Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 618 The Truth

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After Mrs. Rose and Irene left, Essie pulled her mother to the sofa and sat down. "Mother, don't worry.

Zac and I won't divorce."

"I wish you could divorce. You won't live long with such a vicious mother-in-law as Mary." Lucy curled

her lips.

In her heart, Zac was always the last candidate of her son in law. She had never thought highly of their

marriage. If she hadn't been kidnapped and that had happened, how could she turn a blind eye to it

and let them live in a daze.

"Lucy, plus Rabi, they already have four children. Do you still want them to divorce and let them live in

a broken family?" Bob comforted her.

"It's not me who is forcing them now. It's Mary. Her mother has been in such a big trouble. Even if it has

nothing to do with Essie, she will try her best to put the blame on Essie. She won't let it go," Lucy said


"I think Zac is very independent. He won't be controlled by his mother. Besides, there are elders and

Albert, in the Rong family, Mary could not make the decision alone," Bob analyzed calmly.

"If it weren't for this, I would have forced them to divorce even if I died. I wouldn't have let my Essie

suffer in their family," Lucy said.

"Mom, the war between me and my mother-in-law has just begun. She won't be complacent for long. I

will get even with her of what she owes us." All of a sudden, Essie's tone became cold.

Lucy was slightly stunned, "Essie, what do you mean?"

Taking a sip of the black tea on the tea table, Essie asked, "Mom, how much do you know about the

car accident that my mother-in-law and her sister had before?"

Lucy thought it over carefully and said, "I remember that Charlotte took a fancy to a grape garden in

France and wanted to buy it. She asked Mary to check it for her and give her some advice. They had a

car accident two days after Mary went there. As soon as brother Albert received the phone call, he

rushed to France. Charlotte rushed into the sea with a car. Mary was saved because she jumped out of

the car in time. However, she also hit a reef and got hurt, which caused her infertility in the future. The

French police and the marine rescue team have been searching in the sea for a whole month, but they

haven't found the dead body of Charlotte. They suspect that she has been washed away by the sea or

eaten by sharks. "

"Mary looks exactly like Charlotte. How can you be sure that the injured was Mary and the one falling

into the sea was Charlotte?" Essie asked.

Lucy was shocked by her question, "She is wearing Mary's clothes and the wedding ring with brother

Albert. When she wakes up, the first thing she asks about the condition of Charlotte. Of course she was


"And her persecution of you began from that time, right?" Essie said.

"Essie, what do you want to say?" Lucy looked at her in confusion.

Instead of answering her question, Essie asked, "Mom, you've met Charlotte today. Does she look like

the previous Charlotte?"

Lucy shook his head, "If you hadn't told me that she was Charlotte, I would have thought..."

"That she was the previous Mary, right?" Essie continued.

Hearing what her daughter said, Bob was shocked. "Essie, do you want to say that your mother-in-law

is Charlotte, and this Mrs. Rose is the real Mary?"

"What?" Lucy jumped up in horror, "This... This is unbelievable. If Charlotte pretends to be her sister,

then Albert should be able to find it out. It's impossible that he hasn't seen any flaw for so many years. "

"If a man loves a woman very much, of course he will find out. But at that time, my father-in-law should

still be thinking about you. He married Mary to heal himself and would not pay too much attention to his

wife. Moreover, Charlotte had always wanted to become Mary, deliberately imitating her from all

aspects. So it's understandable that my father-in-law can't see through it," Essie analyzed.

Lucy flipped the hair near her ear, with an unnatural expression on her face. Soon, her expression was

replaced by extreme anger. "No wonder such a kind and simple woman would become extremely

vicious. I have always thought that she was pretending to deceive me and everyone. It turns out that

she is not Mary at all, but Charlotte!"

"Mom, calm down. It's just my guess. I don't have any evidence. Moreover, this matter was of great

importance. Not only my father in law, Zac and his brother, but also the whole Rong family would be

shocked. So you and father must keep it a secret from anyone," Essie said seriously.

"Your mother and I know what we are doing." Bob sighed, "If that's the case, then Mary is too pitiful.

Her family, son and husband have been occupied. She has been alone in France for so many years. If

it weren't bumped into her by accident, she wouldn't be able to come home all her life."

