Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 598 Have Meals With Me

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"Don't look down upon us. Being a foodie is also a kind of ability, you know?" Eva rested her hands on

her hips and stared at him angrily, "there is a difference between eating and unrestrained greed. The

highest level of our foodie is that as long as it belongs to food, we can eat it. We won't get fat no matter

what we eat, and we won't get sick no matter what we eat. Can you? "

Jim was willing to admit defeat. What he ate was exquisite, nutritious and healthy, and every meal was

only seven percent full.

"Heaven pepper, if eating is a special skill, you finally have a special skill." He said slowly.

Eva snorted and pointed at the desserts on the table, "aren't these my specialties?"

"Well, now you have two specialties," Jim shrugged his shoulders and looked reluctant. Seeing this,

Eva became more furious. This Jim was always arrogant and contemptuous of all living beings, which

was really annoying.

"Jim, why didn't I see anything special about you? Except for your handsome face, you have nothing

special. However, your look is a gift from your parents and it has nothing to do with you. I can't find your

advantages with the help of a micro telescope. "

Jim's cold eyes narrowed slightly, and an evil cold light streaked across his eyes. "One of my

specialties. Didn't you see it when we were shooting the bed scene that day?"

Before he finished his words, Eva's face turned red. Bastard Jim! How dare he take a forcible kiss as

his specialty! Shame on him! Even if he was good at kissing, he was trained in a myriad of flowers. He

could kiss any woman. He was so dirty.

"I forget dirty things so quickly." She said shyly and angrily.

"Do you need me to remind you again?" An evil smile swept across Jim's beautiful thin lips.

Eva was exasperated. She stamped her feet and jumped up from the chair. "Jim, don't push me too


Jim looked calm and his tone was casual, as if he was not irritated by her at all. "Heaven pepper, you

should change your impulsive personality, or you will suffer losses when you marry into the Xu family in

the future."

Eva took a deep breath and tried her best to hold back her anger. "You've gone too far. I invited you to

have some dessert out of kindness, but you talked nonsense. It's really unbearable."

"I'm sitting here still. How can I bully you?" Jim smiled evilly.

"Don't you want to..." Eva stopped. Didn't he want to force a kiss on her?

"what?" He pretended to be silly.

Biting her lips, Eva said, "you know it clearly. Why should I make it clear?" She couldn't say the last few


He raised the corners of his charming mouth and gave a mischievous smile. "I mean fighting. We had

more than ten rounds that day, but you failed to defeat me with only one move."

'what? Eva was shocked and looked embarrassed.

It was so embarrassing that she misunderstood him!

Jim slightly leaned over and kept closer to her. "Heaven pepper, are you thinking about what happened

in bed?"

"I... I didn't. I was thinking about the fight. " She said in a hurry, with a trace of panic in her heart, and

her eyelids almost unconsciously pulled down to cover her guilty eyes.

"That's good. I did that just to enhance the effect of the play." Jim said lightly. He didn't know if he was

explaining to the woman in front him or himself. That day, he really lost control. Seeing her stubborn

and resolute appearance, he had an impulse to kiss her and forcibly conquer her.

"I know." She pouted.

"I can see that you were very obedient that day. You cooperated very well and took the initiative to

cater to me." He said in a casual tone, as if he was just talking about an insignificant drizzle.

Eva's face turned red again.

Actively cater to him?

How is that possible?

She would rather die than cater to such a dissolute scum like him.

"No, I didn't. Don't talk nonsense."

"Are you too good at acting? Have you forgotten?" There was a touch of mockery in Jim's light voice.

She had been with Vinton for three years, but she still kissed so unskillfully and clumsily. Was it

because Vinton didn't teach her well, or because she was born lacking in talent in this respect?

Eva's cheeks were burning hot. She did forget that her brain was lack of oxygen, she lost her mind,

couldn't think, and also lost her memory. She was completely blank, and she didn't even know when

her hand was untied by him.

"Of course I don't remember. I'm a good actress." She explained hesitantly.

"It's not a big deal. You should really forget it." Jim's voice was low, as if he was talking to himself.

Since that day, he always thought of the scene at that time for no reason. The incomparably spicy

heaven pepper was lying under his body. The quiet and shy appearance really made him feel very

comfortable and have the pleasure of conquering.

As he thought, his eyes fell on her lips subconsciously. Her lips were soft and red, like the rose petals

blooming in the early morning, delicate and lovely. He didn't hate it at all.

