Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 552 Punish One As A Warning To Others

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"Jim, don't look down upon me. I can't work in the entertainment circle, but that doesn't mean I can't run

a restaurant." Eva glared at him angrily. She was very indignant at his contempt.

Jim raised his thick eyebrows and said, "it's not a blow to you. You are simple minded, with developed

limbs, hot temper, and you are unable to change your mind. It's difficult to survive in the business


"Jim, after I leave, I will open a restaurant and make it bigger than the Watery. At that time, you will take

back this sentence." Eva waved her fist angrily in midair. How dare he look down upon her? 'Go and

cure your eyes!'

"Okay, I'll wait and see." Jim sneered.

Not far away, there was a black shadow hidden behind a big tree. He sometimes revealed half of his

face and peeped at them.

The man failed, but he still didn't give up. After parking the minibus at the corner, he followed Eva

secretly, trying to find an opportunity to attack her again. He didn't expect that Jim would always follow

her, so that he couldn't find the opportunity.

Jim noticed him from the corner of his eyes and soon recognized him as the driver of the minibus.

Without saying anything, he picked up a small stone on the ground secretly.

"Heaven pepper, the moon seems to be dripping blood." He raised his hand and pointed at the sky.

Eva raised her head in a hurry. The person hiding behind the tree trunk also showed his head curiously

and looked up at the sky. Jim seized the opportunity and waved his iron arm. The small stone in his

hand flew out like a bullet, hitting the middle of the murderer's eyebrows.

The murderer wailed and fell to the ground.

Jim rushed over like a hurricane, grabbed his two arms and twisted them hard. Immediately, there were

two sounds of bones cracking, and then the murderer screamed like a pig.

"Tell me, who sent you here? Otherwise, I'll gouge out two of your eyes!" Jing snapped.

"It's uncle Niko. He took other people's money and asked me to do it."

"Which uncle Niko? Whose money did he take? " Eva asked. She had never heard of such a person.

"Uncle Niko of the Tiger Gang which is responsible for the protection fee. Everyone there knows that

the person who gave him the money was a woman from Dragon City." The murderer replied in a

trembling voice.

"What does that woman look like?" Asked Eva.

"She is thin and tall with a mole on her nose."

Eva recalled that there seemed to be a mole on Elizabeth's assistant's nose. Did this old witch do it


'If a tiger doesn't get angry, do you think I'm a sick cat?'

"Go back and tell your master that if you dare to hurt me again, I will castrate him." She kicked the

murderer hard and threatened.

Jim sneered, "it's useless to warn someone." He took out his phone and made a phone call. After

tonight, there would be no Tiger Gang here.

As soon as the murderer heard that he was going to flatten the Tiger Gang, and smeared uncle Niko

with honey and threw him into the pile of ants, he was so scared that he passed out. There were

countless examples to prove how terrifying Jim was!

There were two men in Dragon City. The cold-blooded and most ruthless one was Zac, while the most

evil one was Jim.

Eva also took a deep breath. This scene had only been acted in the movie. Jim was actually put it on

the real person. Wasn't he too involved in the play?

"Well... You don't have to be so cruel, do you? " She murmured.

Jim glared at her coldly, "do you know what it means to punish one as a warning to others?"

If they let uncle Niko go, uncle Li and uncle Wang would hurt you in the future. They should treat

different people in different ways. Those people bullied the weak and feared the strong. They would

yield to whoever was cruel. If they knew uncle Niko's end, they would have to consider the

consequences when someone wanted to bribe them to hurt the heaven pepper.

Eva understood what he meant and stopped talking. But she was not in the mood to watch the lunar

eclipse, so she decided to go back to the hotel to sleep.

Not long after, Valery and Wendy, who were in Dragon City, got the news that their plan failed, because

the people they sent to do things were still in Hengdian. At this moment, the two of them were very


"This woman is so lucky. Last time she escaped in the hotel, and this time she was saved by Jim king.

Shouldn't she die?" Wendy said angrily.

Valery snorted, "I don't believe that she will always be lucky. Next time, she must die without a burial


Wendy touched her chin with one hand and thought for a while. A strange light flashed through her

eyes. "Do you think she has anything to do with Jim in secret?"

"How is that possible? I heard that she has a bad relationship with Jim in private. The two of them don't

like each other. Besides, like Zac, Jim is very picky about women. He won't like her. " Valery waved her


"Then how could he save her?" Wendy pouted.

"Maybe it's because of the new play. After all, the two of them are partners. If something happens to

Eva, the play can't be filmed, which has a great impact on Jim." Valery analyzed.

