Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 457 You Are My Achilles' Heel

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A moment of silence swept over the table.

While listening to their conversation, the old lady and the old man felt very sad. Unlike ordinary

children, their great grandson had begun to understand the complicated relationship between adults.

Their failed marriage was undoubtedly an enormous impact to them.

"Grandma told me that Auntie Leila is my new mommy. I have a new mommy, so I can't ask for my old

mommy. But I still like my old Mommy." Rabi's childish low voice broke the silence.

Stroking his head, Zac said, "Baby, daddy didn't tell you that Auntie Leila is not your mother. You only

have one Mommy. No one else can replace her."

"But grandma said I would call my old mommy again, then she would hit me." Rabi pouted, on the

verge of tears.

Mili hugged him. "Brother, don't listen to bad grandma's words. If she dares to hit you in the future, you

can tell your great grandpa and great grandma and let them help you teach bad grandma a lesson."

Casting a glance at him, Abel said, "Hire someone to take care of Rabi from now on. I'm not allowed

Rabi to be with Mary anymore."

The old lady nodded.

After the breakfast, the two elders brought the children to get familiar with the Rong Mansion, and

Essie and Zac followed them slowly.

"Your son has such a bad impression on me." Zac shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"I didn't expect that, either." Essie took a look at him with sympathy. Dot's performance today was really

beyond her expectation, especially when she heard 'Uncle Rong', she felt mixed emotions.

"Does he dislike me because of Hanson?" Zac's beautiful eyebrows slightly furrowed. As a child, he

naturally hoped that his biological parents could be together. After all he was just an outsider.

"Did he say that?" Essie asked.

"This child is a little reserved. Even if he has, he won't show it," Zac said thoughtfully.

"Now that he didn't say it, then he is not. Don't think too much," Essie said. She knew very well that in

her son's heart, he was as important as Hanson. Maybe he was a little more important, after all, he was

his own father.

"I just don't want him to be hostile to me." Zac sighed. He really hoped to have a good relationship with


"He is not hostile to you, but only a little disappointed," Essie explained. Dot often asked her about

what had happened to Zac. After he married Leila, he never mentioned him again. Apparently, he cared

about it.

"Really?" There was a flash of suspicion in the eyes of Zac. He was disappointed because there was

hope. He was not the child's father. What kind of hope would he have towards him?

After a few moments of silence, he asked again, "If we remarry, will Hanson fight for the custody of the


"Is it possible for us to remarry?" Essie asked back, with a hint of mockery in her tone, as if she thought

what Zac said was ridiculous.

A hint of anger was shown on his face. He was annoyed by the disheartened and depressed

expression of her, as if she had no hope for their relationship at all.

"Get to the point." He flicked her forehead to get her focus on him.

She felt extremely wronged and covered her red eyebrow. Did she say anything wrong? There was

only one percent chance of them getting back together, which was less likely than becoming an enemy.

"If you were him, would you fight for custody of the child?"

"Yes, I will. If you want to remarry, my child can't be taken away by others. My child can never be called

another man daddy." He said as he reached out his arm to hold her waist and pulled her into his arms.

"But if you have my baby, you won't have the chance to remarry another man. If anyone dares to marry

you, I will let him disappear from this world."

His tone was full of bloody cruelty. She couldn't help shivering. She knew he would do this. Once he

found the truth, she would definitely lose her child.

"I don't believe you can do whatever you want." She tried to push him away.

"Even if it can't do whatever I want to everyone, but I can do whatever I want to you." He sneered.

He was telling the truth. She was like a powerless lamb in front of him, who had to be slaughtered.

She glared at him and turned away. Cherish your life and stay away from the demon.

Zac chased after him. "You haven't answered my question yet. Will Hanson fight for custody of the

child?" He didn't forget the theme.

"No, he won't. I'll take care of the baby," she said with understatement.

"Can he really abandon the child?" Zac was a little surprised.

"Is it necessary to discuss this? I'm going to marry him. " She curled her lips.

"Don't forget your promise. Wait for me for three months." He reminded her since he knew that stupid

woman liked to forget his words most and he had

to remind her all the time.

"I know. But I believe the result will be the same. It won't be any different." She sneered. She would not

hold a glimmer of hope, because the greater the hope, the more disappointed she would be.

A shadow drifted over Zac's face. "Who knows. Maybe you will beg me to get back together

with you that time."

"Hah-hah." Essie sneered, which meant that the demon king overestimated himself or underestimated

her. "This kind of thing will only happen in two occasions. One is in your dream, and the other is in a

parallel world."

