Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 523 Live And Die Together

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Essie buried her head in his arms, tears quivering slightly on her eyelashes.

She had been preparing for this day since she knew that she was poisoned, but she didn't know it

would come so soon. She still had a lot of things to do and many wishes to achieve. Although she had

a lot of regrets in her heart, she had to face the reality.

"Zac, don't let the kids know about it. Just let them believe that their mommy has gone far away and it

will take a long time for me to come back."

A drop of tear fell from Zac's eyes. He didn't allow her to leave alone. He would be with her no matter

what happened.

William left quietly. He knew that they wanted to be together alone at this time, and every second being

together was extremely precious for them.

At night, they hugged each other, as if they had become a person.

"Zac, do you still remember our agreement? Heart for heart. " She leaned on his shoulder, a bitter smile

appearing at the corners of her mouth. "I have a secret that I haven't told you. In fact, I have already

given my heart to you."

A glimmer of surprise flew into Zac's eyes, but it disappeared in an instant, replaced by an

indescribable extreme pain.

She was the treasure he longed for. For so long, she had been ruthless, unintentional, or unintentional

to him, which almost drove him crazy. She hidden in a smoke, making him difficult to grasp, anxious,

distressed, and unable to see her clearly.

Now he finally got what he wanted. He should be excited and shout at the sky, but he couldn't smile or

be happy. Because the treasure he had regained was going to be lost again.

"Idiot." He gazed at her without blinking. In his deep black eyes, there was only her shadow, and

everything was excluded. He held her hand and put it on his chest. "Didn't you say that I was a big

devil? I won't let you go. I have monopolized your whole life. If anyone dares to take you away, I will

fight with him desperately. No matter where you go, I will take you back. You live, I live. You die, I die. "

He said honestly, solemnly, firmly and decisively. If he couldn't save her, he would choose to leave with

her. He would die at the same acupoint as her.

"No, you must be safe." She shook her head desperately. "I need you to take care of Mili and Dot. You

have to raise them up and protect them well. Don't let anyone hurt them again. And Holy, I entrust him

to you. You keep the Xu Group for me and hand it over to Holy when he grows up. "

"Don't say that again. As long as there is one minute left, we can't be desperate. "

He lowered his head and kissed her tightly. The two's breath stirred the air, and their tears mixed. Her

hands were like vines clinging around his neck. In the trembling and merging of the two hearts, she felt

the warmth and love of each other.

The night was long, but there seemed to be only a moment in their eyes.

At dawn, Essie closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Zac walked to the window, leaned against it and stared at the flickering lights outside, falling into a

painful trance.

The moon had not yet sunk into the mountains. It hung at the top of the tree like a hook, a bow, and a


The moonlight was cold and clear, like the frost in autumn night, spreading all over the ground.

The moon would be incomplete sometimes, but it finally got round.

If a person lost his lover and her heart got empty, could he restore it?

A wave of heat rushed into his eyes. He closed his eyes in pain and leaned his head against the cold

glass window. He felt his heart was broken bit by bit, and the severe pain made his whole body twitch.

He trembled, raised the glass to his mouth, raised his head, and drank it up.

A faint wind came from the open window of the room, followed by the low voice of Essie.

"Zac, let me sing a song for you. I wrote it for you. I wanted to give it to you on your birthday as a gift,

but now I give it to you in advance."

She stood up and walked to the piano. Her slender fingers slid across the keys, and the beautiful notes

sounded in the quiet morning light. The music is low, soft, and pure, like the gurgling spring and the

sound of nature.

Zac sat beside her and tried to listen to her.

"I am a wandering cloud, covered with a faint white, condensing the transparent dust. I will drift to the

corner of the sea, wait quietly, and travel to the end of the earth, wander silently. The drizzle in the

morning made me sigh. The slightly drunk wind at midnight was the dialogue I woke up from my dream.

I'm a homeless cloud, floating gently and leaving softly. You don't need to feel sad for me... "

The wind was gone.

The tree was quiet.

The white cloud stopped.

Everything in the world seemed to be hypnotized by the song, including his heart.

In the sound wave, he suddenly felt an unprecedented peace. He abandoned his thoughts, memories,

and all the pain.

