Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 320 The Identity Was Exposed

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At Hengyuan Co., Ltd, in the special assistant office of the president. Vinton asked what happened as

soon as he came in.

Essie locked the door and drew the curtain. With a strange and cautious look, she said, "I have

something to show you."

"What is it?" Vinton raised his thick eyebrows and was a little curious.

Essie didn't immediately answer, but invited him to sit on the sofa and make a pot of Kung Fu tea. She

poured a cup and handed it to him, "Has your mother been away from Dragon City for a long time?"

Vinton thought about it carefully and nodded, "Indeed, she had asthma and went to Hawaii to

recuperate for a year." After a pause, a fire flashed in his eyes, "Holy was also born at that time."

"Asthma?" Essie sneered, "I should give you a late congratulations. You have two younger brothers in

this year."

Vinton was shocked, "Does my father have an illegitimate child outside?"

"It's not your daddy, it's your mommy." Essie took out a folder and opened it. There was a stack of

materials and photos in it. "The child's name is Loren Xu, and his Chinese name is Ruifeng Xu. This is

his birth certificate in the hospital of Saint Mary in Hawaii. It clearly records the date of birth on

December 21, 2004. His mother, Christian Wang, is your mother, his father, Eric Xu, and your uncle."

"Mommy, she and uncle..." Vinton angrily clenched his fist and hit the tea table. Even if she didn't have

a good relationship with his father and was lonely, she could have other entertainment methods. How

could she hang out with his uncle? It was just a wanton behavior!

Essie took a sip of tea slowly and said, "I used to think that your mother wanted to be the chairman

herself just because her desire for power was over inflated, but now I don't think it's that simple. She

must have conspired with Bles to get rid of your father and sister, and let your mother be the chairman

of the Xu group in your name, and then pass the position to their son, Loren Xu."

"No way!" Xu Wenkang was furious and his eyes were full of hatred. "I knew that John was not that

simple. He didn't care about anything on the surface, but even my mother in private. He was so mean,

shameless and obscene."

"Calm down." Essie patted him on the shoulder and said, "After all, this is a scandal of your Xu family.

Don't spread it unless you have to. Now you have to fight back. They have begun to deal with Cathy. If

something happens to her again, you will have to fight alone."

Vinton clenched his teeth and said, "Wait for me." He ran out and came back soon with a big folder in

his hand. "This is a copy of the list of people I stole from my mother's safe. There are also evidence

that they have taken kickbacks and bribes in the Xu family for so many years. She should want to use

these evidences to control them."

"Great." There was a flash of excitement in Essie's eyes. It was time for the Xu family to change their


She didn't do it on her own. She asked Vinton to do it. For one thing, he was the director of human

resources and the future master of the Xu's group which qualified him the most suitable person. On the

other hand, she wanted to win his trust and make him believe that Cathy had no idea of seizing power

at all.

The first personnel Vinton wanted to change was his assistant, followed by the engineering department

and the financial department. Essie reminded him to make a peaceful transition step by step, otherwise

it would cause the employees' uneasiness.

However, no matter how peaceful it was, these period of time were destined to be the most restless

days for the Xu family.

First, someone jumped off the building to protest, and then Elizabeth came to get even with Vinton. She

tried both hard and soft to make him stop the personnel change. But since he learned about the affairs

between her and Bles, Vinton was determined to fight against her to the end. The Xu's Group was his.

How could he let a little bastard inherit it.

The threat that Essie received was upgraded from verbal threat to article threat. The skinned cat, the

decapitated dove and the mouse bone. However, to her surprise, it seemed that the other party just

wanted to frighten her and scare her away from the Xu family. They had never taken any substantial

harm. Was it because they were afraid of the relationship between her and Zac?

These days, Pana stayed in the villa and didn't go out. She was the first target of the enemy. As long as

she, the imposter Cathy was in charge, the enemy would not want to be in charge.

In the lakeside villa, Zac poured a glass of champagne for Essie. "Although you won a small victory this

time, don't be too proud. The list that Vinton got may be only a part, and there are still bigger corners

that haven't been dug out."

"If you dig at it little by little, you can always dig it out. Nothing can be hidden under the ground for too

long." Essie shrugged.

Zac suddenly reached out his hand and put his arm around her slender waist. "There is one thing you

have to make clear. You need me. Only I can help you defeat those people."

Essie's face changed a little. She was always clear about this and didn't need him to remind her. She

broke off his hand and took two steps back. "You will help me, won't you?"

Zac raised his thick eyebrows slightly, "Why should I help you?"

