Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 620 Are You Worried That Your Husband Has An Affair

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As soon as Baron left, Mary came out of the stairway. When Albert saw her, a shadow flitted over his

face. But he didn't say anything. He just lit a cigar silently and inhaled slowly.

"Albert, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation. I just heard Baron mention the past when I

went downstairs." Mary rubbed her hands and said, "Actually, I know it. It was a call from Charlotte and

she sent the photos. As you know, Charlotte has always been... " She stopped deliberately, and the

rest of the words were self-evident.

Albert shook his hand and said, "Forget it. Let bygones be bygones." Time couldn't flow. If one missed

it, then he would miss it.

"Yes, Charlotte has lost her memory. She doesn't remember what happened in the past. That's good,

or we can't get along with each other at all." Mary sighed heavily.

Taking a glance at her, Albert said, "I only hope that our family can be harmonious now. Don't make

trouble anymore. Just learn to forgive. As parents, they all hoped that their children could have a happy

family. How could they break up their kid's marriage? The Xu family is a living example. You have

destroyed one family, don't destroy another. " The latter part of the sentence was obviously full of


Mary's black eyes narrowed slightly, and a hint of shyness flashed across her eyes. "You must love her,

love her dog. It turns out that you still can't forget that Luce after so many years."

"Since she married Baron, I have let go of this relationship. I do want to love you, but since the car

accident, you have changed, and let me down again and again. " A hint of disappointment appeared on

Albert's face.

"What have I changed?" Mary trembled violently.

Albert looked at her seriously, like an arrow piercing into her heart. "I still remember the first time I saw

you, you were wearing a white dress, pure like an angel. Your character is the same as your look. You

are simple, kind and lively without any scheming. I don't want to hurt you and even want to take care of

you. I did have a crush on you at that time, so I married you. I don't know if it's because of Charlotte or

the car accident that you changed more and more. Your tolerance and magnanimity have completely

disappeared. You are becoming calculated and scheming. You are more and more like your sister, the

former Charlotte. "

"You forced me!" Mary raised her voice and suddenly became agitated. "You went to the Xu family to

see that Luce and flirt with her when have nothing else to do. Do you dare to say that you are just

friends with her? Do you dare to say that you have completely forgotten her? Do you know how

disappointed and painful a woman who can't get her husband's heart? "

"If you are still as kind-hearted as before, and if you don't stay with such a vulgar and vicious woman

like Elizabeth all day long, I will fall in love with you. Unfortunately, the further you go, the more

mistakes you make. " Albert put the cigar into the ashtray with great strength. Even if the cigar had

been extinguished, he still grinded it with great strength.

Mary's face twisted slightly. "So, you have never loved me for so many years, right?"

"The one who deserves my love is the old you, not the changed you." Albert said word by word cruelly,

"You helped Elizabeth to make Luce so miserable. You haven't reflected and felt guilty until today.

Because Essie is Luce's daughter, you always make things difficult for her and even ignore your son's

happiness. Now, you want to force them to divorce because of the matter of my mother-in-law. Have

you ever thought of Mili and Dot, and the unborn grandson in Essie's belly? It's my tolerance that

makes you more and more selfish and unreasonable. "

"Essie is completely different from Luce. You are all cheated by her appearance. In fact, she is more

scheming and vicious than anyone else. How can I let such a person be Zac's wife? " Mary couldn't

control her tone anymore and almost roared.

Albert sneered, "Fortunately, she is different from Luce. If she was as simple as Luce, she would have

been killed by you and Elizabeth long ago. Let me tell you, if Zac divorces Essie, our marriage will

come to an end! he said coldly and went upstairs. He didn't want to see her again.

Mary was trembling all over. She felt isolated and helpless. Except her, almost everyone was on the

side of Essie. This little tramp had gone through so much, but she was still alive. It seemed that she

was born to restrain her.

On Friday, Essie and Lucy took Mrs. Rose to see the famous hypnotist Doctor Wang. She had

arranged a course of hypnosis treatment for Mrs. Rose, hoping to help her regain her memory.

The treatment on the first day was not very good. Dr. Wang found that Mrs. Rose subconsciousness

seemed to be resisting to think of the past, so the reason why she had lost her memory for so long was

indeed psychological impact.

Back to the villa in Phoenix Road, Lucy poured her a glass of water and comforted her, "Psychotherapy

sometimes takes a long time. You have to be patient."

Mrs. Rose nodded, "I will hold on."