The song was repeated over and over again, becoming softer and lighter, and finally disappeared in his

ears. But the hypnosis power was still wandering in his mind. He stood still in front of the window,

chasing the rare tranquility in a trance.

When she finished the last note, the deathly silence once again pervaded the air. And Zac's heart was

once again shrouded in pain.

"Does it sound good?" She turned around and smiled, looking so calm and peaceful.

He nodded and held her in his arms. "It turns out that you can write songs. It seems that you have

many secrets that I haven't discovered yet."

"I don't know how to compose. I asked Eva to let her music teacher to teach me how to compose. A

master like you has everything in the world, so I want to give you the most special birthday gift. " She

said with a smile.

"We have been married for so long, but you have never celebrated my birthday for me." His low voice

softly passed through her hair like breathing.

She flipped the hair in front of her forehead and said, "how about celebrating your birthday in advance


"Oh, No. you can celebrate it with me on my birthday." He said in a somewhat domineering tone. He

wanted to fight with God and take her back.

At dawn, a dark cloud drifted over and it began to rain.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, hitting the windows drop by drop and making a crisp and

slightly hoarse low sound. Soon the French window was covered with a layer of mist.

Through the mist, the shadows of trees, figures, lakes and mountains outside the window became


Walking to the mist, Essie stretched out her index finger and began to draw on the window.

She drew Zac first, and then herself, followed Mili and Dot. "Icy guy, our family will not be separated.

Even if I die, I will become stars and watch you all the time. If you meet a suitable girl in the future, you

can marry her. But I have only one request. She must be good to Mili and Dot. I can't let the children to

have a vicious stepmother. "

Zac walked behind her, with one hand holding her and the other drawing a picture of love on the

French window.

"Idiot, you are the only woman in my life. No one else. My brain, heart and body only recognize you,

but refuse to accept others. "

She smiled and shook her head. "The earth will still rotate endlessly and won't be affected by a single

person, and so will people. You will definitely meet a new girl, who knows and loves you."

He frowned slightly, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, overflowing with a sad and bitter smile.

The smile was faint, as if it was invisible, and as if he was sighing sadly.

She was wrong. If there was no sun, the earth would lose its track and be devoured by the black hole.

He was the same. He was like the moon, and she was like the earth. Without her, he would lose his

direction, lose the meaning of survival, and eventually go to destruction.

But what could he do to save her?

There was a confused and annoyed look on his face, like a child trapped in the thick mist and unable to

find a way out.

"I will have no one else except you." He muttered, and a warm stream flew into his eyes.

Essie reached out her hand and gently stroked his face. Then she stood on tiptoe and imprinted a kiss

on his trembling lips.

"Don't to be so serious, big devil. I like to see you smile. Can you smile to me?"

"Okay." He nodded and tried to smile at her, but the smile was uglier than crying.

She sighed and stopped forcing him. She picked up the coat from the hanger and put it on.

"I want to go to the company early. I have something to deal with. Let's have lunch together, okay?"

He nodded slightly, put on his clothes silently and went out with her.

He drove her to the Hengyuan building. He was going to accompany her to the elevator, but was

stopped by her.

"It's not the time for the virus to attack yet. I'm fine. Don't worry." Then she got off the car and walked

into the building.

In the Hengyuan building, the president had a special elevator which went straight to the office. But

today, for some reason, the elevator stopped at the seventeenth floor. The door opened and a tall and

burly man came in. He was wearing a mask and his face could not be seen.

"This is the special elevator for the president. If you are an employee of the company, please use the

employee elevator." Essie said to the man. She had an instinctive vigilance against the masked man.

The man didn't say anything. He closed the door and stood at the exit, as if he was deliberately

blocking her way.

She put her hand into her pocket and held the lipstick gun tightly, ready to attack him at any time.

Today, she didn't ask her bodyguards to follow her into the elevator, as if she was give up struggling.

However, as soon as the man came in, her instinctive desire to survive was aroused.

At this moment, a strange fragrance came from the air, as if it was from a man.

Essie couldn't tell what kind of smell it was. She felt that her body was lighter and lighter, and her

consciousness was more and more blurred. Then she lost her consciousness and fell down.


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