Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 245 Stealing A Kiss Of A Beauty (Part Two)

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"Your heart will be mine sooner or later." His fingers swam around her waist and covered her left chest,

just like holding her heart.

Her long and dense eyelashes flickered, and a glimmer of light flashed through her eyes like a meteor.

She suddenly knew what wishes she wanted to make. If she could not escape from his palm, then...

"Well, now I solemnly want to make a wish. Don't interrupt me." As she spoke, she closed her eyes

again in a serious manner.

She prayed in her heart that icy guy could forget Leila. And his heart would only think about her. This

way, who could take control of who might be a question.

Seeing that she put down her hands and opened her eyes, he asked, "Done?"

She nodded slightly.

"What wish?" He raised his eyebrows.

"None of your business." She crossed her arms, looking at him playfully.

A streak of shadow drifted across his handsome face. "As long as anything that has nothing to do with

me can't be achieved. The fairy couple have worked hard to get an once-every-year permission to see

each other. They won't do anything to break up a couple."

Essie made another bite of her tongue, and a piece of mystery flashed through her beautiful big eyes,

"According to what you said, if you should have made a wish that has nothing to do with me. Surely

you won't realize it."

Zac touched his chin and smiled. "How do you know it has nothing to do with you?"

"I guess so." She pouted.

"You are so stupid. Can you guess right?" He flicked her forehead.

"I am not your mind reader." She covered her forehead and sniffed.

"Do you need me to tell you?" He held her by the shoulder with a touch of ridicule.

"No, it won't work if you speak it out." She pushed him away and jumped up from the rock. "I'm sleepy.

I'm going to sleep."

He jumped down with her. He put on an evil smile and said, "Well, it's such a wonderful night. How can

you let it go?"

"Stay away from me, you pervert. I just want to be a quiet and beautiful young woman." After saying

that, she entered the tent. How could that man be so obedient? He followed her into the tent...

They made it out until daybreak and then slept until noon, when they went back home, Essie still felt

very sleepy. But there was not much time left for the designing of the new collection. So she went to the

garden, found a big tree, sat on the grass, leaned against a trunk, and drew sketches while enjoying

the breeze.

The air was rich with the fragrance of flowers, and she felt sleepy as the breeze blew softly.

She yawned and decided to take a break. She put the paper next to her and soon fell asleep.

At a short distance from the path, Walt was walking towards her. When he saw her, he quietly

approached her.

Her thick long eyelashes fell down, and she seemed to have fallen into deep sleep.

He didn't want to wake her up. He sat beside her carefully and looked at her quietly.

Her skin was smooth and glowing. Her face was pale and healthy pink, like the Begonia blossoming.

Her lips were pink, tender and beautiful, like the rose petals exposed in the morning.

He was deeply attracted by her and lost his senses. He couldn't help but bend his head and kiss her.

It seemed that Essie was disturbed. She turned her head away, but she didn't open her eyes and was

still asleep.

Realizing his gaffe, he hurriedly sat up straight.

Not far away, a pair of eyes witnessed this scene.

Mary's face turned pale with fright.

In the past, she had been just suspecting and worried, fearing that her eldest son really had feelings for

Essie. Now, seeing what had happened in front of her could almost confirm her conjecture.

She didn't understand what was in Essie that made her younger son fascinated by her while her elder

son secretly had a crush on her. If the two brothers liked the same woman, wouldn't the Rong family be

in chaos?

No, she couldn't let that happen. She must kick the little tramp out.

When she left quietly, Essie woke up. She was shocked to find that Walt was beside her when she

opened her eyes.

"Brother, why are you here?"

"I was just passing by and saw you here. I wanted to say hello, but I didn't expect you to be taking a

nap." He smiled.

"It was so comfortable in the garden that I fell asleep." Essie scratched her head.

Walt picked up the painting in her hand and said, "There is a new design. Well, it seems that it has

been tailored for me."

With a smile on her face, Essie said, "You're born with a clothes rack. Every cloth suits you well and

you don't need to customize anything for you."

With a charming and confident smile on his thin lips, Walt said, "If I had not a perfect body shape, how

am I dare be your exclusive model?"

Essie was speechless. They were truly twins. Both were so confident and so full of themselves.

"When the new series is out, you and the Eva are going to shoot promotion photos. Please spare some

time then."

"Don't worry. I'll prepare my time for you. Whenever you need, I will be there," Walt said with a smile.

It was getting late, so she stood up. Essie had an appointment with the customer in the afternoon.

When she arrived at the door of the room, Mary walked towards her and said she need to talk to her.

After entering the room, Mary closed the door as if she was afraid of being heard by others.

"Mommy, what can I do for you?" Essie asked calmly. She hadn't done anything wrong since she came

back, so she didn't worry that Mary would stir up trouble.

"I heard that you appointed Walt to be the spokesperson for your small brand?" Mary asked angrily.


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