Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 332 Love Can Not Be Forced

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There was a meaningful light flashing in Zac's eyes. It was interesting that someone pretended to be

Essie and sent him messages.

"Just watch TV." He said lightly. He didn't want to attract her attention. Then Essie put down the bag

and turned her eyes to the TV. Seeing that she was watching intently, he felt relieved and picked up his

phone. He returned a Wechat message, "what book are you reading?"

"It's a novel about a child. Her Mommy and daddy had divorced when the child was still in her

mommy's belly. She grew up abroad and has never seen her father. Her father doesn't know he has a

child himself. Don't you think this child is very miserable? "

Zac's heart trembled. "Her father is more miserable."

"Do you think her father will be happy if he knows that he has a child?"

"I suppose so." After replying, Zac cast a glance at Essie and asked, "stupid woman, who lives with you


"My brother, and Pana, what's wrong?" She didn't dare to tell him about her parents living with her

children, because she was afraid that he would come to see her children unexpectedly. Dot resembled

him so much that she couldn't find an excuse to say they were not father and son.

"Is your brother suffering from delusional disorder?" He frowned. Needless to say, the person who

pretended to be Essie and chat with him through Wechat must be the naughty Holy.

"It's quite normal for children to fantasize." She replied with understatement.

"Does he still like to pretend to be someone else?"

"Haven't you played a pirate and chieftain when you were young?" Hearing that, Essie rolled her eyes

at him, feeling that he was asking a very weird question. It was on his back that he had been hit. Why

did he feel that his brain became more and more weird? He not only forgot her, but also blamed her


"Only a person like you, whose mind is racing wildly, will do such a boring thing." He glared at her and

turned to the phone, ignoring her. Since Holy wanted to play, Zac would play with him as much as

possible. After all, he was bored at the moment and had nothing to do.

"Are you dozing off?" Another message came in since he didn't reply for a long time.

"I'm doing something very important." He sent him a smiling Emoji.

"What is it?"

"Beat the disobedient kid."

"Do you have a child?"

"Yes, a boy."

The phone was silent for a while, and then came a series of surprising expressions. "Do you married

another woman?"

Zac swallowed. This little punk was so smart that he didn't even know that his lie was revealed. "I used

all my strength to deal with those disobedient children. I will hit their butts." Instead of answering some

questions, he changed to a threatening tone.

"It's wrong to hit your own kid." A message from Holy.

"Naughty kids! They get beaten if they don't listen to their mommy, especially those who stay up late at

night." Zac replied with a big Emoji of beating butts.

He didn't get any response. Maybe Holy was too scared to speak one more word. Children were just

children. He would be frightened and didn't dare to make more trouble after being threatened.

Zac smiled and put the phone on the bedside table. When Essie saw that he was going to sleep, she

turned off the TV and began to make her folded bed.

"You want to sleep in this room tonight?" Zac frowned.

"Yes. What if you want to drink water or want to go to the bathroom and I don't hear you?" Essie put the

pillow on the bed.

"As you like." Zac said coldly and went to sleep. Anyway, it was not him who felt uncomfortable.

In the next few days, Leila came here every day. It seemed that she was encouraged by Mary. Mary

didn't like Essie. She hoped that her daughter-in-law was Leila, not Essie. She encouraged Leila not to

give up and to win Zac back as soon as possible It was like cheering her up, which made her combat

effectiveness and self-confidence a hundred times stronger.

This was a good chance for Leila to get into the marriage by taking advantage of his memory loss. She

wanted to maintain this marriage, but he was always against her. He ignored her or teased her. It

seemed that in his heart, Essie was just a maid for him, not his wife at all.

In the afternoon, Essie pushed him to walk on the grass while Leila told jokes to him aside, completely

ignoring Essie, his original wife as if she was his wife.

A little annoyed, Essie decided to snatch the topic. "Ice house, it's almost new year's Eve. I heard that

on that day, you will set fireworks by the lake in Rong Mansion. It must be very beautiful."

"Do you want to come and see?" Said Zac, taking a slight glance at her.

"I'm your wife. I have every reason to visit there." She pouted and thought that she had promised to

have a new year's Eve dinner with Alena.

"It's your business whether you come or not. I won't be your company." His voice was as cold as the

winter wind from afar, but she could not feel the chill any longer. Since he lost his memory, her heart

had always been cold, and she had not felt warm for a long time.

Leila sneered. It seemed that Zac would divorce Essie sooner or later.

