Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 376 The Little Girl's Plan (Part One)

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"Great. My daddy likes me very much. He said I am his little princess. Even aunt Leila doesn't dare to

bully me. If she wants to bully me, dad will scold her," Mili said with her head shaking.

"Really?" Landis smiled faintly, with a flash of strange light in her eyes. It seemed that she should be

more friendly to this wimpy kid and take advantage of her to please Zac.

"Aunt, I have something to tell you." Mili walked to her and whispered in her ear, "My dad is very happy

when he knows that you have a little brother. But my aunt Leila was so angry that she almost lost her

temper. She spent the whole day cursing you. She said you were a shameless whore and cursed your

child miscarriage and shut out from the entertainment circle,"

she said this on purpose. Since the fourth mistress was already pregnant, yet, the third mistress didn't.

It would be a wonder if she didn't pass out.

Two dogs strive for a bone and a third runs away with it. She wanted aunt Leila fight with Landis like

the crane and clam's fight. So that her mother could be the fisherman and put her father in the basket.

Hearing what she said, a flame of anger flashed across Landis's face. No one would doubt the words of

a three-year-old kid. She thought Leila must hate her to the core. She and Zac were still newlyweds,

but she had a relationship with him and gained a child. As long as she made efforts, Leila would have

the same result as Essie.

"Little girl, does your aunt Leila always bully you?"

"Well, she is really harsh to me." Mili lowered her head and pouted, looking pathetic. After swallowing

some saliva, she asked in a very loud voice, "If you marry my dad, will you be kind to me?"

"Of course. I like children the most. I will buy you many toys and new clothes in the future," Landis said

with a smile.

"You are so kind. Please help me drive the bad aunt Leila away." Mili wrapped her arms around her

neck and kissed her on the cheek.

"Don't mess with Auntie, Mili," Essie said, taking her hand.

"It doesn't matter. Your daughter is so cute." Putting her hands on her abdomen, Landis continued, "I

hope my child will be as cute as her after birth." This was a verbal warning from the divorced wife of

Zac. She would never have the chance to get back together with him again. Don't have any fantasy

about it.

Essie did not take it serious at all. She express her care to her instead. "You're pregnant. You need to

take good care of yourself. Don't work too hard."

"After I finish shooting this drama, I'll stop my work to have a good rest for the sake of my baby," Landis

said. She smiled to herself. It seemed that this divorced wife was losing her strength.

"I'll take the my kid to the back of the room, and won't disturb you," Essie said and took Mili away.

At this moment, Landis's mood was much better. She looked like the winner. She did not bother to care

about the dressing room. She called her assistant to come in and dress up.

The director breathed a sigh of relief and asked everyone to begin shooting. However, no one noticed

Leila coming over from a distance. She was the wife of the big boss. Of course the crew dared not to

stop her, so they let her in.

Mili was the first to see Leila. She gently tugged at the sleeves of Essie, "Mommy, Auntie Leila is here.

She must come to look for Landis."

Essie turned to looked at her, "Baby, it's none of our business. Just ignore it."

"Will they fight?" Mili's long thick eyelashes fluttered, and she was about to watch the show.

"Don't worry. It won't happen. All of us are civilized people. They won't fight with each other," Essie

said, patting her head.

Mili puckered up her lips and felt really disappointed. She thought that they should start a fight as soon

as possible so that there would be more fun. In any case, the two women were equally hateful.

She twirled her big black eyes, giving out a sly starlight.

"Mommy, I want to say hello to aunt Leila. Do you mind?"

After hesitating for a while, she nodded and said, "Okay, go ahead. Remember to be polite."

"Okay." Mili nodded her head with a sweet smile, and then she ran to Leila with her skipping pace.

Meanwhile, Essie told the bodyguards to follow her nearby.

Leila was startled when she saw Mili. Where did this little bastard come from? She was everywhere.

"Auntie Leila!" Mili pretended to sound sweet.

Leila was stunned by her words. Why did she change the way he called her? Wasn't she calling her

'bad mistress'?

But she didn't like the word 'aunt Leila' either, because she was actually a wife not a concubine.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to visit mommy Eva. She is filming." Mili replied.

"Okay," Leila responded perfunctorily. She didn't want to talk to her because she came here with

something serious. Mili had already guessed what was on her mind. She smiled and said, "Auntie

Leila, you are looking for Landis, right? She is changing her clothes in the dressing room. You can't go

in now."

"Kid, no one ever tells you that kids are not cute if they are too smart." Leila glared at her.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Mili sighed. "I have talked to aunt Landis for a long time, and she

kept talking about you. I was going to tell you, but if you don't want to hear, forget it."

A gleam flashed through Leila's eyes. "Tell me, what did you talk?"

"Promise me that you will buy a Barbie doll for me tomorrow and I will tell you." Mili tried to bargain with

her so that she would not doubt what she said.


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