Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 477 Mommy Has Become An Abandoned Woman (Part One)

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"Sister, the baby is innocent. You shouldn't have hurt it because of the matter between Hanson and

me." Essie shook her head. Even without Christina, she and Hanson would be over.

"You have been together with Hanson for such a long time. Isn't it a pity if you two break up because of

this little thing? What's more, you have the children. They should have a complete family. " Alice

consoled her in a calm tone. She believed that it would be more appropriate for Essie to be with


"Sister, I have decided that I won't want to get married before the crisis of the Xu family is solved. I will

wholeheartedly guard the Xu family," Essie said resolutely.

"Do you have a problem with the Qin family because of what Leila and Christina did to you?" This was

what Alice worried most. Daughters of the Qin family had taken away her love twice. Any woman

wouldn't forgive them.

"Sis, if I say that I don't have any grudge against Leila and Christina, that is impossible. One of them

robbed my husband while I was in a coma, and the other ruined my engagement ceremony and

embarrassed me in front of so many guests. They are humiliating me. I am not the Virgin Mary that can

be bullied by anyone. However, in fact, they were not in charge of the Qin family's company. Who is in

charge of the business of the Qin family is my brother-in-law. After you get married, we will become a

real family. How can I become estranged from my own family for the sake of two offshoots? " Essie

said in a relaxed tone with a slight smile on her face.

"I knew sister Cathy is a sensible girl," Fell said with a smile.

"Brother Fell, I have considered it over. Since the Xu family and the Qin family are united by marriage,

we should cooperate more in the future. We are all relatives by marriage. Let's make money together! "

Essie slowly said, "The reason why Xu's group and the Rong's Group become partners is that they are

mutually connected and formed a complementary situation. As for the feud between the Qin family and

the Rong family, it's your own business. Our Xu family will not participate in it now or in the future. We

remain neutral. In this case, please forgive me. " Her words were not only to lure Fell, but also to show

her stand.

"I know. The most important thing right now is to set up a cooperative relationship between us." Fell

nodded. He knew that as the cooperation between the Xu family and the Qin family strengthened, the

cooperation between the Xu family and the Rong family would decrease. In any case, it was good for

Qin family.

"My sister will be the hostess of your family in the future. She is very talented in management. How

about letting her know more about the business of your family, so that we can cooperate more

smoothly," Essie said casually as if she was telling a joke.

But both Alice and Fell understood what she was talking about. She was rushing Alice to the Qin family

now. To be honest, in terms of power holder at the general shareholder's meeting, Fell had voted

against it. This decision was too hasty.

Firstly, he didn't plan to be the enemy of Essie, trying to reserve an advance position. Secondly, once

they failed, Essie would certainly have time to think carefully about Alice and put her in an extremely

disadvantageous position. Now it turned out to be true.

"I have arranged for her to stay at home as a hostess of our family after she gets married. Don't worry

about her any more. So I hope you could to give her a chance to hold a leisure job in the Xu group,

which allows her to do some real work, such as personnel management and evaluation."

"Okay, I'll do as you say." Essie smiled.

A sense of frustration overwhelmed Alice. Since the history, anyone who had failed to rebel would have

a miserable ending. It had been extremely difficult for him or her to make a comeback. Just like

Elizabeth and Bles, they were still guarded by Essie, not allowing them to participate in the company's


The only thing she could do now was to retreat for the sake of advancing, and secretly accumulate the

next counterattack power.

"I've also thought that it's better for me to take care of my husband and children with peace of mind

after getting married. Guarding my husband from other women is the most important thing." She

smiled, taking Fell's arm.

Fell coughed to remind her of her saying something wrong. She quickly slapped her mouth and said,

"I'm sorry, sister. I didn't mean it."

"It doesn't matter, sister. You really should take good care of my brother-in-law. He is the citizen favored

husband, and there are a lot of women who like him." Essie smiled.

"Fell is a good boy. He won't do that." Lucy cut in. Her younger daughter was already miserable in her

marriage. It couldn't happen to her elder

daughter again.

"Mom, don't worry. I will take good care of Alice." Fell couldn't help but put on a fake smile. He had lost

his interest in Alice for a long time, and it would be surprise if he wouldn't find a woman outside.

Then they talked about their daily lives for a while, Alice and Fell left. They had to go back to discuss

the matter about Christina.

It should be a pleasant thing for her sister to take the man away from Essie and embarrass her in

public, but Leila couldn't smile at all. She couldn't marry Hanson. If she didn't handle it well, she would

transfer her intention to Zac. How could she rest assured?

The most hateful thing was that Mary had called and told her that the two elders would ask Essie to

take the children to visit them in the Rong Mansion tomorrow. It was obvious that they wanted to make

a match between her and Zac to rebuild the relationship.


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