Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 294 To Be With An Old Man

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The small thorn in her heart was stirred and it hurt faintly. If it was not for the change of Xu family, she

would not go back to Dragon City forever. "If you don't want to see me, sign the contract and I will

immediately disappear."

"There is nothing in the world that can't be obtained without doing anything. If you want the contract,

you have to pay." Zac paused and turned his tone with some irony, "but, you are getting more and more

boring now. Maybe one or two months later, I will be tired of you, and I don't want to see you again."

She slowly clenched her fists, irritated by his words. "This is the best. I don't want to stay with you for

one more minute."

Zac's eyes darkened. He took a sip of the coconut juice and said, "take care."

"……" And she jumped up from her chair. Her hair squeaked in anger, but she did not leave. She took a

deep breath and took another breath to forcibly suppress the anger in her heart. She had to tolerate

him for the cooperation case, she endured it! She sat down again and took the frozen coconut juice

from the table. She felt relaxed and relaxed after gulping it.

Looking at her, there was no complacence but anger and sadness on his face. It turned out that in her

heart, he was nothing than a cooperation case.

The children played in the amusement park for a while and then came back. Zac held Rabi on his legs.

"Daddy, uncle and I have seen the giant fish. It's a huge one." Rabi said with a smile.

"That's not a big fish, it's a white whale," Holy corrected Rabi.

"Well, it's a white whale," Rabi repeated what Holy had said to him. Blinking his big eyes, he seemed to

understand what he meant.

Essie took the peeled fruit out of the bag and sliced it for them. After resting for a while, they took the

kids to dinner.

However, in her heart, Essie had been thinking about what Zac had said during the day. As soon as

she sent Holy back to the villa, she took out a contract that she always carried with her all the time and

threw it in front of Zac. "Mr. Rong, sign it now. So that we can start the construction as soon as


Without even looking at it, Zac closed it and threw it on the ground. She was shocked. "What do you

mean?" Did he regret or just played a trick on her?

Zac said, "this is a wrong one. I've asked my secretary to draft it again. She'll hand it over to you


Seeing his enigmatic expression, Essie felt faintly uneasy, feeling that there was a plot in it. The next

day, when Chris sent the contract to her, she was stunned. She couldn't believe that the man had

divided the project into three sections. And they could sign the second period after the first check was


It was obvious that he played a trick on her?

She broke into his office angrily and pounded the table. "Bastard, what do you mean? Why do you

cooperate with me like this? You are not sincere at all. "

Taking a sip of the coffee unhurriedly, Zac looked as calm as a deep lake without any ripples. "Hey,

based on your attitude, I don't think we have to cooperate for a while."

"……" Essie was so angry that she wanted to throw up a fuss. If Zac wanted to play the game like this,

OK, let's play the game. She took a deep breath and put the contract on the table. Then she took out a

steel pen from the brush pot and handed it to him. "Sign the first period quickly." 'If you don't sign it, I'll

grab the fingerprint on your hand when you are asleep.' Essie thought in her heart.

Taking over the pen, Zac wrote his name on it and stamped with the seal of the Emperor.

"President Rong, wish us a pleasant cooperation in the first project." Before he could respond, Essie

grabbed the contract, turned around and walked out.

Zac leaned back in the chair, his beautiful eyes becoming deep and dark.

When she returned to Hengyuan, Essie gave the contract to Malcolm. Essie was a little depressed and

thought that she had failed.

"It doesn't matter. I will ask the public relations department to issue a news to stabilize the stock first."

Seeing the anxious look on Malcolm's face, Essie asked, "is there anything else?"

"There is a mysterious company recently. It purchased the stocks of the Hengyuan with a low price

while the stock price of the our company was plummeting. It also purchased the shares of some small

shareholders. The chairman has lost his absolutely holding power of the Hengyuan."

"Did you find out which company?" asked Essie.

"It's an overseas company, which had just been registered in California not long ago. It might specially

come for Hengyuan."

"Does it have anything to do with Elizabeth?" Elizabeth was the first one whom Essie thought of in her

mind. Elizabeth was a citizen of America, and it was a piece of cake for her to register a company in

America. However, there might be others who could take advantage of this.

"I'm not clear yet. I'll keep an eye on it." Malcolm said.

"One of our current tasks is to find out all the people of Elizabeth in the group and replace them all. As

such, Elizabeth will be deprived of any power to control the group."

Malcolm nodded.