"Essie, you must find the evidence to get even with the vicious woman, Charlotte, to avenge us and

your real mother-in-law!" Lucy was filled with righteous indignation. Although there was no evidence,

she was sure that the one in the Rong family was a fake one!

"Mom, please remember what I said. You can't tell anyone about it. That person can do anything. I'm

afraid that she will hurt Mrs. Rose in order to keep her position," Essie said.

"Don't worry. I know." Lucy nodded, with a sneer of revenge on his face. She finally had the chance to

vent her years of hatred and resentment.

As soon as Essie returned to the Blue Sea and Sunny Sky, she received a call from Leila. Mary hadn't

eaten for two days and passed out because of malnourishment.

Zac still looked indifferent. He had already got the secret news from the servant. Last night, Mary ate a

lot secretly after everyone fell asleep. She couldn't be faint because of hunger, she only pretend to


"Aren't you going to see Mommy?" Essie asked indifferently.

"No, she won't be able to act for long." shrugging, Zac said in a casual tone.

"If this trick is not working, there will be another one. If we don't divorce, she won't stop." With a

mocking smile on her face, Essie said, "I think we'd better go to see mommy and persuade her not to

behave like this. It's not good for everyone."

Zac thought for a while and nodded. What his wife said was not unreasonable.

As soon as Mary heard that they had come, she sat in the living room and burst into tears, with a sad

expression on her face.

"You unfilial son, finally come. If you come a little late, maybe we will be separated from each other."

With a faint smile at the corners of his mouth, Zac asked, "Mommy, is the drumstick delicious last


Mary trembled violently and blushed. "You brat, are you happy only when I'm really dead?"

"Mommy, I'm here to let you know that I will be filial to you, but divorce is impossible. I can't abandon

my wife and children," Zac said firmly.

"She hurt your grandma like this. Can you still live with her? She is so vicious. Maybe she will kill me

one day. Do you want me to die in her hands? " Hearing his words, Mary was furious.

"Mommy, what happened to grandma was an accident. Essie stopped grandma from taking medicine

without permission. If the nurse can do her duty, grandma won't have an accident." Zac frowned.

Looking at her son's resolute expression, Mary was really pissed off. Her son was simply brainwashed

by that tramp. How could he forgive her after such a big thing happened.

"Zac, I'll let you choose. If you continue to live with this woman, we'll break off the mother son


"Mommy, if you insist, I can only let you down," Zac said without hesitation.

Mary trembled with anger, "Good, my good son!"

Hearing what she said, Essie, who had been silent all the time, chipped in, "Mommy, I'm the daughter-

in-law of the Rong family. Even if I had to be kicked out of the family, you need the elders and daddy to

agree with it. Zac has no right to unilaterally divorce me. So it's useless for you to force him like this. If

you persuade the elders and daddy to agree, I will divorce him immediately and leave the family. "

Her words hit the nail on the head. The corners of Mary's mouth tilted to one side, as if she had been

stung by a bee.

"Essie Yi, don't pressure me with the elders. You are not qualified to be the future hostess of the Rong

family with what you have done."

"Mommy, I'm sorry for what happened to grandma. But I think it's better to spend more time to find out

what happened to grandma than to hold me accountable here. We will not be able to rest assured if the

real murder behind it remained in the dark."

Mary was shocked. "What do you mean?"

"The surveillance camera has been installed in the nursing center all the time. But on the morning of

grandma's accident, the surveillance camera was broken unexpectedly. We don't know how she had an

accident. Don't you think it's too strange?" Essie said slowly.

"Don't try to pass the buck. If you hadn't stopped the drug for grandma in private, this tragedy wouldn't

have happened." Mary thumped the table and jumped up from the sofa. She became extremely


Seeing her reaction, Essie asked, "Mommy, don't you want to find out the truth?"

"The truth is that you tried to murder grandma. Maybe you not only bribed the caregiver, but also

someone else. You planned the accident on purpose," Mary said.

"Enough, Mommy." Zac interrupted her, "Grandma has an accident. Don't you actively find a doctor to

treat her or care about the truth of her injury? But you are here to make a scene to force me to divorce.

Don't you think you're putting the cart before the horse?"

"Grandma is seventy years old now. She is in a vegetative state. There is no hope for her to wake up,"

Mary almost roared, trying to hide her guilt by shouting loudly.


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