Essie took out an apple from the fruit plate and was about to peel it for her, but Mrs. Rose took it over

and said, "I'll take it myself. I heard that it's not good for pregnant people to use the knife and needle.

You should avoid touching these things in the future."

Essie found that the way Mrs. Rose peeled the apple skin was different from others. Others would peel

it from the beginning, and she would peel it from the middle.

Lucy also saw that a muscle on her face was beating slightly, and her memory was quickly pulled back

to the past...

"Mary, why do you always peel an apple from the middle?"

"When I was a child, Charlotte and I lived together with my mother. Our family was not rich, and we

always share an apple. Charlotte likes to eat it with the skin. I don't want to eat the apple skin, so I will

only peel half of the apple and leave the other half to her. As time goes by, I get used to it. "

While she was lost in thought, Mrs. Rose had already peeled the apple, cut it into several pieces,

pricked one with a small fork and handed it to her.

She quickly collected herself and turned to look at Essie with a smile. "Essie, call Zac later and ask him

to come over for dinner."

"Okay." Essie nodded.

When Zac received his wife's call, he felt that the sun was rising in the West. He was really flattered

that his mother-in-law asked him to have dinner. He hoped that it was not a banquet to force him to

divorce his wife.

He immediately asked his assistant to go out to buy gifts. When he entered the room, he carried a lot of


Seeing this, Lucy waved his hand and said, "Don't be so formal with me. Why do you bring

gift when you have dinner at your own home."

"It's my pleasure." Zac smiled. His mother-in-law's smile was surprisingly kind, just like when they met

in Yang City before. It seemed that she was not setting up a malicious banquet. But the change of

mother-in-law was so strange. Was she willing to accept him?

Lucy pulled him to sit next to Mrs. Rose and said, "Zac, your aunt has suffered so much. It's not easy

for her. You and Essie must be filial to her."

"Of course we will be filial to Auntie." With a smile, Essie took out her iPad and copied the video and

photos of Zac and Walt when they were young into it. "Auntie, this is Zac and Walt. They were very

cute when they were young, weren't they?"

Zac was in a slight sweat. This little fool had badgered him for a long time yesterday and finally asked

him to hand over the video of his childhood. Was it for his aunt?

Watching the video, Mrs. Rose's heart trembled. This child was exactly the same as what she had

dreamed. Why did it happen? Who the hell was she?

Lucy patted her hand and sighed, "I heard from Essie that you have been living alone with Irene for so

many years. It's not easy for you to take care of your child alone. If I hadn't met Bob, I wouldn't have

known how to live with Essie alone. "

"Just take it as a big joke from God." A bitter smile appeared on Mrs. Rose's face. Over the years, she

often felt lonely, but there seemed to be a person hidden in her heart. Although she didn't know who he

was, he could no longer accommodate others.

Irene came here later. She went shopping and didn't come back until now. She liked the life in Dragon

City so much that she didn't want to go back to Provence to take care of the Chateau.

Essie gave them a suggestion. She asked them to hire an experienced manager to manage the

Chateau. Every year, they only needed to go back to settle the financial affairs and set up the annual

plan, and the rest of the time they could stay in Dragon City.

Irene liked this suggestion very much and raised her hands in agreement.

"Mom, I don't like French men. I want to date a man from Dragon City," she said with a smile. She stole

glances at Zac from time to time. She was so infatuated with him. French was always open. Deeply

influenced by French thoughts, she didn't care to be his lover.

Mrs. Rose shook her head helplessly. Since this child came to Dragon City, she was like a wild horse

without rein. She couldn't control her anymore.

After dinner, Zac played chess with Bob with the children, and Irene took a walk in the yard with Essie.

"Sister in law, cousin is so excellent. There must be a lot of girls admiring him, right?" Irene asked


"There should be more women coveting him than the stars in the sky," Essie said with a smile. He was

handsome, rich and powerful. Which woman would not admired such a perfect man?

"Are you worried that he will find a lover outside without telling you?" Irene said jokingly.

"I'm not worried." Without hesitation, Essie shook her head. Even if he was interested in other women,

he would not be able to deal with them, let alone was not interested in them.

"Sister in law, are you so confident? Let me tell you, a woman's pregnancy is the most likely time for a

man to cheat on her. You must be careful," Irene reminded her on purpose.

With a smile on her face, Essie said indifferently, "Let me tell you. Even if all the men in the world have

an affair, my icy guy won't."


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