew.

Looking at the chicken flying up and down again, Eva was annoyed. As a black belt, couldn't she deal

with a chicken?

She picked up another kitchen knife and cut the chicken with both hands. The chicken couldn't fly, but

the knife stuck in the chicken's stomach and couldn't be pulled out. She stepped on the table, grabbed

the handle of the kitchen knife with both hands and pulled it out hard. Because she pulled it with too

much strength, when the kitchen knife was pulled out, she staggered back a few steps and fell to the


Jim laughed so hard that tears almost came out. This was the funniest comedy he had ever watched.

Eva jumped up from the ground, exasperated.

This damn chicken dared to make fun of her like this!

She picked it up and threw it into the pot. If it couldn't be cut into small pieces, just let it be. Anyway, it is

good to eat too.

She took out her phone, opened the downloaded menu and made chicken soup according to the steps

taught above.

Jim was worried. He seriously doubted the practicability of the chicken soup. For the sake of his taste

bud and health, he decided to think twice before eating.

Eva put the ingredients and began to fry the fish.

She poured the oil and put the fish into the pot. The water splashed in all directions. A little oil splashed

on her arm, causing her to scream in pain. She quickly put vinegar on her arm. This was a local

method taught by her mother. After being scalded, using vinegar to relieve pain and avoid blister.

When she finished dealing with the scalds on her arms, the fish in the pot had been black and was

smoking, and one side of the fish was completely fried.

Jim was shocked. It seemed that there was no fish for dinner today.

Sure enough, Eva fried five fish in a row, all black and charred. She suddenly realized that the most

difficult thing to cook was to boil fish. In the past, when she saw Essie fry fish, Essie could cook it

beautiful and both sides of the fish were golden. She thought it was very simple, but she didn't expect it

to be so difficult.

She sighed dejectedly and turned over the menu to make the next dish. However, she was busy for

nearly two hours and failed to make a dish. The most unlucky thing was that she forgot the chicken

soup on the stove and made it burnt.

She wanted to cry. It was conceivable that Jim would despise her.

She couldn't help but hit her head. What a fool! She couldn't cook, why did she invite him to dinner

cooked by her? Wasn't she digging her own trap?

It was time for dinner. She had to find a way to deal with it.

Her black eyes rolled a few times and gave out a little starlight. She decided to cook noodles. She was

good at cooking noodles.

She opened the refrigerator and found that there was no Chinese noodles, only spaghetti. After all, the

spaghetti was also noodles, it could be cooked in the same way as Chinese noodles.

When she had spaghetti in the restaurant, she felt it was just like cold noodles.

So she added some seasonings in her bowl. When she was about to pick up the noodles, a shadow

came over and covered the light beside the pot. She thought it was Elsa again, but when she turned

her head, she saw an enchanting face.

Subconsciously, she took two steps back to keep a safe distance from him. Well... I haven't learned it

yet. I'll treat you to dinner another day. Let's have spaghetti today. "

Jim shook his head and sighed. He had laughed enough in the room. The most important thing was

that he was hungry and had no strength to complain. At the same time, he felt a little pity for her.

He took the spoon from her hand and asked, "have you ever seen spaghetti cooked like this?"

"Do you know how to cook?" She pursed her lips, and her embarrassment turned into contempt to him

in an instant. Could the young master like him who was well-off was used to be served by others cook

noodles, let alone dishes?

He seemed to have read her mind. A mysterious light flashed in his charming eyes like a dark brown

gem. "Sit down and wait." Then she took out meat paste, onion and tomato from the fridge.

Standing next to him, she was soon stunned. Just looking at his cutting skill alone, she felt that he was

much better than her. His movements were skilled and agile, and he could still maintain the intoxicating


When a gust of fragrance spread out of the pot, all the greedy insects in her stomach were awakened.

He poured the sauce on the spaghetti and put it in front of her. "Have a try."

She couldn't wait to have a taste.

Oh my God! The food was so delicious that she wanted to scream! It was a miracle that the Jim could

cook noodles. What a big news!

Jim cast a sidelong glance at her and said with a mocking smile, "A tough woman is not a woman."

"I just can't cook, but I can cook something else. After eating the noodles, I'll cook for you."

Embarrassed, Eva lowered her head to eat the noodles and stopped talking. She was a typical foodie.

She couldn't starve. She had been busy for a long time, and her stomach was growling. She didn't want

to say anything. The most important thing was to fill her stomach.

She ate up all the spaghetti in one breath and licked up the sauce on the plate.

Jim couldn't believe what she had eaten. She must be a hungry ghost in her previous life.

To be honest, Eva was not full yet. She was a big appetite king. No matter what she ate, she had to eat

double. This plate of noodles was not enough to fill her stomach.

But she had the strength to work.

She walked to the fridge and took out flour, eggs, soaking powder, fruits and other materials to make


Raising his eyebrows, Jim asked, "what are you going to do?"

"I will show you my talents." Eva said as she added some water to make the flour.

Jim was a little curious. Did the tough woman have a special skill of being a woman? He stood up and

walked up to her. She looked very skillful in this respect.

Eva added several eggs in the flour, stirred them and began to mix the flour.

"What are you doing?" Jim asked curiously.

With a mysterious smile on her face, Eva said, "you'll know when I finished."

She seemed to have been reborn. She was not embarrassed and clumsy anymore. She was like a

skilled cooker now.

An hour later, the fragrance came out of the oven.

Eva put the desserts she had made in front of him and said, "butterfly fruit crispy, honey nest egg yolk,

almond pine cake and green tea crystal cake, have a try."

She smiled. The three generations of her mother's family were pastry chefs. After divorce York, her

mother became a pastry chefs in the Yi family's restaurant. It was also because of this that she became

good friends with Essie.

Jim picked up the crispy butterfly fruit roll and took a sip. It was crispy, soft, sweet and not greasy. Then

he ate a beehive egg yolk, soft and delicate, which melted immediately in his mouth. They were really


"I didn't expect you to be so good at cooking."

"Of course. Don't look down upon me. Although I can't cook dishes, I'm good at making desserts. " Eva

raised her eyebrows proudly.

Jim sneered, "don't be proud."

Eva immediately restrained her smile and rolled her eyes at him, "I cooked very well. Can you accept


No! Jim said honestly in his heart. These desserts were indeed very delicious, much more delicious

than those bought in the dessert shop outside. However, he didn't show it. He said indifferently,

"although the desserts you cooked are good, they are different from dinner. So you still owe me a


"I know. When I learn it well, I will treat you." Eva pouted.

Jim sighed and said in a sarcastic tone, "when you learn it, I would be old. So, I decide to put aside the

second choice. In this way, you can show your special skills. You can make a table of different kinds of

desserts for me. "

Eva's beautiful big eyes twinkled slightly in the light. This guy was quite sensible. If she really learned

to cook, he would not be able to wait for her in his life.

"That's what you said. It's a deal. You can't go back on your words."

"Of course, but it's just a debt of gratitude. There's another debt I need to think about."

Eva was annoyed, but her principle was that a drop of water should be repaid with a gush of water.

This scum did have saved her life. If she didn't pay him back, she always felt that she owed him. She

had to pay back so that they would not owe each other. They would go their own ways and live their

own separate lives.


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