Essie took a sip of champagne and slowly opened her red lips. "If I'm going to be killed, so I can't give

birth to a baby for you." This should be a chip, right?

Zac snorted. This woman was good at finding a reason. "I can consider this, but..."

"But what?" She trembled slightly. Seeing the cunning look on his face, she must be brewing some kind

of plot again.

"Only when the seeds are planted in the ground can you rest assured. Otherwise, if you go back on

your words and run away again, what should I do?" His deep ice eyes flickered in the light, and the cold

light emitted made her spine cool. "I don't want to be chased all my life," she said in a trembling voice.

"It's good that you know." There was a deep smile on the corner of his mouth. If he dared to run away

again, he would send her to the desert island and imprison her for a lifetime.

They didn't know if she was pushed too hard. Elizabeth suddenly asked to hold a board meeting and

said that there was something extremely important to announce. Essie didn't know what tricks she was

playing, but the thought that Zac was still on her side gave her inexplicable courage. Damn it, when did

he have such a great influence on her.

For the first time, Vicki came to the board of directors and sat in the position of chairman. It seemed

that Elizabeth had deliberately arranged it.

Essie was keenly aware of the weird factors in the meeting room. She winked at Pana and told her to

be careful.

Pana sat next to Vicki, and Essie sat behind her as a recorder.

"Elizabeth, what's the matter with you holding this board meeting today? Tell me now," Vicki said.

Elizabeth turned on the projector, and a file appeared in it. The photo on the file was Pana's.

Pana was shocked and turned to look at Essie. Essie patted her on the shoulder, suggesting that she

should be calm.

Elizabeth looked at min and sneered, "You didn't expect me to investigate you, did you? You're not at

all Cathy. Your real name is Pana, a former elite soldier of the special forces. After being discharged

from the army due to injury, you went back to your hometown to open a restaurant and do a small

business. Am I right? "

Pana didn't answer. Now that she knew it, she had nothing to say.

Elizabeth took out another certificate and said, "This is the death certificate of Cathy, which I got from A

City hospital. She died ten years ago."

The directors sighed.

"Cathy, that child is dead?" Vicki trembled and a touch of sadness flashed through her eyes. The

continuous accidents of her son and granddaughter were a great blow to her. She never expected that

the news of the death of another granddaughter would come at this moment.

Flames of fury flashed across Essie's face. She coursed in her heart, 'Elizabeth, you bitch. You are the

one to be dead. All your family members are dead!'

"I am sorry for your loss." Elizabeth held her hand and said, "The most important thing now is to select

a new chairman. We can't let Xu's group fall into the hands of a liar."

Bles took a puff of his cigar and said, "Since this is a fake one and the real one has passed away, the

agent appointed by President Xu in the letter of authorization no longer exists. I think it's better to let

Mrs. Xu..."

Before he finished his words, Essie stood up and clapped her hands, "Wonderful! That is so wonderful.

Mrs. Xu, last time you forged a letter of authorization of president Xu, and this time you forged a death

certificate of Cathy. Did you open a forgery company in private?"

Elizabeth's face turned blue: "Essie, you conspired with Pana to swindle and make profit in our Xu

family. I will inform the police to arrest you."

Essie smiled calmly, "Yes, Pana is not Cathy indeed. She was a comrade of Alice in the special forces

when she was in the army. When she learned that something happened to her, she rushed over from

her hometown to help me." She paused, walked to Elizabeth and put her shoulder on her shoulder: "It's

not right to curse people to die casually. Even if you die, I will definitely live well, green skinned fox


The last three words accentuated her tone. Elizabeth had a deep impression on this word. When she

first entered the Xu family's gate, Cathy scolded her like this. Since then, she has been calling her like

this, which almost drove her crazy.

"You... Who are you?" She convulsed violently and turned her head to look at her with trembling eyes.

Essie sneered, "I still remember that when you first entered the Xu family's manor, you were dressed in

green, just like a fox in green. So I gave you a very suitable name, 'Green skinned fox demon'."

"You... You... " Elizabeth's face turned pale in an instant, and she was too frightened to say a word.

"You are the Cathy!" Vicki said the following words for her, and now she understood everything. No

wonder she knew so much about the Xu family, no wonder she was so close to Alice, no wonder she

would come to participate in the affairs of Hengyuan Co., Ltd. It turned out that she was the Cathy who

left with Luce in the past!

Bles took a puff of his cigar unhurriedly. "Mom, don't come to a conclusion so soon. If she is Cathy, she

must take out something that can prove her identity."


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