Essie took out two cards from her handbag. One was all her savings. The revenue of Summer 100

Degree was pretty good in the past three years. As the first shareholder, she also got a large amount of

money. The other one was the alimony that Baron had given to her. It was time to take it out to save the


"I will postpone our cooperation with the Emperor. Send the message later this afternoon. Purchase the

stocks of Hengyuan in secret in my name. Don't let anyone know it."

Malcolm knew what she meant. She wanted to keep the absolute control of the board of directors. "I

thought the clothing designer would only bury her head in doing clothes." He said jokingly.

"I'm a bachelor with two majors. My first degree is fashion design and my second degree is economy,"

she replied.

"No wonder." Malcolm smiled, took her card and went out.

The stock market had always been the most sensitive economic trend. After the news of cooperation

between Hengyuan and Emperor was released, the company's stocks had risen from a green valley to

a red cloud.

In the evening, at the wine party of Dragon City business, Essie and Malcolm attended. When they

entered the hotel, they saw the outstanding man with Leila standing beside him, holding his arm and

behaving intimately.

A mild and sour taste swept across Essie's heart lake like a dragonfly skimming the water.

Zac also saw her, and Malcolm beside her. He frowned and a cold light flashed across his eyes. As

long as he saw that she was with another man, no matter who he was, Zac would be very upset.

"Let's say hello to President Rong." Malcolm said.

As far as she was concerned, she was reluctant to go. But as she was Zac's partner, she had to go

over there.

With dejected eyes, Zac said, "it has been a long time since the stock down. I'm really glad to see you

again. Should you thank me, special assistant?"

Thank you so much!

But, in her mind, she thought that he almost squeezed the gas out of her.

"How do you want me to thank you, Mr. Rong?" She asked him back on purpose to see if he dared to

make a bold request in front of Leila.

"Let me think. I will let you know if I decide." Zac touched his chin with a mischievous smile on his face.

Essie was sure that he was playing a trick on her again. He must be revenging on her for running away

without permission and hurting his supreme dignity as a king, so he wanted her to have a hard time in

Dragon City.

"President Rong, we have to greet others. Excuse us." The best way to get rid of him was to stay away

from him.

Looking at her disappearing figure, Leila smiled. It seemed that Essie's relationship with Zac was still in

the frozen state. It was unlikely that they could get back together. Leila knew that it was only a

temporary confusion for him. When Essie left, he would forget it and turn his mind back on her.

Bles was the last one to enter the party hall. When Essie saw his female companion, she was shocked:


Why was she with Bles now?

She went over in a hurry.

Mandy didn't expect to see her here. She was a little embarrassed and she blamed it on her best


"Mandy, it has been a long time." Greeted Essie. She no longer took what Mandy had done three years

ago seriously. In her heart, she was still her bestie.

But in Mandy's heart, Essie was her most hateful enemy. "You are back so soon." She replied


"Do you know each other?" Bles asked in surprise.

"We were classmates in middle school and haven't seen each other for years. I didn't expect that we

would meet here by such a coincidence." It was obvious that Mandy wanted to stay away from her.

"It's a big yet small world. Your old classmate is now the special assistant of the CEO in Hengyuan."

Bles smiled lightly.

Mandy was startled and she stared at Essie and said, "aren't you a clothes designer? Why did you go

to Hengyaun?"

Essie shrugged and said, "my second degree is economic. To be honest, I think Hengyuan can teach

me something useful."

"Isn't it good to be the hostess of the Rong family? It's a position that many women can't even dream

of." Bles said in a tone of regret. After saying that, he glanced at Zac who was not far away. "You won't

regret it if this position is taken away, will you?"

"Maybe I am not lucky to enjoy it." With a slight smile on her face, Essie said in a plain tone. She would

rather live a poor life than become a luxurious replacement.

"No wonder people always say that women's hearts are unfathomable." Bles shook his head and

smiled. He patted Mandy's buttocks lightly with a teasing smile on his face.

Mandy felt a little embarrassed. In front of Essie, Mandy thought that she was better than her and

always did a better job than her. But now, she was just a lover of an old man who was twenty years

older than her. How could she not be upset?

Essie noticed the abnormality of Mandy. She didn't know what had happened to her in the past three


Mandy didn't want to stay with her any longer, so she took Bles's hand and left with him. Essie sighed

in her heart. She suddenly found that their friendship was so fragile that it could be destroyed easily.

She took a glass of champagne from the waiter's plate and was about to look for Malcolm. When she

turned around, she saw Zac standing behind her. "Come to my house tonight." He lowered his head

and whispered in her ear, making her blush.


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