Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 390 The Baby Is Gone (Part One)

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"Call an ambulance! Now!" Director Li hurried to her.

Kent dialed the number at once, and the ambulance arrived and took Landis to the hospital soon.

It was the first time for Mili to see so much blood. She was startled. She hid herself into Essie's arms

again. "Mommy, auntie Landis is bleeding so much. Will she die?"

Essie carried her up. To ease her fear, she said, "No, auntie Landis will be fine."

"What about the little brother in her belly? Will he die?" Mili asked, trembling.

Essie didn't answer this question. She wasn't able to answer it now because blood was a taboo word

for pregnant women. Besides...

She stopped thinking, and a deep light flashed in her eyes.

"Landis was fine during the shooting. How could she suddenly bleed?" Eva walked to her side,


"The first three months of pregnancy is the most dangerous, so the pregnant woman should be careful

all the time."

With a sigh, Essie thought, 'The baby that shouldn't be kept would not be kept in the end.' Actually, now

that the baby was gone, it probably was a lucky thing for Landis. If she gave birth to the baby and knew

that it was not Zac's son, she would regret it. She couldn't get anything, and worse, she would have to

take a burden from him.

In the hospital, the doctor came with bad news.

The baby was not saved.

Landis was lying on the bed and crying.

She had a baby with great difficulty. She thought she would have a backer after she had him, and she

didn't have to worry about not being able to take the play again in the future, and she didn't need to

accept hidden rules. Her acting career could be flat all the way to the end. She had been pregnant for

less than a month, but she had an abortion unexpectedly.

The agency had planned to block the news, but someone on the microblog spread the news. For a

moment, the entertainment circle was seething with excitement.

In the afternoon, Leila came to the hospital to visit Landis. Of course, everyone knew that she was

pretending to be nice.

"I heard that you must keep a low profile in the first three months of your pregnancy. You'd better hide

the news from others, or else your baby will miscarry." She sighed deeply, "You're so high-profile. How

you wish the whole world knew that you ruined our child's happy life."

"If you are here for gloating, get out of here." Landis grabbed a cup on the table angrily and threw it at

her. She dodged nimbly. The cup hit the wall heavily and broke into pieces.

Leila didn't get angry. Instead, she looked calm. But a hint of coldness could be seen in her eyes. "Isn't

this child what you don't want?"

Landis was shocked, "What do you mean?"

Leila stepped forward and got closer to her. She raised her voice on purpose, for fear that Landis

couldn't hear what she said. "Before you came in, I asked the doctor for you. She said that you had an

abortion because of taking the abortion medicine."

"What did you say?" Landis quivered violently and asked Kent to look for the attending doctor


Soon the doctor came and gave her a test report. Her blood contains mifepristone, which meant that

the abortion was caused by medicine.

"I didn't take any medicine to abort." Landis was shocked.

"Then that was strange." Leila went into silence for a while as if she was thinking about something. "Did

someone drug you in an attempt to abort your baby?"

Looking at her, Landis sneered, "Who else could it be except you?"

"I hate your child so much that I want him to get rid of it. But I have my principle. I won't do anything

harmful to others," Leila said with an innocent look on her face.

"Don't make yourself look like a saint. You are just a mistress who stepped in," Landis responded with a


Leila's face turned pale hearing those words. She hated it when others called her a mistress. "Let me

tell you. I grew up with Zac. I was his first love. The person he loves is always me. "Essie is the other

woman. It was she who got involved in our relationship and ruined our relationship."

"Don't get yourself out of this this. If it was not something happens to Essie, how can Zac marry you?"

Landis sneered. Every mistress would find all kinds of excuses to cover up her own immoral behaviors.

"Well, you'd better figure out who killed your child, rather than wasting time and energy talking with

me." Leila glared at her.

As she was recalling what had happened yesterday, Landis continued, "I was fine before the wrap of

the movie. But something went wrong after the celebration party."

"Is it possible that someone put the drug into your food or wine during the banquet?" Leila reminded.

"I only drank half a glass of champagne, and I haven't eaten anything." Landis cast a sidelong glance

at her and thought, 'It is weird that she is so concerned about my abortion.'

"Well, it must have something to do with champagne." Leila said with certainty. "Did the crew buy it?"

she asked.

"The crew did buy it, but I drank the one which was brought here by Essie," Landis explained.

"That's not surprising." Leila sneered, as if she had discovered something.

"What do you mean?" Landis asked in a hurry.

"I think Essie was not here to celebrate for Eva, but for something else, right?"

The tone of Leila was slowly relaxed, like a cold wind, making the waves in Landis's heart become

stormy. "You mean the person who drugged me to abort was Essie?"

"That woman looks like a white lotus, kind and harmless, but in fact, her thoughts are more vicious than

anyone else. She dares to play any dirty tricks, and she can do anything harmful. Otherwise, how could

she become the head of the Xu's Group with a woman's identity?" Leila's eyes flashed with ferocity.

Landis raised her eyebrows and was dubious about what she said. "She has already divorced with Zac.

What good will it do to her to harm me?"


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