Eva lowered her eyes and didn't notice his subtle expression. When she raised her eyes, he had

already realized his gaffe. He quickly looked away and began to eat his desert as if nothing had


Perhaps it was because the desserts cooked by Eva were so appetizing that he had unconsciously

broken the habit of only eating seventy percent full. Together with the foodie opposite, he had wiped out

all ten desserts.

"Jim, I find it's fun to eat with you." Eva touched her round belly with satisfaction.

Jim was sure that she was a hungry ghost before she was born. It was rare for women to eat so much.

But he did have a good time. The good thing about a foodie was that she didn't go on a diet and ate as

she liked. With her sitting next to him, he had a good appetite.

"Heaven pepper, I suddenly thought of that how you repay the second favor you owe me."

"Tell me." Eva crossed her arms over her chest to see what tricks he was going to play.

"There are still three months left before the shooting end. From now on, you have to have meals with

me as long as you are working on the film set." Jim said slowly.

"That's all?" Raising her eyebrows slightly, Eva couldn't believe it.

"Yes." Jim nodded.

"Do we eat the same food?" She had to make it clear in case he cheated her. He was eating delicious

food at the table and let her squat down to eat porridge and bran.

"Of course." A trace of impatience appeared on Jim's face.

"Okay, that's a deal." Eva pounded the table as if she had made a decision. She didn't mind eating and

drinking with him, as long as there was no additional terms.

It was not until nine o'clock that the three women were released from the punishment hall.

Zac had already made the braised noodles himself, waiting for his wife to eat midnight snack.

Looking at the envious scene, Ivy licked her lips and said, "brother, you are so unfair. We have three

people. Why do you only cook a bowl of noodles?"

"If you want to eat, just ask the servant to cook for you." Zac glared at her. He only cared about his wife

the most.

Jealousy was hidden in Leila's eyes. He was totally bewitched by Essie. Zac could still be good to

Essie when she was pregnant with a bastard.

Looking at Ivy, Essie smiled and said, "Ivy, let's eat together. What a big bowl."

With a smile, Ivy waved her hand and said, "I'm just kidding. I don't eat anything at night. I'll get fat."

Then she went upstairs.

Sitting at the table, Essie began to eat. Mary peeped at the door of the restaurant and was very

unhappy. She had already known that her son had set up a small kitchen for the little tramp. He even

went to the kitchen to cook noodles for her in the evening.

He was so noble that he had never done anything housework since he was a child. Now he even

learned how to cook noodles for this little tramp. She raised him up with all her efforts, and she had

never seen him cook a bowl of noodles for her.

He forget his mother after having a wife.

After eating the noodles, Essie touched her round belly with satisfaction and smiled at Zac, "honey, it's

so delicious."

With an evil and attractive smile on his face, Zac said, "if you're full, it's my turn to eat." She had been

out of danger for three months and could live a proper married life.

Knowing what he meant, Essie glanced at him coquettishly, stood up and went upstairs.

Mary quickly moved aside, but Leila in the hall saw her clearly. She had long known that Mary didn't

like Essie. It would be good for her to get rid of Essie if they didn't get along well with each other.

"Mommy." She called softly and walked to Mary. "It's so late. Haven't you gone to bed yet?"

"I always go to bed late." Mary smiled faintly.

"Then I'll sit in the hall with you for a while and have a talk." Leila asked the servant to bring two cups of

milk and chatted with Mary on the sofa.

"I just entered the house, but I made such a big mistake. I'm really ashamed. Mommy, don't blame me,

okay?" Leila looked pitiful.

"Remember the family rules. You won't make any mistakes in the future." Said Mary.

Leila nodded and took a sip of milk. She deliberately lowered her voice and said, "I saw that Essie was

unhappy to be punished into contemplation. She kept complaining that you were deliberately teasing


Mary's face darkened slightly. How dare this little bitch scold her behind her back? It was because she

was too kind recently and didn't teach her a lesson that made her to be dizzy with success.

Leila noticed her expression and continued, "she said she was pregnant. You shouldn't punish her.

After all, she is carrying the baby of the family."

Mary sneered. Essie was raped by the kidnappers pregnant with a bastard. How dare she call the

bastard the son of the Rong family. The little tramp was really shameless.

"What else did she say?"

"It's not a big deal. She just said that you are old. You should let her be the hostess. She said that she

used to be a CEO and she must be a hundred times better than you in managing the family. " Leila said

in a low voice, which could only be heard by Mary.


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