Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 622 You Know So Much

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In the Blue Sea and Sunny Sky, Essie lay on the bed for a long time, staring blankly at the ceiling. She

was thinking about a terrible deduction that she didn't even dare to think about anymore.

She had just visited her grandma the day before, and Lady Rose had proposed to take her home to live

with her. However, something happened to her grandma on the second day. What a coincidence.

Was there someone who was afraid that she would tell the truth and expose her secret?

"What are you thinking about?" The low voice of Zac interrupted her thoughts.

"Zac, do you really believe that I didn't hurt grandma?" Turning around, Essie took a look at him.

He turned around, holding his head with one hand, and gently pinched the tip of her chin with the other.

"Of course I believe you, but I know you are hiding something from me."

Hearing that, Essie trembled slightly. She raised her eyes and looked into his eyes. His eyes were deep

and sharp, as if they could penetrate her heart at a glance and expose her secret.

She lowered her eyes in a hurry and covered them with her thick eyelashes, "no... No, I'm not. You're

such a powerful man. How can I hide something from you? "

"Since you know it, why did you lie?" Zac's expression became serious. He frowned slightly.

Apparently, he was a little unhappy.

Essie peeked at him through her eyelashes and touched his chest with her fingers naughtily. "What

have you known?"

"I think there must be a secret in grandma's heart. You suspect that someone drugged her so that she

became unconscious, so you bribed the nurse to stop the medicine secretly and wanted to inquire

about this secret when she became sober. And someone wanted grandma to keep this secret forever,

so grandma had an accident. " Said Zac in a low voice.

Essie admired him to the core. No wonder he was the number one in Dragon City. He was too shrewd,

wise and powerful!

"Since you have already guessed it, why are you still pretending to be deaf?"

"Because I know this secret has something to do with mommy and auntie." Zac's deep eyes twinkled in

the dark night.

"So you are hiding my intention from mommy," said Essie, letting out a sigh of relief.

Zac nodded slightly and asked in a questioning tone, "tell me, what are you suspecting?"

Without answering, Essie turned a corner and said, "now I'm trying to do a treatment for aunt to regain

her memory. As long as she can remember what happened in the past, many secrets will be revealed,

won't they?"

Zac thought for a while and said in a low voice, "the grudge between her and her mother will also be


Essie was a little shocked. Zac was too shrewd to be exposed. Sometimes he was as clear as a mirror,

but he pretended to know nothing.

"Tell me the story between your mommy and aunt as you know,"

"You should know a lot." Zac rubbed her nose. He believed that she must have heard a lot from his


"I knew they all fell in love with your father at the same time." Essie pouted again.

Holding the back of his head with his hands, Zac said, "in fact, I don't know much. At that time, my aunt

should be like Valery who was to achieve her goal by all means, because she looked so much like my

mother. My father had fooled them. I heard that my aunt got pregnant and gave birth to a baby. "

"What?" Essie was so shocked that she almost sat up on the bed. How could Charlotte have a child

with her father-in-law? This was the first time she had heard of it!

"Where is that child?"

"I don't know. When I was in America, I overheard that grandma said it when she was repenting in the

church. Even my grandfather didn't know about it. Mommy and daddy never mentioned a word either.

But I think it's one of my grandmas who dealt with this child. " Zac said in a low voice.

Raising her eyebrows, Essie was confused.

That's strange. If it was Charlotte who was in the family, why didn't she go to find her child? Why didn't

she mention anything about the baby?

Did I make a mistake? They didn't exchange?

Was it not the same secret that the people who had hurt her grandma wanted to keep?

She sighed in a low voice, "it turns out that it's troublesome to have twins."

"Dad is wise and stupid. If I were him, I would never make a mistake." Zac put his arm around her

shoulder. She peered at him coquettishly and said, "if you don't have a hidden disease, I guess you will

still take that fake as me, won't you?"

Zac's dark and cold eyes twinkled. Under normal circumstances, even if there was no hidden disease,

he could tell whether she was true or not. But under that situation, there was indeed a chance of

mistake. He was in a state of collapse, so how could he keep sober?

"Idiot, if I really did that, would you still want me?" He asked in a teasing tone.

She leaned her head against his solid chest. He didn't mind what happened on the island. How could

she mind him?

"You are mine. No one can take the ice house away from me." She murmured.

A charming smile flitted across his thin lips. He lowered his head and gently kissed her hair with his

eyes full of affection. They all belonged to each other, and no one could separate them again.

Raising her eyes, Essie pursed her lips slightly and pressed them against his thin lips. A flame flashed

through his eyes, and he swallowed, as if trying his best to hold back the desire that was about to burst


She was keenly aware of it. She put her little hand into his pajamas and touched his solid chest.

