Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 669 The Horrible Play Of King Jim

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In the afternoon, Eva came with popcorn and coke, as if she was going to watch a big movie. Jim

seriously doubted that she could really eat it later.

"Scum Jim, you have a new movie? Why don't I know? "

Jim's charming thin lips drew an evil arc. "I made it up myself, but I didn't act in it."

"What movie? Action movie, science fiction movie or love movie?" Eva's curiosity was piqued.

"Horror movie." Jim slowly spit out the words, his slightly narrowed eyes flashing a mysterious light.

"That's great. I like horror movies the most." Eva leaned against the sofa and sat in the most

comfortable position. Then she grabbed a handful of popcorn and began to eat slowly.

Jim didn't turn on the TV until she swallowed the last popcorn. He didn't want her to be too shocked

and choke.

In the TV, a woman was tied to a chair, her head covered by a black cloth bag, and there were two

holes in it, so that she could see the outside. Beside her stood four tall men in black robes and skeleton


Jim picked up the remote control and pressed the pause button to freeze the screen. "It's up to you to

decide the plot. How to deal with this woman will make the audience excited?"

Eva was stunned. It turned out that this film had not taken shape and hadn't started shooting yet. Did

Jim ask her to discuss the plot?

"Is this woman a good person or a bad person?" she asked.

"A bad person," Jim said casually, resting his forehead on one hand.

"Then don't have to be mercy to her." Eva waved her hand and thought for a while. Her eyes suddenly

lit up and he came up with an idea. "Put two big and black spiders first to let them slowly climb up."

"That's a good idea. I happen to have black spiders there." With a slight smile at the corners of his

mouth, Jim pressed the play button with his index finger. A man walked out of the screen. When he

came back, he was holding a glass bottle, with two huge black spiders in it.

Eva was shocked and almost jumped up from the sofa. "Scum Jim, is this a live broadcast again?" Last

time when she went to get even with Elizabeth, she saw Jim do it once.

Jim smiled weirdly. He put a mini Bluetooth device on the tea table, and their words were clearly

transmitted to the other side.

"Imitate the plot, understand?" he said casually.

"Okay." Eva nodded and didn't ask any more questions. Jim had always been weird and liked to act

differently. There was nothing he couldn't do except what you couldn't imagine. It was also an

investment in the film and television industry to create a real person simulation to help him make up the


In the video, the woman's eyes were almost popping out, full of extreme horror. Her mouth seemed to

be blocked and she couldn't scream. She could only cry in a low voice.

The spider opened its eight black feet and slowly climbed up along her legs and belly. Her body

trembled more and more violently, and her cries also became loud and clear, like ghosts crying and

wolves howling.

Eva praised her 'acting skill' very much, "Oh my God, scum Jim, where did you find this actress? She

performed so well that she gave an incisive and awesome reaction."

A faint smile played at the corners of Jim's mouth. "It's not difficult. As long as you are present,

everyone can act. If I put two spiders on your legs. Maybe you'll behave better than her. "

"I'm not afraid of bugs. Even if you put a roach on my leg, I won't react. But it seems that this actress is

afraid of bugs, or she won't be so scared. " After eating a piece of popcorn, Eva continued, "Did you

give her a large sum of money, or did you give her a hidden rule to make her work so hard?"

"I don't even lay an eye on such a despicable woman." Jim sniffed with disdain.

"What? She is very dedicated." Eva gave him a reproachful look and defended the heroine in the video.

Jim picked up the black tea on the table and took a sip. He rubbed her stupid head and said, "Stop

talking nonsense. Think about the following story quickly."

The man in black kicked the chair hard and the woman fell down with a bang. She clenched her fists so

tightly that the men in black couldn't break them apart. She kicked them hard with her feet.

Eva exclaimed outside the screen and clapped her hands. "It's too professional. The dying struggle is

too good. This is not a new comer. It must be an experienced actress."

Jim cast a glance at her and said nothing. He leaned against the sofa and sipped the black tea.

"The plot is halfway through. Do you have any good idea?"

Eva stood up and paced back and forth in the hall with her chin in one hand. A secret smile spilled over

the corner of her mouth. "Punish her to eat bugs."

Nothing new!

Jim curled his lips. Obviously, he was not satisfied with this idea. He had used it since he was five

years old. But it seemed that heaven pepper was interested in it and didn't want to disappoint her.

When the chair was pulled up, the woman on it lowered her head, as if she was half dead. However,

the high protein food later was enough for her to nourish her blood and energy.

The woman trembled with fear and burst into tears.

The man in black lifted the hood up, revealing her mouth. He tore the tape that sealed her mouth with

his big hand.

The woman looked at it and burst into tears. Her cries were deafening.

"If you dare to vomit, I'll let you eat it again," the man in black threatened.

"Who the hell are you? Spare me. I will give you whatever you want," the woman cried and begged for


Eva was enjoying the popcorn. The scene in front of her did not affect her appetite at all.

Jim found that this heaven pepper not only had a strong psychological endurance, but also had a

strong stomach endurance. People gained weight when they were broad-minded, while she ate a lot

when she was broad-minded. It was just that she did not gain any weight.


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