Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 499 Take The Initiative To Pursue Her

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He clenched his teeth and threw her hard. Caught off guard, she was threw off the bed and onto the


Seeing her painful face, he immediately regretted. With pity, he wanted to stretch out his hand to pull

her up, but finally he held it back and clenched his fingers.

"Essie Yi, don't you know you're annoying? You are stupid and silly. You are only good for nothing

except your body. "

"Haven't you told me that you are both handsome and smart? I don't need it anymore. I don't care

whether I am stupid or not." She stood up from the ground and decided to stick to him as firmly as she

could and he wouldn't be able to throw her off.

With a deliberately mocking and cold expression on his face, which allowed him not to be softhearted,

he said, "I haven't found out until now that you are such shameless. Perhaps you can have a fight

against the earth wall."

However, Essie, who was fearless of death, didn't yield to insult or surrender, and instead pulled her

mouth and said with a smile, "That's just who I am. You haven't discovered it until now? You are still a

genius whose IQ is over two hundred. Where did you spend the extra forty scores? They are divided

into groups, aren't they? "

He flicked her forehead. He was speechless with her. It turned out that this stupid woman could be so

clingy. But her being close to him made him very happy. He enjoyed it very much. He even hoped that

she could be with him like this the rest of her life. He didn't want to lose her.

But now it was not the right time. He had to sealed off all the emotions, keep her away from him, and

ensure her safety.

"Essie, if you don't leave now, I'll ask the bodyguards to drag you out."

"Icy guy." She walked to him and hugged him again. "William has told me everything. I'm sorry. I've

been misunderstood you all the time. I know you're deliberately alienating me, for fear that they don't

give me the antidote preparation. But don't worry, I'll be careful, and I'll live happily for our future! "

Zac was expressionless and wore a mask to hide all his passionate feelings.

"Essie, you are wrong. I don't have time to care about you. Your life or death has nothing to do with

me," he said ruthlessly.

"No, I'm not. You are lying. You always said that I was the kind of person thought and said the different

thing. You are also the same," Essie said with a frown.

"Do you know what is emotional investment?" Zac asked coldly.

Essie lowered her eyelashes. She didn't like to hear the word.

"I don't know." She shook her head on purpose.

"Well, let me tell you frankly today, everything I have done for you is emotional investment. Three years

ago, I wanted to use you to stop the engagement. And now, I need you to maintain the cooperation

between the two companies. "

He paused, trying his best to keep his tone cool and calm.

"If it happened three years ago, I would only have you as my shield. Because you, as Essie Yi, are not

enough to make me sacrifice too much. But now, Congratulations, you've grown a lot. As the future

president of the Rong family, I have my fate. The family interest is more important than anything or

anyone else in my heart. If you were hurt, the cooperation between the Xu family and the Rong family

would be broken up. And if the Xu family united the Qin family, it would have a devastating effect on the

Rong family. So even if I have to risk my life, I will protect you well. It's worth exchanging my life for the

prosperity of the Rong's Group. "

Every word he said was like a bullet relentlessly slamming into her heart, the most vulnerable part.

Her hand fell down uncontrollably, as if she had lost all her strength suddenly and could no longer hold


This was what she feared most in this relationship. Because from the beginning, their relationship was

mixed with many interests.

'People die for money, and birds die for food.'

Since ancient times, there had been countless people who died for interests.

That was why Zac had a sudden brain crash and would sacrifice his own life to protect her for the

interests of the family.

But it didn't matter. There was an old saying that 'A drop in need should be repaid with a whole river',

not to mention that saving one's life?

Even if he did it for his family, not for her, it was also a fact that he had saved her. And there was such

a serious after effect that she could not ignore.

Thinking of this, she got her courage back to her.

"Icy guy, it doesn't matter if you don't like me at all. I'll try my best to make you like me." Her voice was

as low as a mosquito's voice. It seemed that she was not confident about herself. She just supported

herself with courage.

In front of him, she had always been in a state of inferiority and the loss of self-esteem, trying to

survive. He was so powerful and so dazzling that she could only look up at him with admiration.

She could not imagine how perfect a woman would be to be a match for him, but she was far from


But she had her own advantage. It was her endurance. She could chase Hanson for five years. So she

could also five or ten years or even longer to chase him. Anyway, she was a tenacious fighter. If she

failed, she had to start from scratch.

At this moment, Zac seemed to have a lot of feelings. His heart was beating. His soul was screaming

excitedly. It wanted to blend in with her.

He clenched his teeth and tried his best to keep from any emotions from his mask, which ruined the

cold atmosphere he had just created.

"Essie Yi, don't even think about it! If I want to fall in love with you, I would do it three years ago. Why

should I wait until now? You're not my type. I'm not interested in you. Not now, not in the future either. "

A sorrow crept into the eyes of Essie. It was just too cruel and hurtful.

"Then tell me, what kind of girl do you like?"

"I'm not in the mood to tell you," Zac said indifferently. He would not let her know that she was the only

type of woman he loved. It was unique.

Sometimes she was muddled, and sometimes she was naughty and unpredictable, sometimes floating

like the wind and sometimes as fresh as the clouds. In the daytime, she lit the universe to fight side by

side with him, and at night, her body and heart were burning with blazing enthusiasm...

All in all, whether she was good or bad, she was miraculously a perfect match for the soul partners that

he longed for.

Biting her lips, she lowered her eyes, and her thick eyelashes left a shadow of loss on her eyes.

After a long silence, she raised her head. A cunning glint flashed in her dark eyes. "I'm not useless. At

least, I have something that attracts you."

Zac raised his beautiful eyebrows and asked, "Which one?"

When the beautiful scenery was shown, Zac could not help tensing uncontrollably.

He had been holding back his desire for days and was on the verge of explosion. What she did added

fuel to the flames.

He closed his eyes immediately to control the primitive impulse that his body was surging.

However, all the organs in the body would listen to the orders of the heads, and only one part was not,

and it often got above his head, the chief commander, to stand behind the curtain and listen to the


He was annoyed.

However, this movement was completely a camouflage.

Essie laughed in secret again.

He shivered as if he had got an electric shock. "Essie, get out of here!"

"I won't." She stretched out her arms and wrapped them around his neck. "Zac, your body is more

honest than your heart."

"Don't think too much."

Zac took a deep breath again and again to calm down his strong heartbeats.

His blood was about to boil up, and his reason and thoughts were being burnt and devoured bit by bit.

He had to kick this 'annoying' stupid woman out before he completely lost control.

"Essie, I'm going to teach you a lesson if you don't get out of here." He grabbed her arm with a gesture

of throwing her down.

She tightened her arm in a hurry and acted like a spoiled child. "Icy Rong, the bed is so high. You are

so strong. If you throw me down, I might suffer a concussion. I'm already a fool. Do you want me to be

even stupid?"

Zac was at a loss whether to cry or to laugh.

Indeed, he could only use one of his arms now. If he couldn't control the strength well, she would

certainly fall very hard. Even a tiny piece of skin on her body would ache him to the core. How could he

bear to see her suffer like this?

"Essie, when are you become so shameless?" If he couldn't do it, then the only thing he could do was

to say something.

"Hey, freezing guy. We are an old couple. Why are you still so shy?" Essie ignored his offensive words.

She had long been immune to all kinds of poisons.

Zac was breathing quickly and her pulse was disordered. It seemed that he was not able to breathe

smoothly. His little fool was just like a super virus which came from the outer space. Even he had

strong immunity, he could not resist her attack.

"Essie Yi, I'm a married man now?" His mind was burning, and he couldn't even use his power of

poisonous tongue, so he could only talk about what she feared.


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