He took a deep breath and grabbed them in a hurry. "Honey, we can only do it once a week. We can't

do it too frequently."

"Last time it was Wednesday. Today is Tuesday. It's only one day away." She smiled cunningly. Irene's

words reminded her that when a woman was pregnant, her husband would feel lonely. Even if her

husband was a neat freak, she had to be on guard against it. After all, there were too many women

who were "ambitious" around him.

Zac's body seemed to be turned on the green light, and all the cells were excited. He pulled her into his

arms and couldn't wait to kiss her...

At the Hengdian film and television base.

Eva seriously suspected that Jim had recruited all the best chefs in the country to his kitchen.

The dishes were different every day.

Today, they were having Ivan's Cuisine: dumplings codfish, duck with gold and silver, double flavor

lobster, ice palace cuisine meat, crab tofu, cabbages with Buddhist hands.

Eva's mouth was watering.

She liked to be Jim's eating company. All of a sudden, she hoped that the movie could never be

finished, so that she could always eat and drink with him, and eat delicious food all over the country.

Of course, she could only keep this thought in her heart and could not show it a little.

Jim looked at the greedy cat with a mocking smile. The world of foodies was really fantastic. As long as

she could eat and drink enough, her face would always be sunny. However, as long as her stomach

was empty, she would be depressed, and even her brain seemed to be unable to move.

Anyone who had filmed a play with Eva knew that as long as she was satisfied with the food, she could

perform well. If she was hungry, her lines must be wrong, and it was possible for her to NG one

hundred times.

Jim also found that the advantage of Eva, a super foodie, was that she would not waste a grain of rice,

because she would definitely eat up all the food in her bowl, and there would not even be a single leaf

left on the plate.

"Heaven pepper, do you have something you don't like to eat?"

Eva rolled her big black eyes and seemed to search for the answer in her mind. Then she shook her

head and said, "I am not picky about food. As long as it is food, I can put it into my stomach,


"Is the appetite of a foodie different from that of an ordinary person?" Jim sneered. A woman who could

eat as much as her had only ninety pounds. Her body must be different from ordinary people.

Eva understood the irony in his words and rolled her eyes at him, "it seems that if we were in a year of

hunger, a picky person like you must starve to death."

"Aren't you a hungry ghost in your previous life?" Jim sneered.

"I cherish food." Eva stuck out her tongue at him.

"That's a good point." Jim touched his chin. He finally found an undeniable advantage in the heaven


"I have many advantages. It's just because you can't see it." Eva pouted and picked up the chopsticks

to eat. She picked up a piece of meat and put it into her mouth.

'Oh my God! It's so delicious!' she licked her lips with satisfaction, her beautiful eyes curving into

crescent moons.

She took another spoonful of crab tofu and cracked a big smile.

Jim looked at her as if he was looking at an appetizer. All of a sudden, his appetite increased greatly

and everything he ate tasted good. The heaven pepper was really appetizing. It was almost an

indispensable dish at his table. Yesterday, she was not here, so the dinner was boring and tasteless.

"Heaven pepper, how's your Wing Chun fist?" He asked casually.

"Are you interested in sparring with me today?" Eva raised her eyebrows slightly.

"It's boring to fight with you. Your level is too low." A trace of arrogance flashed across Jim's handsome

face. In his eyes, Eva was not even a match for him.

For Eva, it was a great humiliation. If she was not in a good mood, she would have been furious and

had a fight with Jim at the table.

"Jim, wait and see. I'll PK with you when I'm full." After saying that, she continued to bury her head to

fill her stomach, turning grief and indignation into appetite. Such a delicious dish must not be wasted.

Jim was at a loss whether to cry or to laugh. Was this the so-called "eat first"?

After eating and drinking enough food, Eva sighed with satisfaction and waved her hand. "Let's go, Jim.

I'll show you the power of my upgraded meridians skill."

Before she finished her words, Jim stretched out his fingers and unexpectedly touched an acupoint on

her leg. She immediately felt numb on her leg and subconsciously collapsed.

For Eva, it was a great humiliation. If she was not in a good mood, she would have been furious and

had a fight with Jim at the table.

"Jim, wait and see. I'll PK with you when I'm full." After saying that, she continued to bury her head to

fill her stomach, turning grief and indignation into appetite. Such a delicious dish must not be wasted.

Jim was at a loss whether to cry or to laugh. Was this the so-called "eat first"?

After eating and drinking enough food, Eva sighed with satisfaction and waved her hand. "Let's go, Jim.

I'll show you the power of my upgraded meridians skill."

Before she finished her words, Jim stretched out his fingers and unexpectedly touched an acupoint on

her leg. She immediately felt numb on her leg and subconsciously collapsed.


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