"Zac, can I go there?" Her face was full of expectation. In the past, she always hoped to be with Zac on

new year's Eve to watch fireworks by the lake and stay up late with him. Unfortunately, she was a

member of the Qin family and could not enter the gate of Rong Mansion. Now that she wasn't a part of

Qin family anymore, should she be admitted to enter Rong Mansion?

"Leila, the new year's Eve is a family reunion. Shouldn't you stay in the Qin family and stay up late with

your parents?" Asked Zac in reply.

"I spend every year with my parents. This year, I want to be with you." Leila said without hesitation.

"I would like to invite you to go with me, but it was for family members to watch the fireworks and stay

up late together." Zac said apologetically.

'Then make me your family!'

Leila shouted in her heart, and she even began to hate the Qin couple a little. They knew clearly that

she loved Zac very much, but they refused to tell her the origin of her life. As a result, Essie took away

the position which should belong to her.

"Zac, when can I watch fireworks and stay up late with you?" She muttered very quietly. Zac didn't

answer as if he didn't hear her at all. But Essie heard it clearly. She smiled and said, "Miss Leila, I think

you still have a chance. After all, Zac is not the only grandchild of the Rong family."

Leila stared at her fiercely and answered, "Miss Essie, love can not be forced. You know that, right?"

"I know. How about you?" Essie retorted. The words were just like a knife stabbing into Leila's throat.

She couldn't swallow them or spit them out. "Zac, the wind is a bit strong. Let's go back." She changed

the topic on purpose, not giving her any response.

When Essie saw that Zac nodded, she pushed the wheelchair back. Zac turned his head to look at

Leila and said, "you can go back first. I have business to deal with later."

Leila bit her lip and felt very depressed. Why did she have to go when he was dealing with business?

Why could Essie stay with him?

"No, don't let me go. I just want to spend more time with you. I won't bother you." With tears in her

eyes, Leila looked at him as if she was begging him.

Zac showed a cold expression on his face. Obviously, this didn't work. Although Leila was not the

biological daughter of the Qin family, after all, she was brought up by the Qin family. The two families

competed with each other. Business affairs involved business secrets, how could he not take

precautions against her?

Leila didn't dare to say anything more. She was afraid that he would be unhappy, so she had to leave

in frustration. Essie let out a sigh of relief when Leila left. Nowadays, mistresses worked harder than


After Zac was discharged from the hospital, Essie cooked the pig brain soup by the lakeside villa. She

didn't know what to eat but thought the pig brain might be helpful for his memory.

"You should eat this." His tone was rather sarcastic.

"Yes, I did. I cooked two. One for each of us."

There was a saying that one would never hit a person who was in smiles. Therefore, when it came to

this matter, Essie opened her mouth and smirked deliberately, so as to retort him silently. She was

immune to and had a natural defense against his tongue.

"Eat Pig brain, you will be stupid as pigs." He snorted.

"It turned out that you never transformed to a pig even though you had pork every day," She stuck out

her tongue and her forehead was hit by him.

"Ouch." She put her hand on her forehead in pain. Didn't he lose his memory? Why didn't he forget this

trick as well?

He put the spoon on the table hardly and said, "feed me." It sounded like a commander was ordering

his soldiers.

Then she sighed deeply. After the man lost his memory, his arrogant young master had a direct temper.

She fed him a spoonful of pig head, and said, "come on, open your mouth." She coaxed the child in the

same tone. The man glared at her, reluctantly opened his mouth and ate the pig head.

"It's delicious, isn't it?" She giggled and said, "just eat more. Maybe you can regain your memory."

"I have no good memories. It doesn't matter whether I recover or not." He said casually.

Her thick eyelashes quivered slightly, and her eyes dimmed. Wasn't it good? Wasn't it good memories

when they were together? It was true that they often quarreled with each other and took advantage of

each other, but...

"How could you know whether it's beautiful or not if you forget it?" She asked him in a low voice.

"I've heard that we have divorced many times. It means that you are an incompetent wife." He pinched

her chin, and the coldness in his eyes froze from her eyes to her heart. She unconsciously shrank a

little. "You... You neither. " She plucked up all her courage to resist him.

"Then divorce as soon as possible and disappear in front of me." He growled, his tone was cruel and

ruthless, as if he was fed up with her.

She swallowed the bitterness in her throat. She didn't blame him for losing his memory.

In the past, she was sad, desperate, and angry. She desperately tried to escape from him because she

thought he didn't care about her at all and only took her as a substitute. Now, he had taken a bullet for

her, which meant she was not dispensable. There was a small place in his heart that belonged to her,

so she decided...


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