Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 417 Stay Tonight

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In the hospital, looking at her weak and thin face, Zac felt heartbroken. His whole heart was twisting.

He had decided to forget her and sealed up all her memories, but he just couldn't control himself. He

went crazy as soon as he heard that Holy said that Hanson would marry her. As soon as she left, he

rushed out of control and wanted to ask her for a clear answer.

He had been waiting outside the HENGYUAN building the whole afternoon. He wanted to go upstairs

but could not find any excuse.

When she came out, he was nervous. She looked so thin and pale. Was it because of the virus?

His heart trembled, and at that moment, all the anger and gloom had disappeared, and only anxiety

and worry left in his chest.

As long as she was alright, as long as she was happy, he would be willing to get hurt by her a thousand

times, no matter how many times she hurt him, as long as she was happy. Anyway, he had been

controlled by her. He couldn't get rid of her.

He followed her quietly and watched her standing in front of the wedding dress shop for a long time.

Was she choosing the wedding dress for herself? Was she really going to marry Hanson?

He felt that they were falling apart. They hadn't divorced yet. She was still his wife. The kite flied far

away. If the wire was still held in his hand, there was a chance for the kite to fly back. If the wire was

cut, he could not get back.

Therefore, he held this piece of paper and never let it go. Even if he had decided to give up, he was still

unwilling to cut off this thread. He wanted to wait. When she cut off the last thread of her thought, she

would push him into the abyss.

Now that she had decided to marry Hanson. He wondered whether the last minute of his execution

would be coming.

While he was lost in thought, she slowly opened her eyes.

When she saw his familiar face, she was stunned. Her eyes were wide open.

She shook her head hard, and then shook again and again, thinking she was dreaming.

But he didn't disappear.

She rubbed her eyes again. He was still there.

"You are not dreaming," he said in a low voice, as if he was able to read her mind.

"What's wrong with me?" She looked around the room, which was totally white, and the air was full of a

strong smell of medicine. This was the ward, how could she enter the hospital again?

"You passed out. The doctor said you were suffering from severe malnutrition." His eyes were full of

love. When she stood on the riverside alone before, he was really afraid that the wind would blow her


"Then why are you here?" she asked. Shouldn't he be busy preparing for the wedding now?

"I happened to be on the riverside. When I saw that you fainted, I came over to help you." He

immediately put away all his emotions and put on a cold attitude and tone.

"Thank you," she said in a low voice.

"You're welcome. I'm not doing it for you. I'm just a business partner. If anything happens to you, it

won't be good for me." His voice was very cold and flat without any trace of temperature. After pursing

his lips, he continued, "I haven't seen you for only a few days. How can you make yourself like this?"

"I'm fine." She lowered her eyes and covered her twinkling eyes with thick eyelashes, fearing that her

little secret would be discovered by his sharp eyes.

"Then why are you suffering from severe malnutrition?" Zac raised his eyebrows and paused. He

added, "I don't care about your business at the beginning. But since you are sick and it will affect our

cooperation project in the South Sea, I have to find out the situation. Otherwise, our family's interests

will be damaged." He had hidden all his worries in just a few words.

"I just have a bad appetite recently and eat a little less." Her voice was as low as a mosquito's.

"Why did you lose your appetite? Do you feel uncomfortable? " he asked. He was afraid that the

antidote would suddenly fail to work and the rest virus in her body would burst again.

She replied to herself. Her heart was uncomfortable, so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that it almost

stopped beating, but her tongue would never admit it.

"Nothing is wrong with me. Don't worry. I am in good health and won't affect the energy project in the

South Sea." She showed an impatient expression. His question made her feel upset. She was afraid

that she would not control herself and show all her emotions.

"Stay here today. I'll ask the doctor to give you a complete body check tomorrow," he said in a

commanding tone, as if she was his subordinate.

"I want to go back. I don't want to stay in the hospital by myself. I hate hospital." She lifted the quilt to

get up, but was stopped by him, "I will stay here to watch you. Don't think about running around." He

couldn't set his mind at rest until he got an accurate medical report to prove that she was fine.

She was shocked. Stay here to watch her? What did he mean? He would stay here the whole night. He

wouldn't go back?

"Aren't you going to have a wedding? Do you have time to waste on me? "

"If it is your own business, I won't interfere even if you kneel down and beg me. I do it for the sake of

our cooperation project in the South Sea. The investment of hundreds of millions of dollars is nothing to

be trifled with. I have to make sure that you are okay," he said coldly.