With a malicious smile at the corners of her mouth, Wendy said, "even if they don't have any

relationship, we can make up a relationship for them. There were many stars who fell in love with their

partners when shooting the same play. At that time, Vinton must be very angry and leave her."

"That's a good idea." Valery gave a cunning smile. She had lost to Essie before, and now let Eva lose

to Wendy. She wanted to vent all her resentment against Essie on her best friend, Eva.

In the Rong mansion, Essie and Zac also took the children to the lake and set up an astronomical

telescope to watch the lunar eclipse.

Mili and Dot were very interested in astronomical wonders. Rabi didn't know what they were doing, but

he thought it was very interesting to watch the moon in this way.

"Dot, do you think there is an alien on the moon?" Mili asked with a smile.

"If aliens can go to the moon, they will come to the earth." Dot replied seriously.

"Maybe they are hiding somewhere on the earth and observing us secretly, but we don't know." Said

Mili, tilting her head.

Rabi looked at them and curled his lips. "I have seen aliens. They are so horrible on TV. I don't like

them at all."

Looking at him, Mili's big eyes flashed. She seemed to have thought of something. She took his little

hand and walked to Essie. "Mommy, since you have reconciled with daddy, why does my brother still

stay here alone? Why doesn't he go to the Blue Coast to live with us?"

Hearing that, Essie was stunned. She had been too busy these days, so she hadn't thought about the

matter of Rabi. It seemed that it was time to let him live with them.

"Mommy is afraid that your brother will not get used to living with us. Since you have proposed, let him

live with us in the Blue Coast in the future."

"Yeah, that's great." Mili clapped her hands.

Hearing that his mother would take him back to live with her, Rabi was very happy, jumping and

dancing beside her.

There was no expression on Zac's face. He was quite silent this night. This muddled fool was still angry

with him, which made him very angry.

The moon in the sky was like his heart, quietly dripping blood.

Not far away from them, Ivy and the others were also watching the lunar eclipse, but they were still

doing another thing - telling ghost stories, so they didn't dare to get too close to the children, fearing

that they would hear it.

On the other hand, Essie was very interested in it. She asked Zac to take care of the children and slip

to their side. When Walt saw her coming, an unnoticeable glimmer flashed through his eyes.

At this moment, Ivy was talking about the forbidden area ghost yard of the mansion. "I heard from the

servants that the yard was the most gloomy when it was in the blood moon. This morning, I also saw

uncle Li add several runes on the outer wall."

Daisy rubbed her arms and said, "don't scare me. I'm the timid one."

"There's nothing to be afraid of. I'll fight with her for three hundred rounds one day and take her away

directly." Walt teased.

"You've been growing up. Have you really never sneaked in to have a look?" Asked Essie curiously.

"No, that's a restricted area of our family. Anyone who dares to trespass will be expelled from the family

and will never be a member of Rong family again." Said Ivy seriously.

"Except uncle Li, the others will either die or go crazy if they want to go in." Daisy said in a trembling

voice, "even Abel and Alena will take a detour when they pass by that piece of land."

"Since the ghost yard is so evil, why don't you ask someone to demolish it?" Essie curled her lips.

"It can't be torn down. If it is torn down, no one can stop it." Said Ivy.

Daisy nodded and said, "I heard that aunt Bonney and uncle Li led nineteen witchers to set up the

heaven and earth eight diagrams array around the yard and keep the ghost in it forever. If the yard was

destroyed, the heaven and earth eight diagrams array would fail. At that time, not only our family, but

also the whole Dragon City would suffer."

Hearing that they were talking more and more weirdly, Essie was speechless. Some things were just

rumors. The more the rumors were spread, the more bizarre and terrifying they were. Maybe there

were no ghosts in the ghost yard at all, but some amazing treasures or treasure map.

She smiled, "you said we were talking about the ferocious ghost in the ghost yard. Can it hear us?"

"Of course not." Ivy shook her hand and said, "uncle Li said that the heaven and earth eight diagrams

array is a very powerful barrier. It is trapped inside and can't see or hear the outside, so don't worry."

Walt patted her on the head and said, "You are the most curious person about it. You always gossip

about it."

"I don't believe you're not curious." Ivy wrinkled her nose.

"I'm not curious." Shrugging, Walt said, "uncle Li said that as long as the reincarnation goes on, the

ferocious ghosts inside will be destroyed. I believe that I can go in soon, so there is nothing to be

curious about."

Hearing that, Essie was a little stunned. It was the first time that she had heard of it.


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