"Don't be too harsh. Everything is possible in the world." Zac snorted, with a flash of color in his eyes.

"Do you think I would do that?" Essie rolled her eyes at him. Asked for the forgiveness and begged to

be together with the demon king? Unless she was insane!

Zac touched his chin. A mischievous gleam was shining in his dark eyes. "I remember that when I lost

my memory, you not only obeyed me in every way, but also actively gave yourself to me to please


"I did that out of gratitude." Essie interrupted his words, her face turned red with embarrassment.

During that time, she did have the courage to be with him, trying to get rid of all the difficulties.

However, her heart was 'trampled' by him, and she would never do such a thing without self-esteem.

"I can try to make you be grateful to me again," he said slowly.

"I have bodyguards around me all the time. You don't have a chance to take the bullet for me again,"

she said in a hurry, she would never let such things happen again, never. Even if he abandoned and

betrayed her, she didn't want him to be hurt, especially for her.

He reached out his hand and put it around her shoulder. With a faint smile at the corners of his mouth,

he said, "If one day, I sell myself for you, will you be a little grateful?"

Hearing that, Essie coughed several times to ease her breath, covering her mouth. "Icy guy, I find that

you're a good scriptwriter. You're good at dramatic plays."

A trace of blush crept into Zac's eyes. "You little fool, you do not believe that this kind of thing will

happen? Or you don't believe that I will do it?"

"I don't believe any of them." Essie repeatedly shook her head and said, "First, no one in the world is

able to threaten you. Second, I'm not at the same level with you in terms of value. If you trade me for

your own life, you won't make a bad deal? You are the king of investment, and you definitely won't do

such things with no return. What's more, I'm just a dispensable woman for you. Your hidden disease

has healed and you don't need me at all. There is no reason for you to do such a thing for me."

On hearing her words, Zac held her shoulder tighter. No matter how powerful people were, they would

have their own Achilles' heel. His muddle headed girl was his Achilles' heel. Once it was suppressed,

he would have no power to fight back.

Unfortunately, this woman has never realized her importance to him.

"I find that you are more than self-aware. You are belittling yourself."

A bitter smile crept on her face again. "I never ask too much from you."

Zac's heart sank. "Did I have such a bad impression on you?"

Essie smiled as a tinge of mockery crept on her lips. "What can I expect from the guy who dump me

and marry other woman when I need him most? What else can I expect from such a guy?"

Zac looked down and smiled bitterly. This was really a big stain and could ruined all his efforts. As long

as it was not removed, he would have no chance of turning over.

"Forget it. I don't care if you believe it or not. You will understand me someday." He believed that she

would surely come back to ask for his forgiveness one day.

After wandering around the Rong Mansion, everyone went to the garden for a rest.

In the pavilion, the maids had already put desserts and fruits on the marble table.

The old lady took a piece of orange and handed it to Dot. "Baby, tell me. Are you dissatisfied with you

dad?" she asked.

"He is a playboy," Dot replied without hesitation.

The old lady smiled. "It turned out to be because of this. Now that Daddy knew he was wrong, he would

correct it. Can you give him a chance?"

"But I didn't find any signs that he has changed his mind." Dot crossed his arms over his chest, looking

very angry.

"Like you, your dad has been very reserved in his relationship since childhood. Even if he finds out, he

won't show it," Abel said.

"Mommy and daddy Hanson are getting married. Even if he have realized his mistakes, they won't be

together anymore." Dot lowered his head and said, "Sometimes I think that maybe mommy and daddy

Hanson will be happier if they get married. There are too many obstacles between Mommy and daddy.

Bad aunt and bad grandma don't want them to be together. They will bully Mommy. I don't want

mommy to get hurt."

Mili nodded aside and said, "They don't like Dot and Mili, especially bad auntie. She would hate Mili

and Dot. Every stepmother would treat her stepchildren as a thorn in her flesh. There were news online

that stepmother mistreated her stepchild. The bad auntie would do the same. She would mistreat us."

"My babies." The old lady held him in her arms and comforted. She thought that the two kids were so

sensible and that they should have a happy family, instead of just like what they were now. They knew

clearly their own identity, but they still couldn't acknowledge it.

"With great grandma and great grandpa there, no one can bully my babies," she said with heartache.

At this moment, a voice came from the trail of the garden, "Who are the guests? Why do they have to

make a scene?"

The old lady was slightly surprised and wondered why the person who left came back so soon?


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