"It seems that I still have some use to you." She sneered, feeling sad.

"Of course the Xu group in your hand is better than in others, which is good for our Rong family." Zac

stared at her expressionlessly with his arms around his chest.

"Since you care about your family so much, why did you hold the wedding with Leila? Doesn't it have

any influence on your clan? " The corners of her mouth raised into a mocking smile.

"The wedding ceremony is my personal business. Aren't you going to marry Hanson as well?" His black

eyes became dark and deep.

She was stunned for a moment. She was about to explain, but then she closed her mouth and changed

the words on the tip of her tongue. "Yes, Hanson and I are going to get married, either. Maybe next

month. I went shopping today just to see the wedding dress. " Obviously, she was mad at him.

Gritting his teeth, Zac was so painful that his bleeding wound was cut and even salt was dripping on it.

He was in a cold sweat and was about to fall to the ground. He staggered to the sofa and sat down, in

order to maintain his strength. "Very good. Congratulations." He tried very hard to squeeze a few words

from the corners of his mouth.

"I also have to congratulate you! You finally get married with your first love." Essie tried to be as calm

as possible, but her hands clenched in pain.

"Thank you very much." There was a downcast look on Zac's face. The coldness in his eyes froze as if

ice had condensed from his pupils to his heart.

The bodyguard brought the dinner here. It was brought according to Zac's order. It was a crockery

chicken soup, steamed turbot, green pepper yellow beef, spicy salted prawns... These were all Essie's

favorite dishes.

But she had no appetite at all.

"I don't want to eat it. You eat it yourself." She pulled up the quilt and covered her head with it. Her eyes

were full of tears. She was afraid of being seen by him, so she quietly covered her head.

"Didn't you just say you were fine? It's okay even if you don't want to eat anything. " Zac comforted her.

Although he tried his best to keep calm, he was really worried.

"It's none of your business. Just go back. Leila is still waiting for you at home." The more she thought

about it the more wanted to cry, she bit her lip to punish her fragility.

"Do you really want me to leave?" Zac's voice was hoarse. His mouth seemed to be full of coptis

chinensis. The extreme bitterness burnt his throat.

"Yes, you can leave now," she said with anger and cruelty.

"Okay, as you wish." As soon as his voice fell, there was a sound of footsteps, slowly fading away.

She didn't dare to look up, only to make sure that he had left. She could no longer control her tears,

which burst out like a flood. She bit her lips and didn't want to cry too loud, but through the quilt, he

could still hear her sobbing clearly and see her trembling body in tears.

Actually, Zac didn't leave. He was standing at the door. How could he leave her when she was in this

condition? He wanted to stay with her all the time.

When he heard her crying, his heart, his reason and all the cells in his body were trembling like a

plucked string.

What are you crying for, you little fool?

Did she feel sad for whom? Was it for him?

His dark and cold eyes seemed to be lit up by a ray of hope, and his gloomy and deep heart seemed to

have a ray of sunshine and a vitality.

He walked over quickly and uncovered her quilt.

She was shocked and froze, panic stricken, at a loss.

Her eyes widened as if she had seen a ghost. He stared at her red and swollen eyes, sharp as a hawk.

It seemed that he wanted to see through her pupils to the bottom of her heart and see all the secrets

she had hidden.

They stared at each other silently for a long time. They looked at each other's bright eyes until a bird

chirped outside the window broke the silence.

Hearing that, Essie lowered her eyes in a hurry. "You... Didn't you leave? "

"Why are you crying?" He didn't answer her, but asked her instead.

"I... I didn't cry. The sand was in my eyes," she stammered.

"Bad excuse! Are you crying or sand in your eyes? Can't I tell?" Zac sneered.

"Yes, I've cried. But so what? I'm a woman. Women all like crying." She seemed to have a guilty

conscience, her eyes moving around.

"I'm asking you why you cried, not if you cried. Don't confuse the topic." He reached out and pinched

her chin to force her to look up at him. He looked solemn, just like a judge interrogating criminals.

"It's none of your business." She bit her lips, trying to hide the fact that she cried because of him.

"Then, it is whose business, Hanson's?" He asked almost subconsciously, because he was too afraid

of Hanson and was jealous of him.

He seemed to have reminded her, "Yes, it's because of Hanson." She nodded hurriedly, "We... It was

just a quarrel which made me feel bad. So I cried. I just could not help it."

A shadow came over and covered Zac's eyes. It extinguished all the light inside, leaving only the ashen

darkness and coldness.


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